After the ingredients are ready, the dough in the machine is almost kneaded.

Lin Zhou pours out the dough and continues to press and knead it until it is smooth and not sticky, then takes a suitable size of dough and starts to pull noodles.

A ball of dough is repeatedly pulled until it is pulled into noodles of uniform thickness.

Then repeat this action until all the dough is made into noodles, cook it once in ice water with ice cubes, cool it down quickly, then use a fan to blow dry the moisture on the surface of the noodles, and then pour sesame oil and mix well.

In this way, all the side dishes and ingredients are ready.

"I'll leave some cold noodles in the kitchen. If the people on duty at night are hungry, they can make some cold noodles by themselves."

"Seasonings, chili oil, and ingredients are all here."

The employees who have been helping Lin Zhou didn't expect that they would have a share of the cold noodles. They were all a little flattered.

"Boss, this is what you prepared for business. We can't eat it."

"Pfft, it's just some cold noodles. I don't need the money from selling cold noodles."

Looking at the nervous look of the employees, Lin Zhou was about to doubt whether he was really that scary. Why were these employees so restrained when they saw him?

Was it really caused by the difference in status?

The employees thought about it carefully. The boss's wealth was unimaginable. How could he make money by setting up a stall?

"Okay, I'll go tell everyone the good news now."

Lin Zhou saw that it was almost ten o'clock, so he pushed a cart of ingredients to the garage to find his tricycle, and then rode to the door of the building to set up a stall.

The employees who had not left the top floor were shocked to hear that the boss had left cold noodles for them.

It was the first time I met a boss who liked to cook and set up a stall. The boss actually left food for the employees, which was really beyond everyone's expectations.

Among the capitalists who exploited their employees, such a boss with a unique style really made them cry!

"Wow, the new boss is so nice. Seeing us working overtime, he asked Mr. Huang to let us go home."

"That's right. He is handsome, rich, and knows how to care for people. My God, the boss will be my new male god in the future."

"Tell Taohua not to come, I have met a soft-hearted god."

"Whose boss not only raises wages, but also requires employees to work overtime and makes cold noodles for employees? Who else! Just ask who else!"

"That's right. Not to mention that a lot of people will be envious if I post it online, there is no second one in this building."

The employees ran to the kitchen one after another. Fortunately, the kitchen of one or two hundred meters is large enough, otherwise it would be difficult to accommodate so many people.

Everyone lined up consciously and assembled the cold noodles by themselves.

"I wanted to eat the cold noodles that the boss made yesterday. This is the first time I have handmade noodles. They look so chewy. The boss tossed and beat them, but the noodles didn't break even after being pulled so long. His craftsmanship is really good."

"Dadong, I don't know how to mix it. Can you help me?"

In the company, everyone basically calls him by his nickname.

Dadong, who has a chef certificate, helps the boss in the kitchen, so he naturally becomes the target of everyone's help.

Lin Zhou just prepared more cold noodles ingredients and left them in the kitchen. The cold noodles must be mixed and eaten right after they are mixed. Otherwise, they will be soaked in the sauce for too long, and the taste will be strong, and the noodles will also be soaked soft.

Dadong has never been surrounded by so many people, as if being able to mix cold noodles is amazing.

He has always been a low-level employee in the company.

Suddenly everyone knows him and treats him very kindly. He is flattered.

"Okay... okay."

Because Dadong helped Lin Zhou yesterday, the leader directly assigned his original work to others, and then he was ready to help the boss.

Apart from helping the boss, he had nothing else to do all day, and now he was needed by his colleagues, so he was quite happy.

He mixed a portion of cold noodles for everyone in order.

Lin Zhou's noodles were well made, and the chili oil was fragrant. Just add a little bit of each and mix well, and it tastes very good.

He couldn't wait to eat the cold noodles.

This is the cold noodles made by the boss! ! !

The next second, there were bursts of exclamations from the kitchen, which alarmed Huang Zhenghao in the office. He thought something happened outside and ran out to see what was going on.

Then he saw a group of people eating cold noodles in the kitchen, with rich expressions and exclamations from time to time.

This should be the cold noodles made by the boss.

No, how could he not know that his employees' acting skills were so exaggerated?

The boss was not there,

They all made astonished expressions.

"Boss, come and try it, it's amazing, I've never eaten such delicious cold noodles!"

"Yes, with this cooking skill, why would the boss open a restaurant and set up a roadside stall!"

"The noodles are really chewy, with a delicate taste, smooth and chewy, and so fragrant."

Seeing that everyone was praising the cold noodles, Huang Zhenghao also walked to the bar and took a bowl.

Dadong has now become a chef specializing in cold noodles, mixing one bowl after another.

Those who can't wait can also mix it themselves.

Huang Zhenghao is their leader after all, and when the employees saw him coming, they all gave up their seats in front.

In the workplace, there is still some human touch, it's not that there is nothing to eat, so you have to fight with the leader.

Huang Zhenghao can eat spicy food, picked up the cold noodles, tasted it, but his expression didn't change much, and added a spoonful of chili oil to himself, and then continued to eat it in big mouthfuls, completely immersed in the cold noodles.

Even though he didn't talk, everyone could tell that he liked eating, and they all started laughing.

Soon, someone ate fast and started eating his second bowl.

Seeing this, the people stopped talking and started eating, because talking delayed their meal.

If you don't eat a bite of such delicious cold noodles, you'll feel sorry for yourself!

It smells so good!

It wasn't until a group of people finished eating all the cold noodles that they had time to talk.

"By the way, Dadong, did the boss say that this is reserved for those on duty?"

Dadong thought about what the boss said and nodded affirmatively.

"Wow, I just don't know if the people on duty tomorrow will have cold noodles to eat. If so, I'll volunteer to stay and work overtime."

"Hahaha, those who are off work didn't get to eat, and they'll probably regret it if they know."

"Boss, I love work, so keep me on duty tomorrow too."

The little thoughts of this group of people, as if they were afraid that others wouldn't know, were all over his face.

Huang Zhenghao did not get involved in such trivial matters, and let their employees arrange their own shifts, so he stayed away from disputes and went back to the office.

There are not only companies working during the day in the building, but also companies working at night and people working the night shift.

So they will also leave people on duty on the top floor to prevent problems from not being solved in time.

For example, someone called the front desk early yesterday morning and said that there seemed to be a problem with the circuit on their floor, so the property management had to arrange someone to check it immediately.


(Chapter 4~)

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