The old lady was very happy.

Several college students immediately drove the old lady away.

Then they felt that the air was much better and continued to drink the porridge happily.

After eating this bowl of porridge, they felt unprecedented satisfaction!

It was not only the satisfaction of the stomach, but also the whole body and mind, which was unsatisfactory.

At this moment, they really felt that no meal could be compared with this one.

They really realized that eating before was not called eating, but just filling the stomach. This meal was really called enjoyment.

The preserved egg and lean meat porridge was salty, fragrant and fresh.

The taste and texture were impeccable.

The preserved egg boiled until soft and rotten was the most delicious embodiment of the taste of the preserved egg.

You can smell the fragrance of fresh rice before you put it in your mouth. The fragrance of rice cooked together with fresh tenderloin makes the porridge more tender and smooth.

The fragrance of green onion and ginger is not strong, and it is not as strong as the pepper, but it is just the right taste.

It is so fragrant in your mouth!

Even the few shredded pork is just right.

It is necessary to have less meat, and you will feel more fun when you eat a piece of meat occasionally.

If you eat preserved eggs, the delicious feeling is even more unbearable. After careful aftertaste, the melt-in-the-mouth preserved eggs simply subvert their perception of preserved eggs.

The preserved egg and lean meat porridge, which costs 100 yuan a bowl, is really delicious, better than the preserved egg and lean meat porridge they have eaten.

Especially after climbing to the top of the mountain, you are tired and panting, and drinking a bowl of such delicious preserved egg and lean meat porridge will restore your energy immediately.

"Brother, your cooking skills are amazing!"

"Yes, it's so delicious!"

"I don't like porridge the most, but I didn't expect it to be so delicious!"

"Brother, where do you do business? Let's go and take care of your business!"

Several college students licked the bottom of the bowl clean, and surrounded Lin Zhou and praised him one by one, with great enthusiasm.

Lin Zhou smiled and responded: "I will set up a stall on the top of Qinhuang Mountain this week."

Several college students were stunned when they got this answer.

They didn't notice the word "this week", and focused on the top of Qinhuang Mountain.

They looked at Lin Zhou carefully, trying to find traces of joking.

Then they felt that what he said was true, and their expressions suddenly cracked.

Doesn't that mean they still want to drink porridge, but they can only climb to the top of the mountain early in the morning to drink it?

Although Qinhuang Mountain is a scenic spot, it is a free public place, and there is no tool to climb the mountain, so they can only climb on their legs.

Occasionally climbing a mountain is fun.

But they couldn't stand the continuous climbing!

So they looked at Lin Zhou with an expression that was hard to describe.

Who is actually selling porridge on the top of the mountain!

"Brother, why? It must be so tiring to climb to the top of the mountain!"

Lin Zhou nodded in agreement.

It was really tiring to climb to the top of the mountain and carry porridge.

But the mission was like this, and he had no choice.

Facing the puzzled diners, he had to pretend that he was happy to save face.

"The top of the mountain is expensive!"

Lin Zhou found a reason that people could agree with.

If the century egg and lean meat porridge was not on the top of the mountain, he would be scolded.

The college students couldn't refute this.

One hundred yuan a bowl, it was really expensive.

The tourists who heard their conversation looked at the college students as if they were looking at a big enemy.

They couldn't bear to spend this money to buy a bowl of porridge.

The mentality of the college students was good.

I thought it was a novel experience to drink porridge on the top of the mountain. I took photos standing on the top of the mountain and took photos of Lin Zhou's stall.

I posted it to my friends' circle, which really aroused the curiosity of my friends, and they commented and asked below.

"Which mountain is this? There is a preserved egg and lean meat porridge on the top of the mountain."

"Are you going to climb the mountain? Why didn't you call me?"

"Is it really that delicious? You are not being cheated by the preserved egg and lean meat porridge that costs 100 yuan a bowl. Are you trying to drag others into it?"

Xie Hong quickly replied with the attitude of sharing good things with others.

"Qinhuang Mountain near my home."

"I'm really not a shill. The taste is amazing. Otherwise, Meng Tao and I would spend this money?"

"To be honest, you can really come to check in, climb the mountain to exercise, and eat delicious preserved egg and lean meat porridge."

Many of his friends are his peers, and it's the summer vacation when they are bored.

Seeing such an interesting thing, he immediately became interested.

So I sent a message to Xie Hong, asking him if he would go hiking tomorrow, and if so, we could go together.

Xie Hong saw this message

He was really hesitant.

This preserved egg and lean meat porridge is really delicious.

If he hadn't been full after drinking one bowl of porridge, he would really like to have another bowl.

But if he wants to eat it again tomorrow, he has to climb to the top of the mountain again.

The hard work of climbing up just now is still fresh in his memory.

He wavered left and right for a while, hesitating.

"Meng Tao, are you still climbing tomorrow?"

Meng Tao shook his head when he was called. His home is not in Jiangdong.

This time he came to Jiangdong for tourism and came to find Xie Hong and others to play.

He will be going back tomorrow.

"I have to go back. I've been out for a week and my mother has been urging me."

"Ah? I'm going back now."

"It's okay. School will start soon. See you at school then."

"Yeah." Xie Hong nodded and asked, "What about Tao Zhixin, Cao Hongxin, and Yao Chao?"

Xie Hong asked one by one, obviously wanting to find accomplices. If everyone comes tomorrow, he will definitely come too.

If everyone didn't want to climb the mountain anymore, he probably wouldn't come either.

Yao Chao's home is in Jiangdong, but not in the same district as Xie Hong.

Tao Zhixin and Cao Hongxin were high school classmates, living in the same community, and they all went to the same university.

They found out that they were all from Jiangdong in college, so they naturally became close, and they could go to school and go home together.

Everyone looked at each other and hesitated.

Of course they wanted to eat.

But climbing a mountain is also about forgetting to stop!

"Why don't we come, just treat it as exercise, we all climbed up today, it will definitely be easier tomorrow!"

Among the few people, Tao Zhixin likes sports the most, and he can't stay idle at home during the holidays, either going to the gym or playing basketball.

If climbing a mountain can eat such delicious preserved egg and lean meat porridge, he thinks climbing a mountain for exercise is also okay.

"Okay, then climb for another day."

Someone helped to decide, and Xie Hong and others decided to come again tomorrow morning.


On the other side, the sleepy man came back with two bowls of porridge, and his girlfriend was still taking pictures!

I don’t know where he got the selfie stick from.

“Wife, do you want to drink porridge?”

The girl looked up when she heard the voice and saw the man holding two bowls of porridge, with a trace of confusion in her eyes.

Where did the porridge come from?

“When did you buy the porridge and bring it up? How come I don’t know.”

For a moment, the girl felt that her memory was confused.

Could it be that her boyfriend secretly bought it when she wasn’t paying attention?

“No, I bought it on the top of the mountain. It’s still hot. Try it.”

The girl put away her phone and walked over.

She was even more confused after hearing this.

There are people selling porridge on the top of the mountain? How come she didn’t know?

She had climbed Qinhuang Mountain before, but she didn’t remember anyone selling porridge!

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