"Wait, according to what you said, this is also our classmate. Why is he dressed like this?"

Although he knew that Luo Chen was very famous and was his classmate, Yukihira Soma still didn't understand why Luo Chen wore armor.

Other students wore school uniforms. As for him, because he was a transfer student, he didn't understand why Luo Chen wore armor. There are no requirements

"There is naturally a reason for wearing armor, but it will probably be difficult to explain to you. After all, your common sense in this area is very scarce, so you will know it after you understand the common sense."

Luo Chen has no idea of ​​explaining to Xing Ping Soma. If it were someone else, it would only take one sentence, but with Xing Ping Soma, there would probably be a hundred thousand reasons.

After all, Xing Ping Soma has almost no talent in the cooking world. I don’t know anything about common sense concepts, superpowers and the like.

So it’s too troublesome to explain, so Luo Chen simply won’t explain it, otherwise there will be suspicions about the number of words.

However, this kind of behavior of the Riddler also makes Yukihira Soma very uncomfortable. , but there was nothing he could do if others didn’t tell him. He tried to ask other people, but they all gave the same answer.

This made him very crazy, and he decided to learn some common sense in the cooking world.

After everyone sat for a while, Nakiri Senzaemon also came in


Everyone also said hello, and then the opening ceremony began, first with the awards. This was a special event for Nakiri Erina. After all, before Luo Chen came, she was undoubtedly the dominant presence among her classmates. The classmates should be tougher. are still hovering at three stars, but Erina Nakiri has reached four stars and is close to five stars. The gap is really too big.

After that, Nakiri Senzaemon gave a speech, and the general content was almost the same as in the original work. , but soon Luo Chen heard something different.

"You students in this class are both lucky and unlucky. Fortunately, you are in the same school, the same grade, and maybe even the same class as Luo Chen, the youngest six-star chef who broke the record."

"Unfortunately, you met Luo Chen. With him around, you are destined to be crushed.…………"

Obviously, Luo Chen was singled out by Nakiri Senzaemon and said this. Although what he said was true, it sounded a bit out of place.

"Grandpa is right. Being a classmate with you is indeed both lucky and unfortunate."

Nakiri Alice had always wanted to catch up with Luo Chen or even surpass Luo Chen.

But even if Luo Chen didn't cheat, she couldn't catch up, let alone Luo Chen who cheated?

So she had already Having given up such unrealistic ideas, it is estimated that many students now do the same. Most of these students will definitely not think about chasing Luo Chen, but there are always exceptions.

These people know that Luo Chen’s cooking skills are very strong, but because they do not have Having experienced it personally, I still have the idea of ​​catching up, but according to Nakiri Alice's estimation, it won't be long before many people give up on such unrealistic ideas.

Nakiri Senzaemon now says this, He also planned to use Luo Chen to stimulate these students.

Because his previous speech made all the first-year students feel as if they had been injected with chicken blood. Under such circumstances, if he talks about Luo Chen again, Some of them can also muster up the courage to try to catch up with Luo Chen.

As for how many people will still retain such an idea in the end, he doesn't know. He is only responsible for cheering these students now, at least don't give up like this Morning.

After Nakiri Senzaemon finished speaking, it was naturally the turn of Soma Kohei to appear.

This time, Soma Kohei still mocked everyone, because the current Soma Kohei can be said to be very arrogant. He is training in the accommodation. Before, Soma Kohei had always retained his arrogance.

It wasn’t until he was taught a lesson during the breakfast test during the accommodation training.

However, Soma Kohei’s words also showed some changes, perhaps due to the influence of Nakiri Senzaemon’s previous words. arrive

"I have also heard your discussions about the student Luo Chen mentioned by the commander-in-chief just now. Many of you even gave up when you heard this name, right?"

"I have to say that you are indeed abandoning the stone. After all, you don’t even dare to chase others, so I don’t think I will lose to you, a group of even guests.…………"

After saying these words, Yukihira Soma completely ignited the atmosphere at the scene.

"Isn't this guy afraid of being sacked later? This can be regarded as offending everyone in one go."

Nakiri Alice said with some surprise. This is the first time she has seen such a person who can attract hatred. Sure enough, he is not a normal person.

"It did create a wave of hatred, but at the same time it was a help to the commander-in-chief! Luo

Chen said with a smile.

"Did you help grandpa? What's the meaning?"

Nakiri Alice and others looked at Luo Chen curiously.

"It's very simple. The commander-in-chief said something about me on purpose before, and it was at the end of his speech. At that time, the students were all stimulated, and they were like chicken blood."

"Basically all the students knew that I would enter Totsuki this year, but the commander-in-chief deliberately said it at this time, which made some of them determined to catch up with and surpass me."

"Yukihira Souma's speeches can be regarded as lighting another fire in this situation, making this idea more firm, and making some people who are still hesitant make up their minds."

After Luo Chen said the reason, others thought carefully and it seemed that it was indeed the case. After all, many students never thought of chasing Luo Chen after learning about Luo Chen's situation, let alone surpassing him.

But now, Many people will try to catch up with Luo Chen, no matter whether they can do it or not, but at least try.

If they don’t even dare to try, it means that they can only be a group of mediocre people.

"call…………I'm still a little nervous, but luckily nothing went wrong. The speech I just gave was okay!"

While everyone was thinking, Xing Ping Soma also came in.

"I can only say that you are so arrogant, Yukihira. You have no idea what this school is like."

"You know, many of these students' families run large restaurants or high-end restaurants. Like you, many of them have been helping in the kitchen since they were young."

"The number of guests they face is no less than yours, and they are even more demanding than the guests you face. Perhaps most students are not as good at cooking as you, but if you continue to maintain this arrogance, you will always suffer. Luo

Chen said, Xing Ping Soma's provocative speech was very bad. From the beginning, Xing Ping Soma thought other people were flowers in the greenhouse.

What he said was revealed from the inside out, from top to bottom. Two words, arrogance.

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