"Is this really a sunfish? The texture and taste are not right, it’s so delicious that it doesn’t taste like sunfish!"

The first thing everyone tasted was naturally the sauce-roasted sunfish and fish skin jelly made by Luo Chen.

Although everyone felt that the food made from sunfish was not very delicious, but they knew the luminous food made by Luo Chen and now thought It has also changed.

The luminous dishes made by Luo Chen can identify the deliciousness of the food according to the degree of luminescence.

The light beam is the best tasting so far, the previous Tai Chi fried rice is, and the one that can form a light ball is only weaker, so They also tasted these two dishes for the first time.

"The taste is completely different from the sunfish I have eaten before. It is indeed a dish made by Chenjun, and the sunfish can be made so delicious!"

Nakiri Alice couldn't help but praise.

"Luo Chen, how did you do it? Is it also because of superpowers that the taste and texture of sunfish can change so much?"

Nakiri Erina still couldn't help but ask. The taste of the ingredients her God's Tongue has eaten will always be remembered. The same is naturally true for sunfish. Now Luo Chen makes this one, even if it is to remove the excess The taste simply retained the taste and texture of the sunfish itself, but it was completely different from what she had tasted in the past.

If God's Tongue hadn't confirmed that it was the same ingredient, she would have wondered if Luo Chen had changed the ingredients.

"It can be regarded as because of ability, but it can be replaced by you. I matured this fish. Facts have proved that the taste of this fish has indeed improved a lot after aging."

Luo Chen told how he cooks

"ripe? Is it the maturity I understand? But how is this possible? How long has it been since this fish was caught?"

Tasoko couldn't help but ask. Others' faces were also full of doubts. Everyone knew very well about maturation.

In fact, maturation is widely used. Cheese, ham, vinegar and other things are basically considered mature.

Fish Fish can also be matured, and the time is relatively short compared to others, and the matured fish is not like beef, which will lose a lot of inedible parts.

But no matter what, it takes time to mature. It is impossible for the fish caught today to be matured in such a short time.

"Normally it is indeed impossible, but my ability can speed up this process, so that the maturation that would have taken several days to complete can be completed in a very short time."

"That's why I said you can do it too, but you can't do it in a very short time like me. You can only let time slowly change the ingredients."

Luo Chen gave a simple explanation, and everyone was speechless after listening.

"Chenjun, your ability is really useful, you can even do things like maturity quickly!"

Nakiri Alice is no longer able to complain. Luo Chen's lightning ability is too comprehensive in her opinion.

Pain relief, cooking with the special mace kitchen utensils, special fishing methods, and now even ripening Quickly, this power is so versatile.

Hearing Alice Nakiri's complaints, the others nodded quickly. In their eyes, Luo Chen's power was indeed quite unbelievable.

They still don't know what Luo Chen can do. Continue to develop this ability, otherwise I will probably be even more shocked.

"The fish skin jelly also tastes very good, and the texture is much better than fish meat!"

Then it's fish skin jelly. The skin of sunfish is very special. It's best to make it into jelly. Don't eat it hot, because when it's hot, it's like eating snot, which is very disgusting.

Luo Chen prepared two portions The food was quickly shared by everyone. Luo Chen also tasted other people's food, and I have to say that they tasted very good. In the next few days, under the leadership of the guide Tian Suohui, everyone gathered nearby food. We visited all the areas.

The happiest person among them was Erina Nakiri, because she had never had such an experience.

In the past, when traveling, she went to high-end hotels and visited so-called high-end places. , it is simply impossible to experience this kind of life full of local flavor.

Especially when going into the mountains to collect various ingredients, Erina Nakiri is a complete novice, and it is even difficult to recognize many ingredients when she sees them.

Because Erina Nakiri comes into contact with these ingredients in the ingredient warehouse, some of them are completely different from when they grow in the mountains. Nakiri Erina’s power is God’s Tongue, and she cannot taste it directly, so It was difficult for her to identify certain ingredients.

In comparison, Luo Chen's super vision was much better. He could see the ingredients hidden in the weeds or underground at a glance, and he could dig them out accurately.

As long as he had seen them If you have understood it, you can recognize it at a glance.

For Luo Chen, he is better than anyone else at going into the mountains to find ingredients.

Originally, this aspect should be Tian Suohui’s strength, but because of Luo Chen, in the end Tian Suohui Hui could only act as a guide obediently.

However, everyone was already used to Luo Chen's unnatural behavior, so this time it didn't seem like a big deal.

After playing for a few days, it was time for everyone to part ways.

"Xiaohui, see you again when school starts!"

When she left, Alice Nakiri was still a little reluctant to let go of Tazoe. She had no choice but to do so. Tazoe's character was like the girl next door. She was gentle and very considerate. She would help everyone think about everything.

So everyone treated her well. The impression was very good, and even Nito Hisako expressed that he wanted to ask Tadokoro to help him.

"Well, see you all when school starts again."

Tian Suohui also nodded quickly. She was very grateful to Luo Chen and others for their help. If it weren't for their help, Tian Suohui felt that she would have dropped out of school. After saying goodbye,

Luo Chen and others went back.

Next, Nakiri Erina and the others will have no time. After all, Nakiri Erina is one of the Ten Elites. The

Ten Elites are the management in Totsuki, and they handle many aspects of things, arranging various Activities, sponsorships, and a series of other things.

Secondly, Nakiri Erina has accumulated a lot of things in the past few days when she went out to play, and she will probably be busy next time.

In comparison, Nakiri Alice and Luo Chen It's very easy. They just need to wait for school to start.

It just so happens that Luo Chen also needs time to study his own secret skills.

Researching secret skills is an idea that Luo Chen had before, but the difficulty of research is not low. It can be called It is a secret skill, which means it has exceeded the limits of normal people.

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