After a long time, the dog was in trouble.

Gao Jiazhi's home.

Because he was busy with work last night, he couldn't take Erha to eat fried chicken.

After a night, the house was almost demolished by Erha.

So Gao Jiazhi, who had finally finished work, bought the ingredients needed for fried chicken online and prepared to make fried chicken for the dog at home.

Otherwise, this family would really be lost.

"Ancestor, stop barking, I'll make it for you right away."

Gao Jiazhi followed the online fried chicken teaching video.

First, peel the ready-made chicken thighs, clean them, add cooking wine, pepper, curry powder and other seasonings, mix well, and put them in the refrigerator to marinate for two hours.

Now two hours have passed, take out the marinated chicken legs and stir them a little.

He took out three plates.

One for flour, one for egg liquid, and one for bread crumbs.

Although he followed the instruction steps every step.

But why does it look different from the fried chicken made by Boss Lin?

Gao Jiazhi was confused, but he himself could not cook, so he could only follow the video instruction.

First pour the oil into the pan and heat it.

Then put the chicken pieces in the starch and flour mixture and coat them, then throw them in the egg liquid and coat them, and then coat them with bread crumbs.

The chicken pieces are coated with flour first, which is still acceptable, but coated with egg liquid, it becomes sticky and sticky. When the egg liquid meets the flour, the two are mixed together, and it becomes a bit disgusting.

Gao Jiazhi:......

It always feels a bit wrong.

Coat them with bread crumbs.

Hmm... I have no appetite when I look at it.

Gao Jiazhi watched and coated all the chicken legs in this order in one breath.

Then a plate of yellow sticky product was obtained.

The anxiously waiting Erha was silent.

Gao Jiazhi's hands were also covered with flour, egg liquid and bread crumbs, which was sticky and uncomfortable, so he hurried to the sink to wash.

During this period, the oil pan had been heated to the point of smoking wildly.

Gao Jiazhi didn't think there was any problem at all.

Erha was left standing anxiously at the kitchen door.

Gao Jiazhi finally washed his hands without checking whether the water on his hands was dry. He directly threw a pot of chicken into the oil pan to fry.

In an instant, water drops fell into the smoking oil pan, and a pot of chicken legs were all fried.

At the same time as a crackling sound resounding through the sky, the hot oil in the oil pan was also frying wildly.

Oil stars and water drops fell on the flames of the stove, which was even more of a disaster.

Fierce sparks spread throughout the oil pan, burning wildly.

At the same time, the oil was still bursting out, and the man and the dog were so scared that they hugged each other and screamed wildly.

In summer, people wear less clothes. Gao Jiazhi was close to them and was not mentally prepared. He got several blisters on his body, face, and hands.

At the moment of the fire, even the fur on Erha's body was scorched.



In the afternoon, the screams of the man and the dog resounded through the sky. After hearing it, the neighbor next door hurried over to knock on the door to ask.

"What happened? Is there anyone at home?"

At this time, the oil pan was still crackling and splashing with oil, and the fried chicken poured into the pan by the fire had already smelled burnt.

White smoke billowed in the kitchen. Gao Jiazhi had never seen such a posture before, and he didn't dare to get close with the dog.

Erha also lost his usual arrogance. It curled up in Gao Jiazhi's arms at half the height of a person, looking like a child.

Hear someone coming.

The man and the dog seemed to have seen a savior and hurried to open the door.

"Auntie, the kitchen is on fire, what should we do!"

Gao Jiazhi just graduated from college this year. Because he didn't want to go out to work, he found a dubbing job to work at home.

His parents went out to travel recently, leaving him, Dabao and the dog alone at home, so he dared to be so presumptuous.

If the kitchen is burned, his parents will beat him to death when they come back!

The neighbor aunt has a good relationship with their family. After hearing the words, she didn't even have time to change her shoes and strode directly to the kitchen.

She knew what was going on at a glance.

She looked around the living room, picked up a courier box at the door to block herself, walked directly into the kitchen, turned off the fire with a click, and turned on the range hood.

At this moment, the figure of the neighbor aunt seemed to become a fire-fighting hero in the eyes of the man and the dog.

Once the fire was turned off.

All the movements seemed to lose power and slowly stabilized.

Gao Jiazhi saw that the kitchen was still there, and he almost cried with joy.

Later, the burned parts of his body began to hurt.

Gao Jiazhi quickly put the dog down.

Seeing that he was severely burned, the neighbor aunt hurried to

Hurry home to get the burn ointment.

After all the trouble, both the man and the dog were exhausted.

"Your parents are traveling, and you can't cook at home, so just come to Auntie's house to eat. What will you do if there is a fire?"

The neighbor aunt is still scared.

If the fire spreads, her family, as a neighbor, will definitely be affected.

It's really scary!

"It's summer, you'd better go to the hospital to treat these blisters on your body."

The aunt then saw that the dog's hair was curled up by the burn, and she felt even more distressed.

"Oh, our Dabao was also burned, and such good hair was burnt."

Dabao was comforted and whimpered, which made the neighbor aunt feel distressed.

"Xiaozhi, you go to the hospital, Dabao stay at my house first. I'll prepare some food for him. You can't delay. Your face is burned. Don't leave scars."

Gao Jiazhi was in so much pain. Although he felt better after applying ointment, the pain was still unbearable.

After hearing this, he didn't refuse. He put Dabao at the neighbor's house and took a taxi to the hospital.

In this way, Lin Zhou set up a stall at night. One person and one dog, they still came to buy fried chicken.

Looking at their new look, Lin Zhou was shocked.

"I haven't seen you for a day. What happened to you?"

Dabao was like a green tea. After seeing Lin Zhou, he showed off his burnt hair, whined and pretended to be pitiful, and rubbed Lin Zhou's legs.

Gao Jiazhi couldn't bear to look at it. This dog was actually raised by him!

"I made fried chicken at home this afternoon, and it got burned."

Lin Zhou:......

Lin Zhou saw that his injury was quite serious and could not help but advise: "It is still dangerous for people who can't cook to make fried chicken. Don't think that I fried it simply, you will easily get burned if you try it yourself."

"You'd better not do it next time. It's summer, and your burn will take many days to heal. You can't take a shower even if you apply medicine."

Lin Zhou still has a deep impression of Gao Jiazhi and his dog.

It's a bit hard to see that a good person is like this after one day of absence.

Gao Jiazhi nodded fiercely.

This time he really learned his lesson.

When Lin Zhou was cooking, the fried chicken, the oil, and the fire were so obedient.

When it came to him, he almost burned the kitchen, and he was scalded by the oil and had blisters all over his body.

There was no place to cry. If I tell my parents, I might get scolded.

I really want to cry just thinking about it.

The old customer next to him originally thought that he would make fried chicken at home after the week ended, as he could not eat the fried chicken made by Boss Lin. Seeing Gao Jiazhi's miserable state, he silently gave up the idea.

Cooking is not something that can be learned by just watching.

People who can't cook should not try blindly.

The lesson of the past is right in front of us!

The old customer looked at Gao Jiazhi with a very sad look.

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