Time flies by and Yueyue finally starts school.

"Chenjun, why don’t you go out and take a look?"

At the opening ceremony, Luo Chen and Alice Nakiri stayed in a temporary tent set up aside.

"What catches your eyes? They are nothing more than a group of students, and they will definitely be looked at like monkeys after they go out!"

Luo Chen is too lazy to go out. His popularity is too high now, and with this armor, he can't even pretend to be

"After all, classmate Luo Chen is now more famous than me."

Nakiri Erina on the side couldn't help but laugh. With Luo Chen's appearance and popularity, she would be stared at wherever she went. This can be regarded as being in the same boat as her. Wherever the two of them went, they were at the level of conspicuous bags.

"Isn’t this Nakiri-san? I didn’t expect to meet here!"

While everyone was chatting, a person suddenly walked in and said hello to Nakiri Erina.

"Who are you…………I remembered that classmate Yukihira Soma who passed the transfer exam before, right?"

Nakiri Erina was stunned for a moment and then quickly recognized who the person in front of her was. This time, because Nakiri Erina was changed a little early by Luo Chen, Kazuyuki Soma did not cause any farce.

"That's right, it's me. Why do you want me to come here?"

Xingping Soma was a little confused. He is a student and should stand outside like everyone else.

"It should be the representative of the transfer students. After all, you are the only transfer student this year, so you will go to the stage to give a speech. Now it is best to think about what you are going to say later."

Nakiri Erina said. Although her personality has changed, the other candidates ran away the moment they saw her, so in the end only Souma Yukihira passed.

As for Luo Chen and Nakiri Eri Izumi and Kurokiba Ryo are technically considered transfer students, but because they were appointed by default and did not participate in the assessment at all, Soma Yukihira is the only transfer student who passed the assessment.

"ah? Want me to go up and give a speech?"

Xingping Souma was a little confused. It's not that he was afraid of such an occasion, but he was a little confused because he had no preparation. The biggest advantage of this guy is that he is thick-skinned, and it is impossible to suffer from stage fright.

"That's right, after all, there are very few transfer students who can pass the assessment and enter the college midway, so you will also go on stage to give a speech at the end."

Nakiri Erina nodded, and then went to do her own thing. As for Yukihira Soma, after scanning the situation in the camp, his eyes fell on Luo Chen.

"Dude, are you cosplaying?"

Xing Ping Soma asked curiously. He didn't know who Luo Chen was, but if he was playing cosplay here, could there be some kind of program at the opening ceremony?

"You don’t even know Mr. Chen!"

Hearing this, before Luo Chen could say anything, Nakiri Alice looked at Yukihira Soma with a shocked expression. Not only her, but everyone else in the camp also had very shocked expressions.

"I…………Should I know him? Speaking of which, this armor looks quite familiar. I have seen many people wearing it on the street before, but this set seems to be of better quality."

Xing Ping Soma was also a little confused by everyone's reaction.

"how to say? As a chef, it's really strange that you don't know Chen Jun. After all, in the entire cooking industry, trying to find someone who doesn't know Chen Jun is almost the same as finding a needle in a haystack."

Nakiri Alice said, Luo Chen's popularity in the cooking world is terrifying. After all, WGO directly brought it to the homepage of the official website. Now the only person in Totsuki who doesn't know Luo Chen is probably Yukihira Soma in front of him.

"ah? Why?"

Xing Ping Soma is a little confused.

"Have you not visited the WGO official website recently?"

Nakiri Alice asked with some confusion.

"WGO? What is that?"

However, Yukihira Souma's question directly stunned everyone present except Luo Chen. Even Nito Hishako almost stumbled and fell to the ground.

"Where did you come from as an alien? Even WGO doesn't know about it. Erina, are you sure he came in after passing your assessment?"

Nakiri Alice was completely shocked. It is hard to imagine that a chef does not know WGO, and this chef also passed the assessment of Nakiri Erina, which means that Yukihira Souma's cooking skills are not weak, but he does not know WGO.

Luo Chen also complained in his heart at this time. It has to be said that Seiichiro really made Yukihira Souma deaf to everything in order to cultivate him, and Yukihira Soma's brain circuit is indeed a bit weird. Even if he himself His father often sent back some photos of visiting high-end places, and he never thought that his father might be a big shot.

This kind of brain circuit, combined with Seiichiro's training, led to Yukihira Soma being in a state of not having access to the Internet.

After all, It’s outrageous enough to be in a place like Sakura and not know Totsuki or Shokuki.

"There is indeed no problem with cooking skills, but as for other aspects, they are not tested during the assessment!"

Nakiri Erina couldn't help but roll her eyes. She felt that she was already a novice in common sense, but now Soma Yukihira is the perfect interpretation of what it means to be a novice in the cooking world.

In addition to his excellent cooking skills Other than that, I don’t know anything about other things.

"that…………Can someone explain to me what's going on?"

Xing Ping Soma couldn't understand why, within a few words, this group of people would look at him with expressions like they were looking at aliens.

"Let me explain briefly…………"

Nito Hisako couldn't bear it any longer, so he briefly explained the situation of WGO and Luo Chen to Soma Kohei.

"I see!"

After listening, Yukihira Soma also tapped his palm to show that he understood.

Then, there was nothing more, and the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became awkward.

"Don't you think you're weird?"

Nito Hisako couldn't help but ask. Now that the explanation is clear, Souma Yukihira should have some reaction, but what's going on with this plain expression now?

"strangeness? What's strange? Don’t you know these things are weird? Don’t I already know that now?"

Several questions in a row made Nito Hisako start to vomit. In the end, Nito Hisako could only hold back what she wanted to say.

She finally understood that the person in front of her had a brain and Normal people are somewhat different. Anyway, she really can't understand such brain circuits.

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