The mountaineering man was also very busy.

It would be nice if there was a cable car, which would make it much more convenient to go up and down the mountain.

Unfortunately, Qinhuangshan is a free scenic spot, and tourists go there just to climb the mountain, so how could there be a cable car!

After finishing breakfast, Lin Zhou sighed leisurely and packed up to go out.

Originally, the mountain climbing uncle wanted to set up a stall with him.

But Lin Zhou persuaded him to stop, because he went out at more than three in the morning, which was too early.

Zhang Jianjun didn't expect Lin Zhou to set up the stall so early this week.

He really couldn't get up, so he had to give up.

He didn't understand Lin Zhou's behavior, but he respected it.

At the same time as Lin Zhou set off, Xie Hong also organized a group of friends to set off for Qinhuangshan together.

There are high school friends and college friends. They are not familiar with each other, but it is still possible to organize a mountain climbing activity.

The more people, the more lively it is.

Climbing to the top of the mountain in the early morning to eat a bowl of porridge is a novel experience and a cool thing for young people.

Just thinking about it makes my blood boil.

Only young people have the leisure time and enthusiasm to climb a mountain for a bowl of porridge.

"Xie Hong, is the preserved egg and lean meat porridge really as delicious as you say?"

The person asking the question is Xie Hong's high school classmate. They have a good relationship, but they are not in the same university. They only contact and get together when they return to Jiangdong.

"It must be delicious. We each ate a bowl yesterday, 100 yuan a bowl. If it is not delicious, a fool would go."

Tao Zhixin, Cao Hongxin, and Yao Chao also nodded.

They all said that this was the best preserved egg and lean meat porridge they had ever eaten.

This directly aroused everyone's curiosity.

A group of people came to Qinhuangshan very excitedly.

At the foot of the mountain, Xie Hong looked around first, and was a little worried when he didn't see Lin Zhou.

"Did we come too early, or did the guy who sold preserved egg and lean meat porridge yesterday not come?"

Cao Hongxin also looked around, and also didn't see a familiar figure.

"Could it be that the guy is not setting up a stall today? I still can't believe that someone is selling porridge on the top of the mountain. Maybe he just thought it was fun to climb the mountain and set up a stall by the way."

Yao Chao expressed his guess.

The excitement of the group of people fell into depression after they didn't find Lin Zhou.

"No way, we asked yesterday, and the guy said he was setting up a stall on the top of the mountain?"

"Is he lying to you?"

This is not a joke. It takes two or three hours for those with poor physical strength to climb to the top of the mountain.

It takes an hour for the fastest.

Still climbing up without stopping.

At this moment, everyone is worried that if they climb to the top of the mountain and the porridge guy is not there, they will have climbed in vain.

Xie Hong and his friends had climbed the mountain once yesterday, and their legs were still sore. If they climbed up and ran empty, he felt that he might not have the strength to go down the mountain.

"So, should we climb this mountain or not?"

A group of people looked at each other, and finally decided that since they were here, they might as well climb, and started to climb the mountain.


Six o'clock.

Lin Zhou arrived at the top of the mountain ten minutes early.

Looking at the unfamiliar tourists in front of him, he put down the bamboo basket panting and found a suitable place to set up the stall.

Today, he also brought a loudspeaker.

When it was turned on, it repeated a sentence.

"Selling porridge~ Fragrant and sweet sweet potato porridge~"

After the sound of the loudspeaker came out, the tourists on the top of the mountain looked at Lin Zhou.

Lin Zhou had expected such a scene, and he raised a polite but not awkward smile to respond to everyone's various looks.

He has been setting up the stall for so long, and he has developed a thick skin.

Make money! Not shabby.

"Fuck, what's going on? There are people selling porridge on the top of the mountain?"

"I've only seen people selling water during the day, but I've never seen people selling porridge early in the morning."

"It's outrageous. I thought it was rare for us to come to see the sunrise early in the morning, but I didn't expect there were people selling porridge on the top of the mountain early in the morning?"

"No, how did he get up? I remember there's no cable car elevator on Qinhuangshan Mountain? Is there an employee passage?"

"Not really, this guy was carried up on his back. I followed this guy all the way up."

A tired, pale-faced elder brother heard the discussions around him and explained weakly.

He couldn't climb up at first, but met Lin Zhou.

Because he was really curious about Lin Zhou's behavior and wanted to watch the fun, he followed him to the top of the mountain.

At this moment, he felt that half of his life was gone.

Knowing that this guy was selling porridge, he worked so hard to catch up and watch the fun,

If he doesn't sell a bowl, he will be sorry for the mountain he climbed.

"Brother, give me a bowl!"

The weak elder brother, panting with every step, slowly climbed to the front of Lin Zhou and said.

"Sir, one hundred yuan a bowl."

Lin Zhou said with a warm smile.

Hearing the price, the weak elder brother's face suddenly turned a little paler, and Lin Zhou was a little nervous.

"No, you sell a bowl of sweet potato porridge for one hundred?"

The elder brother looked at Lin Zhou with a look of astonishment.

Although it is the top of the scenic spot, the price is high, but it is not so outrageous.

This thing is used to feed pigs in the countryside, you sell it for one hundred yuan a bowl?

"Yes, you can't buy it without being cheated."

Lin Zhou's smile remained unchanged.

"No more!"

The weak elder brother said tremblingly, and at this moment he felt that he was the big idiot.

What kind of wretch was he, just to see this man carrying a shoulder pole, to know where he was going and what he was selling, he followed him all the way.

As a result, they suffered a physical and psychological blow.

After a while, Xie Hong and others also supported each other and climbed to the top of the mountain with crutches.

Faintly, they heard the sound of a loudspeaker hawking.

In an instant, the hearts of several people seemed to fall to the ground.

Is this the brother who sold porridge yesterday still here?

Xie Hong took the lead, holding his crutches, and walked out of his steps to find Lin Zhou without recognizing his relatives.

The people behind him all followed.

A group of people came to Lin Zhou's stall in a mighty manner.

Lin Zhou was immediately happy when he saw the familiar people.

It's really good, he still has repeat customers when he sets up a stall on the top of the mountain!

"Brothers are here again today?"

Lin Zhou hasn't opened yet, and his eyes lit up when he saw Xie Hong and others.

"Yes, we also brought friends here just for the porridge you made. Give us a bowl each!"

As soon as Xie Hong finished speaking, the eyes of the tourists around him all looked over.

Where did this group of suckers come from?

Buy all the sweet potato porridge that costs 100 yuan a bowl?

"Okay, but today I'm cooking sweet potato porridge, which is just as delicious."

Xie Hong and others came here just for Lin Zhou's porridge, so they naturally didn't care what kind of porridge it was.

They had climbed all the way up the mountain and paid such a huge cost, so it was impossible for them to regret it now.

The young man was rebellious.

Lin Zhou happily served them porridge and sold eight portions at once.

As soon as the 20L stainless steel barrel was opened, hot air rose with white mist, and the fragrance of rice and the sweet smell of sweet potatoes like honey floated out all at once.

First, it smoky Xie Hong and others' faces.

Feeling the light and sweet sweetness of the sweet potato porridge, some people who were not interested at first also cast their eyes.

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