The market was closed.

Lin Zhou went to the vegetable market where he usually bought vegetables, but found that it was closed.

He searched for an open market at this point on the map.

Finally, he found a fresh food wholesale market.

This was the time when vegetable vendors went to wholesale food.

When he arrived, he saw that the whole market was brightly lit and very lively. There were large and small trucks and tricycles parked at the door, and food was pulled out one by one. It was very busy and crowded.

On the first day of the mission, Lin Zhou was going to sell preserved egg and lean meat porridge.

Mainly, he also liked to drink it.

With a Chinese stomach, Lin Zhou still liked to drink porridge.

He loved soy milk and fried dough sticks, salty porridge and sweet porridge.

A plate of preserved eggs, a few pounds of fresh pork tenderloin, and a few bags of new rice.

Of course, ginger and shallots are also indispensable.

For porridge, rice is the main ingredient and you need to buy more. The other side dishes can be replaced at will.

After buying the ingredients quickly, Lin Zhou rode his electric bike back, and time was very tight.

When he got home, he first soaked the rice in sesame oil.

Soaking the soft rice in this way can save the time of boiling, and it can also make the rice quickly turn on the fire under the action of high temperature and become thick.

Wash the pork tenderloin, cut it into shredded meat and marinate it.

In addition to preserved eggs, lean meat is also very important for preserved egg and lean meat porridge.

Fresh pork is the source of the freshness of salty porridge.

Pork tenderloin is more tender and delicious than lean pork, and tastes better than lean pork.

Cut all the preserved eggs into dices.

With one cut, the yolk of a good preserved egg is like that of a salted duck egg, and it still has yellow, exuding the unique aroma of preserved eggs.

Shredded ginger and chopped green onion are also essential seasonings.

They can remove the fishy smell of tenderloin and preserved egg.

By the time the preserved egg and lean meat porridge was ready to cook, it was already four o'clock.

Lin Zhou felt the urgency of time and had a new understanding of the system's random tasks.

This is really random!

First pour the rice soaked in sesame oil into the tall and deep iron bucket pot, then pour in clean water, and finally pour in shredded ginger. After boiling over high heat, change to low heat and stir with a spoon in the same direction every 5 minutes to prevent sticking to the bottom of the pot.

Cooking porridge looks easy to do, but it actually tests the craftsmanship.

The first choice is the new rice of the year, which has the richest and mellow rice aroma.

Secondly, it is best to use a casserole pot, but the amount that can be cooked in a casserole is too small. Lin Zhou is doing business, so he must choose a stainless steel iron bucket pot to cook.

Controlling the heat is the key to cooking a good pot of porridge.

After slowly boiling for more than an hour, you can turn off the heat and let the porridge simmer for a while. The stewed porridge will be thicker and richer.

Lin Zhou took advantage of this opportunity to change himself into a sportswear.

He made too many buns last week, so he took them out and heated them up. When the preserved egg and lean meat porridge is cooked, it will be a delicious breakfast.

After eating and drinking, Lin Zhou moved a bucket of preserved egg and lean meat porridge to the tricycle and drove to Qinhuang Mountain.

Qinhuang Mountain is a famous scenic spot in Jiangdong City.

Because of the high mountain, beautiful scenery and free access, it attracts many locals and outsiders to climb the mountain.

Lin Zhou has only heard of it, but has not been there.

It just happened that he could climb enough to set up a stall this time.

He didn't know how high Qinhuang Mountain was, whether he could climb it, and how long it would take.

Lin Zhou came to the foot of the mountain with a nervous mood, but he saw that there were quite a lot of people at the foot of the mountain at this point!

At least it was different from the scene he imagined.

Is this going to climb the mountain to watch the sunrise?

Lin Zhou thought uncertainly.

He was looking at others, but he didn't notice that he was the brightest one in the crowd.

A bucket of preserved egg and lean meat porridge was placed in a bamboo basket and sealed for preservation.

