After the meal, the food was cooked.

"Why can't I eat it?"

Zhang Mingyuan was also interested in Lin Zhou mentioned by his father and asked.

"He went to the top of Qinhuang Mountain to sell porridge this week."

Zhang Mingyuan: ? ? ?

For a moment, Zhang Mingyuan suspected that he got up too early in the morning and had some hallucinations.

Whose good person went to the top of the mountain to sell porridge!

"According to what you said, this Lin Zhou's cooking skills are not bad. He makes delicious buns and porridge, and he should also be delicious. Anyway, you have to climb the mountain every morning, so you can continue to go with him."

Zhang Mingyuan is quite familiar with his father's work and rest habits.

Since retirement, he likes climbing mountains, fishing, drinking tea, playing chess and other elderly activities.

It's a good thing that he has someone to accompany him now.

As for whether he will be cheated.

Zhang Mingyuan has never worried about it.

His father has been in the business world for so many years, it's no exaggeration to say that he is an old fox, and no young person can beat him.

Zhang Mingyuan dares to say that he has no hope of winning against his father at his level.

"That makes sense."

Zhang Jianjun was a little unhappy about Lin Zhou's words that they couldn't climb the mountain together, but he became happy again after hearing his son's idea.

When you get older, you are afraid of loneliness.

He climbed the mountain with Lin Zhou these days, and it's really a bit uncomfortable for him to climb the mountain alone now.

It seems that his father really likes this young man named Lin Zhou.

Zhang Mingyuan saw his father's happy look and shook his head.

"I'm done eating, Dad, I'm going to work."

"Go, go, don't forget the blind date this week."

Zhang Jianjun was busy sending messages to Lin Zhou, without even raising his head, and casually waved his hand to send his son away.

Zhang Mingyuan:......

This father-son relationship is too weak!


On the first day of selling porridge, the business was worse than Lin Zhou had imagined.

Lin Zhou sold from morning to afternoon before he carried the empty bucket down the mountain.

Even at noon, he drank the porridge he sold on the top of the mountain.

Lin Zhou felt that it was definitely not a problem with his skills.

It should be that the system task was priced too high.

It made many people forget to stop.

Even if the porridge is delicious, most people will not try a bowl of porridge that costs 100 yuan.

Only those who travel and spend money and don't care about this little money are willing to try it.

After returning home, Lin Zhou decided to change to a smaller bucket tomorrow and prepare less.

Otherwise, if he couldn't sell it all, he wouldn't want to come back, and the stall would take too long.

The task didn't stipulate how many copies must be sold.

Only the time, food and price were stipulated, and there was still a lot of room for operation in between.

After not sleeping well, Lin Zhou took a shower and lay down on the bed when he got home, and slept first.

It was already late at night when he woke up.

Lin Zhou felt hungry as soon as he woke up.

He only had porridge in the morning and at noon.

Lin Zhou had the illusion that he had not eaten for a day.

If there is one bad thing about living in a villa, it is that it is inconvenient to order takeout.

The villa is quiet and remote, and some takeout shops are basically out of the delivery range.

Lin Zhou looked at the takeout and there was nothing to eat.

So he got up and cooked a bowl of clear soup noodles.

In a few minutes, he finished a bowl of delicious noodles very quickly.

After slurping it up, he felt alive.

After eating and drinking, he also knew that his work and rest schedule was completely messed up.

Sleep in the afternoon and get up at night.

Take a break, and you can go to wholesale ingredients at one or two o'clock to buy ingredients.

By the way, what kind of porridge will be sold the next day?

Yesterday I sold salty porridge, so I will sell sweet porridge today.

Sweet potato porridge?

Sweet sweet potato porridge has its own sweetness, which is a kind of porridge that Lin Zhou likes very much.

There is a kind of homely delicacy that can't be eaten outside. It's just too homely and ordinary, so there is no place to sell it.

To make good sweet potato porridge, the selection of ingredients is very important.

According to the recipe, you must choose good sweet potatoes that are sweet and firm, and taste very much like sugar-fried chestnuts.

Among the varieties of sweet potatoes, the most famous is "Houlonghong". It is said that this kind of sweet potato has red flesh like cinnabar, fragrant like water chestnuts, and has a sweet taste similar to honey, which can be called the best potato.

Lin Zhou is not sure if he can buy it, so he can only go to the market to have a look.


When he arrived at the market, it was only two o'clock, and Lin Zhou shuttled between the stalls to look for sweet potatoes.

As a full-level chef, he not only has the most complete and delicious recipes in the world given by the system.

He also has the innate ability to select ingredients.

Among all kinds of ingredients, he can almost choose the best ingredients without thinking.

"Auntie, how much are these sweet potatoes?"

In front of a big truck

, a middle-aged couple was carrying sweet potatoes.

A whole truck, all of them of very good quality.

The auntie greeted Lin Zhou enthusiastically when she heard what he said.

"Handsome man, how much do you want? My sweet potatoes are all good varieties grown at home. Although the price is a bit expensive, they are definitely sweet. They are delicious whether roasted or boiled. They are sweet enough to make honey."

Lin Zhou nodded and asked for a snakeskin bag.

This thing can be stored for a long time. You can keep it and eat it slowly. It's not a big deal. You can also make sweet potato noodles to eat.

When he encountered good ingredients, Lin Zhou couldn't help but buy more.

The business of a snakeskin bag is a small business for the wholesale market, and it is a scattered order.

Even a small amount is meat. The auntie greeted happily, "Do you want a bag? Buy more and you can get a discount."

You can bargain in the wholesale market. Generally, the more you buy, the more favorable the price the merchant will give.

Because the quantity here is very large.

"No, I bought it for myself, I won't finish it if there's more."

Seeing that Lin Zhou was eating it himself, the aunt stopped talking to him immediately.

It was already a lot for one person to buy so many sweet potatoes.

"Okay, walk slowly~"

In addition to sweet potatoes, Lin Zhou also bought pearl rice. There are also particularities in using different rice for different porridges.

Pearl rice, also known as "fat boy rice", looks like a round fat boy, with full grains, white color, oily rice and sweet taste.

It is more suitable for making sweet porridge.

Compared with salty porridge, sweet porridge takes a fresh route.

It is not as sticky as the preserved egg and lean meat porridge yesterday.

When Lin Zhou returned home, he first washed the pearl rice, poured it into an iron bucket, soaked it with mineral water, and then selected some sweet potatoes with good shapes, peeled and cut them into pieces.

A sweet potato with a good shape must have a smooth skin, an oval shape, fat in the middle, and pointed at both ends.

After peeling off the plain outer skin, the sweet potato with golden color and sweet fragrance is exposed. Cut it into pieces and throw it into the iron bucket before cooking.

When cooking, you have to cook it on high heat first, until the rice grains bloom, then simmer it on low heat. After cooking, you can't open the pot immediately. You have to use the residual heat to continue to simmer, so that the rice can spit out the gelatin and condense a layer of soft and smooth porridge skin, which is the perfect state.

The porridge skin can be gently picked up with chopsticks, just like a mask. Chinese medicine calls it "rice oil", which is the essence of porridge, nutritious and delicious.

After the porridge is cooked, Lin Zhou also made a few egg pancakes during the stewing period, ready to eat with sweet potato porridge.

If he goes to set up a stall without eating breakfast, he is sure that he can't climb to the top of the mountain.

With yesterday's experience, he knows that if he wants to reach the top of the mountain at six o'clock, he should leave himself at least one to two hours of climbing time if he still has energy.

Otherwise, if he rushes like yesterday, he won't be able to hold on for two days, and his body will ache.

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