"Tadokoro-kun, you can’t go wrong cooking in front of Totsuki’s acquaintances!"

Luo Chen asked again. Rather than asking, he was more certain about this statement.

"In front of acquaintances? If it were in Ji Xing Lao, there would indeed be nothing wrong."

Recalling her cooking after entering Jixing Residence, no matter how she made mistakes outside, in front of her roommates and boarders, she would basically never make any mistakes.

"That should be the same as what Chen Jun said, but how to solve this?"

Nakiri Alice looked at Luo Chen again

"The solution is very simple. First, divert attention. Second, Nakiri-san needs help."

Since Luo Chen knows Tian Suohui's problem, he naturally knows how to solve it. Of course, he can only make suggestions. As for whether he can do it in the end, it depends on Tian Suohui himself.

"I? How can I help?"

Nakiri Erina is also a little curious.

"It's very simple. I heard from Alice that Nakiri-san has quite a lot of influence under Totsuki!"

Luo Chen's words are not nonsense. Alice Nakiri did tell him about such a thing.

"Indeed, many students did join my side, but Feishao was responsible for the management."

Nakiri Erina nodded.

"That would be much simpler. Let Tadokoro-san join you and give her a high position. With her cooking skills, it shouldn’t be a problem."

"With your help, this kind of discrimination problem will no longer exist, and other people will even think about how to curry favor with Tadokoro-san."

Luo Chen said where he needed help from Erina Nakiri.

"I…………I can't do it!"

Before Nakiri Erina could speak, Tazoe panicked. Naturally, she knew the people under Nakiri Erina. Many people in their grade with strong cooking skills were attached to Nakiri Erina. Let her join now. Forget it, I still have to give her a high position. In her opinion, this is just a husky mixed in with the wolves, and the husky will be killed.

"There is actually no problem with Tadokoro-san’s cooking skills, and to be honest, as a member of the Nakiri family, I don’t expect such problems to arise in the academy."

Nakiri Erina's words are not false. As a member of the Nakiri family, she must pay attention to all aspects of the academy's problems, and the top ten are also the management, so she does not want to see such a thing.

Now she feels that she can take advantage of the opportunity. Help Tadokoro Hui and put things in order at the same time.

On the one hand, it can change the atmosphere of Totsuki, and on the other hand, it can also retain a talented person. Why not?

"Can I really do this?"

At this time, Tian Suohui also hesitated.

"We have just tasted the food you made. There is no doubt that your cooking skills are very strong."

Nito Feisako nodded, and Alice Nakiri on the side also echoed.

"I get it, then I’ll join!"

Tasoko is also a very strong girl. She knows very well that if she doesn't solve this problem, she will probably be kicked out of school soon after school starts. She has no way out.

So she must make changes, and now someone is willing to help She has already mentioned this, so it is naturally impossible for her to disagree.

"Welcome aboard, Tadokoro-kun."

Nakiri Erina stretched out her hand again, and this time, there was a smile on her face.

Although Tadokoro was a little panicked this time, at least it was not the same as before.

"Don't be too happy too early. Now we have only solved one of the problems, and there is another one."

Luo Chen reminded me.

"Is it the diversion you mentioned before?"

Nakiri Alice remembered what Luo Chen said before.

"That's right, Tadokoro-san will be nervous because she diverts her attention because her attention is on other people. If she doesn't care about other people, then naturally she won't be so nervous."

"Therefore, we need something that can distract Tadokoro-san and force him to focus on cooking."

Luo Chen nodded and said how to divert attention.

"I actually tried this before, I kept writing herrings on my hands and swallowing them!"

Tasoko said with some embarrassment. She had tried this method, but the effect was minimal.

"Although this is somewhat useful, it is not of much use. Who is the person you care about most?"

Luo Chen shook his head and asked a question.

"The person you care about most………my mother!"

After being stunned for a moment, Tazoe said the answer: her mother.

"So the next step is to confess to your mother, confess everything that happened to you in school. With your character, you should have kept it hidden from your family!"

Luo Chen, who has read the comics, knows quite well what kind of person Tasoko is. She considers others and does not want to cause trouble to others.

From the beginning, Tasoko was a member of the Tama Era Project. After her cooking skills reached a certain level, she After completing her degree, it was her mother who told her to go to Yuanyue.

In order to live up to this expectation and go further for her dream, she went to Yuanyue

"Do…………It can't be done, how can such a thing be done!"

When she thought about the consequences if she confessed everything to her mother, she didn't dare to think about it, so she immediately vetoed it.

"So you are too young and you dare not tell your family because you are afraid that they will worry, and more importantly, you are afraid that they will be disappointed, right?"

"But think about it carefully, what would happen if you were kicked out of school by Yueyue? Instead of waiting until then, why not make it clear now that parents care more about you than blame you?"

"And what if I get blamed? Compared to the ridicule from classmates at school, is it so difficult to get scolded?"

Tazoe now needs someone to help her divert her attention, and it must be the one she cares about the most.

In the original work, Souma Yukihira used pain to divert Tazoe's attention, but Tazoe's performance was formed step by step, not at the beginning. There is no problem at all if you just slap the other person's hands.

In the original novel, Tadokoroe fell in love with Soma Yukihira. It is precisely because of this that he has spiritual sustenance, so this method is useful.

Now, replace Soma Yukihira with Tadokoro's mother is the best choice.

This directly omits this process. Tadokoro's mother is the most concerned about her, so this is the most suitable candidate.

In fact, the current Tadokoro is just like those who were defrauded of their tuition fees during college. , like people who have taken out loans, they are afraid that their family will know and worry about them and blame them, so they keep hiding it, and the result is that the situation gets worse and worse.

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