So compared to others, Luo Chen is cheating now. After all, he knows exactly what cards others have.

The gameplay of drawing turtles is to pair up and then find a way to send the only single card to other people's hands.

Now, Luo Chen knows what these cards are about, so he can naturally avoid them.

An hour later, everyone else had some notes on their faces, but Luo Chen didn't have any notes on his face.

Luo Chen even discovered that after more and more notes appeared on the faces of the three people, these three people began to wink, making it clear that they wanted to trick Luo Chen, but all these small actions were noticed by Luo Chen eyes

"No more playing, no more playing, Mr. Chen, you are so lucky!"

In the end, Alice Nakiri broke through the defense, and the other two lost their temper. Even the three of them couldn't trick Luo Chen together. It was simply outrageous.

"You guys are still too young, and you actually want to join forces to trick me!"

Luo Chen put down the cards in his hand and said with a smile. As soon as he said this, the three of them suddenly blushed.

"you…………How did you know?"

Nakiri Alice asked with a confused look on her face.

"Of course I see with my eyes, but you guys are winking at me and thinking I am blind!"

Luo Chen rolled his eyes. Although the winks between the three of them are relatively secretive, they will always be discovered after a long time. What's more, Luo Chen has super vision, and any movement of the three of them cannot be hidden from him.

"Even if you found us winking, how could you not lose at all?"

Nakiri Alice still doesn't understand. Even though she knows their little tricks, Luo Chen can still guarantee not to lose when three people are targeting one. This is what makes her confused the most.

"You still have to look at it with your eyes. Although these playing cards all look the same, as long as you have strong enough eyesight, you can actually detect some differences."

"For example, although there is nothing wrong with these two big and small kings from the back, the small king is 0.15 grams heavier than the big king."

"For example, the Ace of Hearts and the Ace of Spades look the same from the back, but if you look closely, you will find that the upper left corner of the Ace of Spades is actually slightly shorter."

Luo Chen briefly explained how he read poker, and the three of them widened their eyes.

"this…………how did you do that? We can't tell it at all. Even if we compare them together, there is no difference!"

Nakiri Alice couldn't understand. No matter how she felt, the weight of the poker was the same, but why was it completely different in Luo Chen's eyes?

"Let’s put it this way, my vision is also different from ordinary people’s. I can accurately detect things that others cannot detect at the moment I see them, and I can even judge certain information."

"For example, Alice, your height is 165 and your weight is…………"

Before Luo Chen could finish his words, Alice Nakiri directly covered his mouth.

"Chenjun, don’t you know that casually talking about a girl’s weight is very impolite?"

Nakiri Alice stared at Luo Chen with a look of resentment.

"Even if you don’t let me say it, I still know everything!"

Luo Chen complained. As soon as he said this, Alice Nakiri was very helpless. The same was true for the other two people. Who would have thought that Luo Chen's eyesight was so incredible.

"With such eyesight, wouldn’t it be possible to directly and accurately select the best ingredients when selecting them?!"

Nito Feishako suddenly thought of something.

"Yes, others have to look carefully when selecting ingredients, but I can directly spot the best of them all with just a quick glance."

Luo Chen also admitted it very simply, and the three of them fell silent again after hearing this.

"This kind of vision can be described as the eye of God, so do you have dual powers?!"

Nakiri Erina no longer knows what to say.

"Maybe it's because of the awakening of the lightning power. It gave me such a pair of eyes, which can judge the cooking situation more accurately. The two complement each other."

"In addition, rather than calling it the Eye of God, I prefer to call it super vision."

Luo Chen said the name of super vision.

"Super vision? That’s a very appropriate statement!"

The three of them also nodded. This title fits Luo Chen's vision very well.

After learning about Luo Chen's super vision, Luo Chen was kicked out of the game. Yes, he was out. After all, no one wanted to be with a person. A cheating player plays the game, unless the player is his teammate or cheated himself.

Luo Chen was also speechless about this, but who calls him a cheating player? He felt it was normal to be treated like this

"Chenjun, please help me figure out which card to draw!"

However, after a while, Alice Nakiri came to ask for help. Sure enough, when they hated others for cheating, the players also wished they could cheat themselves.

"No cheating! *2"

However, Nakiri Erina and Nito Feisako will not let Nakiri Alice seek help from cheating players.

Seeing this scene, Luo Chen couldn't help laughing. In fact, now Nakiri Erina and Nito There are also small movements in the Tohiko Sand House.

However, because they have been together for a long time and have a good tacit understanding, their movements are obviously much smaller than before. Normal people can't notice it unless they keep watching carefully.

So now it is the master and servant. They teamed up to bully others. Alice Nakiri didn't notice this at all, so she was soon slapped with a note on her face.

"You two actually cheated, Erina, I will fight you!"

After her face was covered with notes, Nakiri Alice finally discovered something was wrong. After careful observation, she finally discovered the small movements between the two.

Seeing this, Nakiri Alice almost burst into anger on the spot. She had encountered a cheating player just now, and now she had encountered someone who was cheating. How could she bear it?

So Nakiri Alice pounced directly towards Nakiri Erina.

"what are you doing?"

Nakiri Erina was directly jumped on by Nakiri Alice, and the two instantly twisted into a ball.


At this time, Luo Chen couldn't help coughing. The appearance and figure of these two people are excellent. The scene now is indeed very good.

However, the relationship between Luo Chen and Erina Nakiri is not as good as that of Eri Nakiri. The silk was so silky, so he also coughed and warned.

After that, the two of them calmed down.

When arranging clothes, Nakiri Erina's face was also flushed, and her eyes looked towards Luo Chen from time to time.

"The business of the hotel should be almost over now. Do you want to see this classmate who is behind the wheel?"

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little awkward, Luo Chen spoke first.

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