"Is it already this time? Then go get acquainted!"

Luo Chen suggested this, and the three of them nodded immediately, and then the group left the room and went downstairs.

At this time, Zhuang Huiyuan's affairs were basically completed.


After going downstairs, I happened to meet someone from the restaurant doing the finishing work. Tadokoroe finally saw Nakiri Erina and recognized her immediately. Although

Luo Chen was also very conspicuous, Tadokoroe was more concerned about Nakiri Erina.

After all, Nakiri Erina is the most dazzling in basically every event. It can be said that this is the difference between the first place and the last place.

"You are Tadokoro-san, hello."

Nakiri Erina stretched out her hand, which made Tazoe very panicked and a little overwhelmed, but in the end her hands were directly held by Nakiri Erina's hand. It can be seen that she is indeed quite panicked now.

"Auntie, it’s okay for us to borrow your daughter for a chat!"

At this time, Alice Nakiri looked at the landlady

"Of course there is no problem. You are all classmates and it is a good thing to communicate more."

Tanazoe's mother naturally hopes that her daughter can have a good relationship with Nakiri Erina and others, so that life will be easier in the future. In this way, the confused Tazoe was taken away by everyone

"that…………Nakiri-san, do you have anything to do with me?"

Returning to the holiday, Tian Suohui was also trembling a little at this time. Being stared at by these people, she always felt very panicked.

"Let me introduce you, Hiisako, you should also know each other. As for these two, my cousin Alice Nakiri has been abroad before, but she will go to Totsuki to attend school this year."

"The other person, Luo Chen, probably doesn’t need me to introduce him too much. After all, WGO’s official website has already introduced him very clearly. Now it’s probably very difficult to find a chef who doesn’t know him."

Nakiri Erina introduced the two of them.

After hearing this, Tadokoro also nodded like a chicken pecking at rice. Indeed, she also knew Luo Chen. She was also very curious at the time. After all, she had never seen him in school. Pass Luo Chen.

Logically speaking, an existence like Luo Chen should be very conspicuous.

"Speaking of which, the way you look now is completely different from when you were performing hanging cuts!"

Nakiri Alice couldn't help but complain. Now Tadokoro looks completely miserable, and she is completely different from when she was performing hanging cuts before. When she was performing hanging cuts, Tadokoro was very precise. There is no confusion in his eyes, and he can be seen as a very strong person, but now he just has the words"I'm easy to bully, come bully me" written directly on his face.

"Let me tell you! Tadokoro-san, I have a question for you. Your cooking skills are obviously among the best in Totsuki, so why are you at the bottom of the pile?"

Nakiri Erina asked this question

"Crane tail? this…………maybe because…………"

After hearing this question, Tadokoro was a little surprised, because Nakiri Erina's evaluation of her was a little too high, but she still stumbled and told her situation.

"Are you easily nervous, so you mess up every assessment?"

After listening to Tian Suohui's description, the three of them fell silent again. What kind of magical reason is this?

"without…………That’s right, because there are so many people, it’s easy to get nervous, so your mind will go blank and you won’t even know what you need to do next, so you keep screwing up!"

Tasoko said, her head lowered. If there was a gap under her feet, she would probably get in without hesitation.

"This is the reason, who would have thought!"

Hisako Nito also has nothing to say. No wonder Taguo Kei seems to be a little bit embarrassed in front of them now. If the same is true in the school, then it seems that there is no problem in giving her the title of"The Crane End".

"Maybe that’s not the reason!"

At this time, Luo Chen spoke, and suddenly everyone's eyes were on him.

"Don't look at me like that, I mean, he's probably nervous not because of the crowd, but because of the environment"

"If you think about it carefully, we were also present when we were performing the Anchor Cutting just now, but we were at the back, and Tadokoro-san didn't notice us."

"And there are probably a lot of strangers around. Under such circumstances, you can complete the performance of hanging and cutting the angler very accurately. How could you become nervous because of the crowd?"

Luo Chen told his reasons.

"Yes, that was not the case just now!"

The three of them were also stunned. As for Tian Suohui, she was confused, because she had always been nervous when there were many people, so she would make mistakes in cooking.

But now Luo Chen's statement has indeed denied this, and It does make sense, so what exactly is her problem? At this time, Tadokoro was confused.

"Chenjun, please tell me the reason quickly!"

Nakiri Alice couldn't help but urge.

"In fact, it is very simple, because of the environment of Yuanyue, where is Yuanyue? It is a noble college. If you look at the place where the field is located, it is not an exaggeration to say that this is the countryside."

"It is normal to suddenly switch from such an environment to Totsuki's environment and be unable to adapt to it for a while. However, Tadokoro-san misunderstood the reason why he was easily nervous, which kept him in this state."

Luo Chen said the reason. In the original work, it was very clear when the transfer students took the exam. Everyone who took the transfer exam was a young master. Xing Ping Soma was kicked because his family ran a small shop. He opened it, and was ridiculed.

And it was not just one person who said this, but a group of people around him had the same attitude.

Comparatively, Totsuki's situation was equivalent to Slytherin at Hogwarts, a group of self-indulgent people. A few Mudbloods were mixed in among purebloods who thought they were very noble, and they naturally became targets.

The environment in Totsuki is like this. Although not everyone is so bad, most people are like this.

"In the final analysis, all problems lie in inferiority. Environmental problems lead to inferiority, and then a series of problems appear, and with the first failure, the situation becomes worse and worse."

"If it had received a high rating from the beginning, this problem would not have arisen."

After Luo Chen finished speaking, everyone couldn't help but nodded. Nakiri Erina and Nito Hisako knew best that the environment in Totsuki was indeed very unfriendly to people like Tanokoroe.

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