After finishing a bowl, those who were still not full shouted out, "Boss, another bowl!".

The long-lost relaxation brought together strangers and started chatting casually.

"No wonder everyone says that eating spicy food can help you release your emotions when you are under a lot of pressure. A bowl of spicy and sour cold noodles is so refreshing."

"That's right. I was sweating all over."

"The boss of Ziyuan Building has changed. You all know it, right?"

"Of course I know. Our boss even came to the company for this matter and re-signed the contract."

"How rich do you have to be to buy a building?"

"There are many rich people in the world. I don't care about these. I just care about why this cold noodles are so delicious!"

"Maybe it has something to do with the ingredients. This cucumber tastes very cucumber-like. Do you understand?"

Although it was a very strange sentence, everyone present understood it strangely.

Nowadays, cucumbers and tomatoes are not as delicious as those grown in the countryside.

The tomatoes and cucumbers we ate when we were young can be eaten as fruits. They are very tasty and juicy.

Pick fresh tomatoes from the ground, wash them and eat them with your mouth. The sweet and sour juice is very refreshing. The taste is sour and sweet, which is completely different from the tomatoes we eat now.

"Cucumbers are okay, they are fruit cucumbers, but they are not delicious. Nowadays, when you buy tomatoes and cook them at home, you can't cook them with juice. You have to add water. If you want a strong tomato flavor, you have to add tomato sauce."

"It's true. The tomato scrambled eggs and rice I ordered last time were really unpalatable. There was no tomato flavor at all."

"The cucumbers used by the boss must be expensive. They feel very fresh. When you eat them with noodles, you can taste the fragrance of cucumbers."

"I can tell the quality of sesame paste. I am from the north. I have always put sesame paste in any salad or dipping sauce since I was a child. The bad sesame paste has no fragrance and tastes sweet because other ingredients are added to it. Good sesame paste will definitely become drier the more you stir it. The boss's sesame paste is very rich and fragrant. "

"This is just a roadside stall. If it is placed in a restaurant, a serving of shredded chicken cold noodles will cost you 38 for a small bite. I have been cheated before. When I ordered it, I thought it was a bowl, but I didn't expect to have only one bite when it was served. It was not as good as the shredded chicken cold noodles. It was light and bland."

"Which restaurant is it? I'll avoid it."

"It's in the mall in front, the new Sichuan cuisine."

"Hehe, I didn't expect that working overtime would have this benefit. Those who leave early don't have a good time, haha."

The group of people eating cold noodles were so happy.

Even the fatigue caused by overtime was cured at this moment.

So much so that the next day, when it was time to get off work, those who had eaten cold noodles were not in a hurry to leave, and all stayed to work overtime.

Working overtime to earn more money, and then eating a bowl of cold noodles after get off work, it's great.


The 26th is the engagement day of Zhang Mingyuan and Lu Qian.

Lin Zhou had taken the high-speed train back to Jiangdong City early in the morning, and asked the housekeeper to wait for him outside the high-speed train station.

Then he went home to change his clothes and went to attend the engagement party.

After the party, he drove the Bugatti back to Koucheng alone, and hurried to set up a stall in the evening.

Housekeeper Sun was very panicked about Lin Zhou setting up a stall in Koucheng this week, fearing that Lin Zhou would settle down in Koucheng, so wouldn't they become lonely old people guarding the villa every day.

But as housekeepers and nannies, they naturally couldn't ask about the employer's affairs, and could only listen to the boss's orders.

After sending Lin Zhou away, the housekeeper and others stood in the yard and sighed one after another.

"Hey, I didn't expect that the gentleman's property was actually in Koucheng. I thought this was his home."

"How can you know about the employer's affairs? We just need to do what we should do."

"Mr. Lin is not here, I have no energy to work, and I always feel that the villa is too empty."


Lin Zhou drove the luxury car all the way back to Koucheng on the highway, and it was also evening.

This time he came to the door and lowered the car window in advance. The security guard on duty saw Lin Zhou's face and immediately came out to bow and open the door.

Lin Zhou nodded and parked the car directly in the garage.

When he first got this luxury car, he was very careful when driving on the road, but now he can drive on the highway with confidence.

There is a direct elevator on the top floor of the building, and you need a work permit for the top floor to open it.

Lin Zhou took out the CEO work permit given to him by Huang Zhenghao and took the direct elevator from the garage to go upstairs.

As soon as the elevator opened, it was the corridor of the top floor office area.

Before he got close, Lin Zhou felt that

Intense working atmosphere.

Everyone seems very busy.

Lin Zhou didn't say anything and quietly slipped into the president's office.

After a while, Huang Zhenghao came over.

"Do you work overtime like this every day?"

Lin Zhou actually felt that the people in this building work very long hours last night.

There are people who get off work at 12 o'clock in the evening.

"That's not the case. I just took over the work of the building. It will definitely be busy in the early stage. There will be nothing to do after it gets on track."

Huang Zhenghao feels that there is no difference between work and retirement now. He just needs to help the boss manage and maintain the building.

It's much easier than the previous work.

Everyone works overtime because they just took over and need to quickly understand the information of Ziyuan Building. It's just some work of reading information and sorting out documents and contracts.

"That's good, don't be too tired."

Lin Zhou doesn't want his newly acquired team of workers to have any accidents.

"Okay, listen to the boss. I will tell them that except for the people on duty, everyone else will go off work."

Huang Zhenghao keenly felt that the new boss was not the kind of person who liked wolf culture. As employees, they had to adapt to whatever kind of boss they faced.

Lin Zhou nodded, and seeing that it was getting late, he went into the kitchen to prepare the ingredients for the cold noodles.

The employee who helped him yesterday was also here today.

"Boss, are you still doing it the same as yesterday?"

"Yeah, that's right."

Lin Zhou started kneading the dough, and after thinking about the people on duty outside, he kneaded a little more.

The amount was a bit too much, and he was a little overwhelmed.

Then the considerate employee brought the dough kneading machine.

Lin Zhou:......

I almost forgot that there was this labor-saving machine.

Let the dough kneading machine knead the flour into a ball first, and then Lin Zhou took the time to cook the shredded chicken.

Good shredded chicken is definitely not easy to make.

First of all, the chicken breasts used must not be frozen chicken breasts, but fresh chicken breasts.

Then add onion, ginger, garlic, pepper, cooking wine and other spices to the water and cook together.

Controlling the heat is also very important.

The shredded chicken is fresh and tender, so if it is overcooked, it will become woody and the taste will be much worse.


(Chapter 3)

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