The old man was very busy, and the old man was very busy.

"Where can I buy preserved egg and lean meat porridge?"

A passerby who heard the discussion looked around curiously and asked.

Obviously very interested.

The big brother next to him pointed out where Lin Zhou was.

I saw several young people chattering around Lin Zhou, which looked very lively.

With a burst of salty, fresh and fragrant smell, the tourists on the top of the mountain smelled the fragrance of the preserved egg and lean meat porridge.

The rich rice fragrance, with the fresh fragrance of preserved egg and lean meat, and a little spicy taste of shredded ginger and chopped green onion, um... a little pepper.

People with sensitive noses are greedy all of a sudden.

It smells so good!

"Ah, there are people selling preserved egg and lean meat porridge on the top of the mountain!"

The tourists were very shocked.

As soon as someone in the crowd spoke, they heard a cry of surprise.

"Fuck, a bowl of porridge costs 100 yuan?"

This sentence contained too much information, and it shocked the nearby tourists at once.

What porridge, 100 yuan a bowl?

Are they robbing money?

Although everyone is mentally prepared for the prices on the top of the mountain, a bowl of porridge costs 100 yuan, isn't it a bit outrageous?

So the tourists who originally wanted to join in the fun stopped.

It's not that they can't afford the porridge that costs 100 yuan a bowl, but that it's more cost-effective down the mountain.

The clear and stupid college students stared at the preserved egg and lean meat porridge in the iron bucket in amazement, and swallowed their saliva subconsciously.

The white rice grains are like blooming snowflakes, exuding an attractive aroma.

There is also rich porridge oil on the surface of the porridge, which is shiny, and it is good porridge at a glance.

The brown preserved eggs with a hint of dark green and the pink shredded meat mixed in the porridge are full of fragrance.

Each grain of preserved egg is as clear as glass.

The light yellow shredded ginger looks like shredded potatoes, without the annoying spicy taste.

The chopped green onions dotted in it are green and refreshing, making people unable to look away.

It is really a pot of good porridge that looks good and tastes good!

"Give us a bowl to try first."

Everyone has eaten preserved egg and lean meat porridge, but they have never tasted the one that costs 100 yuan a bowl.

Several college students are very greedy and discuss buying a bowl to taste it first.

One hundred yuan a bowl of porridge, you have to taste what it tastes like.

They witnessed the boss carrying this porridge all the way, and it would be embarrassing not to buy a portion.


Lin Zhou didn't expect that someone would actually buy the one hundred yuan a bowl of porridge, so he happily took out a disposable bowl and served them a bowl.

Several people gathered together and took five spoons to eat a bowl of porridge.

As soon as they took a bite, they were surprised by the taste of this preserved egg and lean meat porridge.

The rice grains were fragrant, tender and smooth, and melted in the mouth. The preserved egg was chewed with a cool taste, tender and smooth, and the fragrance was very strong.

The shredded meat was also very tender, and it broke with a light bite of the teeth. It was extremely delicious, without any fishy smell, and it was so fresh.

The light seasoning highlighted the freshness of the ingredients, without affecting the taste of the porridge, and it would not be ignored.

After taking a bite, the heat of the porridge flowed through the mouth to the limbs, and the blood in the whole body was mobilized in an instant.

It was hard to describe this refreshing feeling for a while, just like watching a hearty ball game.

"Wow, delicious!"

The eyes of several college students lit up.

Climbing such a high mountain on foot is a huge consumption of physical strength.

They were thirsty and tired. After taking a mouthful of porridge, they felt much better and replenished their physical strength.

"Boss, give me another bowl."

"I want one too!"

"Four more bowls, a total of 500 yuan, brother, the money has been transferred!"

After feeling that the 100 yuan per bowl of preserved egg and lean meat porridge was worth the money, the college students paid very quickly.

The tourists who were watching silently around were dumbfounded.

"Is this not a shill?"

"Come to the top of the mountain to do business, and bring your own shill?"

"Is anyone fooled by this?"

No one heard the muttering sound.

But some people really attracted attention.

The man with messy hair and sleepy eyes was awakened from his sleep by his girlfriend early in the morning and accompanied her to climb the mountain to watch the sunrise.

Climbing the mountain to watch the sunrise is indeed a very romantic thing for couples.

But he was hungry when he reached the top of the mountain.

He thought he would have to go down the mountain hungry to eat, but he didn't expect that someone was selling preserved egg and lean meat porridge at the top of the mountain.

This is the first time I have seen this.

And judging by the aroma, it must taste good.

Seeing his girlfriend taking photos, he ran to buy porridge.

"Boss, come.

Two servings of porridge. "

When Lin Zhou saw a customer coming, he would tell the price in advance.

This week's task did not stipulate how many servings to sell, but stipulated that a bowl of porridge cost 100 yuan.

He had limited strength to carry it from the foot of the mountain to the top, and he didn't prepare much porridge.

If someone wanted to buy it, he would sell it. If no one wanted to buy it, he would just... continue to wait.

It was impossible for him to carry it down the mountain intact, it was too tiring!

"Two bowls of porridge for two hundred yuan. "

The man nodded, picked up his phone, found the QR code and paid.

Lin Zhou also happily opened the lid of the pot, stirred the big iron spoon, and served the porridge.

As he stirred, the heat of the preserved egg and lean meat porridge rose, and the fresh and rich taste became more tempting. Tourists nearby couldn't help but look over.

Especially the college students next to him, who were so happy to eat.

The porridge was still hot after all the way up.

Holding the bowl, slurping the porridge along the edge of the bowl, listening to the sound, I suddenly felt a little hungry.

I want to try it, but a bowl of porridge for one hundred yuan is too expensive!

There was a middle-aged woman who was hungry and wanted to eat, but she thought it was too expensive, so she walked up to bargain.

"Young man, your one hundred yuan a bowl is too expensive. The tickets to Qinhuangshan are free. Can you make it cheaper?"

"Twenty is okay? I'll buy one bowl. Twenty yuan can buy two bowls at the foot of the mountain! "

The middle-aged woman said, with an expression on her face that said, "You are getting a bargain with 20 yuan."

Lin Zhou was speechless.

I really wanted to say, "What are you thinking?"

He has sold seven bowls of preserved egg and lean meat porridge at 100 yuan each. If the price is reduced, won't the diners who bought it at the original price be torn apart by him?

"I'm sorry, customer. I bought the freshest ingredients at the wholesale market at 3 a.m. for this porridge. I cooked it now and carried it to the top of the mountain step by step. And my cooking skills are worth 100 yuan. "

Lin Zhou is very confident in his full-level cooking skills.

Plus the blessing of the system recipes.

Who would not praise the deliciousness after tasting it?

The system thinks it is worth the price, is he going to lower his own price?

"You are really a black-hearted young man. Even if it is on the top of the mountain, a bowl of porridge cannot be sold for 100 yuan. It's really..."

Seeing that the middle-aged woman was looking for trouble, several college students nearby could not stand it anymore.

"Auntie, no one forced you to buy it. We think it is worth it. Doing business is a matter of mutual consent. It is not easy to carry such heavy porridge to the top of the mountain. It is better to accumulate some good words. ”

The middle-aged woman saw that everyone around her was looking at her with strange eyes, and she knew that public opinion was not on her side, so her face suddenly darkened.

What’s wrong with young people nowadays?

They drank porridge that cost 100 yuan a bowl, which made it difficult for her to bargain.

For such people, college students mainly use a way to confront them.

It’s obvious that they want to eat, but they think it’s expensive, so they want to take advantage!

Do you think they are young people who are stupid and can’t see it?

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