A bucket of disposable plastic bowls and spoons, as well as napkins were placed in another bamboo basket.

Finally, Lin Zhou picked up the shoulder pole and carried the two bamboo baskets.

This scene stunned the surrounding tourists who were climbing the mountain.

What's going on?

This man is going to carry these things up the mountain?

Is he doing business?

So everyone was curious and silently watched Lin Zhou.

Until they saw him really carrying things up the mountain!

Lin Zhou estimated the weight and felt that he could carry it. He looked at the time and saw that it was getting late, so he hurriedly climbed up the steps step by step.

Along the way, there were many other climbers.

Compared with people who climbed the mountain during the day, there were not many people at this time, but there were people, so it was not so lonely that it was scary.

It was five o'clock in the morning in the summer, and the sky was quite bright.

Ten minutes later...

Lin Zhou was very tired, so he quickly took down the preserved egg and lean meat porridge and took a rest.

This task was really arduous!

Setting up a stall at the top of the mountain

, this is not embarrassing him!

The passing tourists stared at Lin Zhou with wide eyes, and passed him with a hint of confusion.

Lin Zhou rested for a while, and seeing that time was running out, he gritted his teeth and continued to climb.

At this moment, he finally realized how hard it was for the uncles who carried water up the mountain to earn money.

Now, he is also one of the uncles.

I thought that the porridge priced at 100 yuan per bowl by the system was too dark. Now after this arduous mountain climbing journey, Lin Zhou felt that he would sell a bowl of porridge for 1,000 yuan, and he would do it!

Half an hour later...

Lin Zhou looked at the time and it came to 5:40.

There were only 20 minutes left until 6 o'clock.

But he was only halfway to the top of the mountain.

If it weren't for the experience of climbing these days, Lin Zhou was sure that he couldn't climb up.

But now he can still persist.

So when others were climbing slower and slower, Lin Zhou was still speeding up the mountain as if he was in a hurry.

"Fuck, who is this guy?"

"What is this guy carrying? Going to the mountain to do business?"

"Is it water?"

"Or soy milk?"

A tourist looked at Lin Zhou passing by and saw that the iron bucket he was carrying looked very familiar, so he immediately guessed.

"He is a ruthless person, so fierce so early in the morning."

A group of tourists who climbed the mountain to watch the sunrise were very surprised when they saw Lin Zhou.

They thought it was rare to come to climb the mountain so early, but they didn't expect that there would be someone who came to do business with them so early.

"Come on, follow him and see what he is selling?"

Several college students who were on summer vacation had nothing to do. Seeing Lin Zhou, they were very interested and sped up to follow him.

"Handsome guy, what are you doing?"

Lin Zhou heard the voice, but he didn't know it was him, so he didn't stop.

He didn't stop until the voice of the call appeared next to him.

"You called me?"

Lin Zhou didn't know these people and asked in confusion.

"Yes, big brother, what are you doing? Are you selling food?"

Several college students panted and followed Lin Zhou and asked curiously.

"To the top of the mountain to sell preserved egg and lean meat porridge."

Several college students: ? ? ?

It seemed that the confusion on their faces was too obvious, and Lin Zhou's expression was also a little embarrassed.

If it weren't for the system, he would never have run to the top of the mountain to sell porridge at six in the morning!

While talking, Lin Zhou did not slow down.

Several college students were really curious about Lin Zhou.

Especially to sell preserved egg and lean meat porridge on the top of the mountain, they hadn't eaten breakfast yet, which was a coincidence.

So they followed Lin Zhou and climbed to the top of the mountain together.

The closer to the top of the mountain, the more people there were.

Many people were curious when they saw Lin Zhou and asked him what he was selling.

Soon, everyone around knew that a tough guy had come to sell preserved egg and lean meat porridge on the top of the mountain.

This immediately aroused everyone's curiosity.

Preserved egg and lean meat porridge is common.

But I have never seen the preserved egg and lean meat porridge on the top of the mountain at six in the morning.

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