The five portions of fried rice were sold out quickly.

This made the people behind him uneasy.

You said you wouldn't buy his fried rice, so why did you buy two each?

"I bought one!"

The third person said hurriedly.

"Don't say anything, kid. I heard it all. You also wanted to buy two, but the boss fried five."

At this time, the steamed shaomai was already steamed.

Those people bought a few more shaomai before leaving. It's not that they don't want to buy more, but Jiang Fan only sells ten.

There's no way, there are too many people waiting outside.

Although he can't let everyone buy shaomai, Jiang Fan will try to let more people buy his shaomai.

When the three of them passed the crowd with egg fried rice, those people knew why they wanted to buy egg fried rice.

Because the egg fried rice not only looked delicious, but also smelled fragrant.

Crystal clear rice, green chopped green onions, pink ham cubes, and golden eggs.

All of them challenged their taste buds.

"It looks delicious, I have to buy one!"

"I want two!"

"I want three!"

Everyone shouted.

What they said just now about not buying his egg fried rice was thrown behind their heads.

"Don't you want siu mai?"

Jiang Fan said: "There is not so much egg fried rice now, but there is siu mai!"

Jiang Fan's idea is to sell siu mai first, and then make egg fried rice quickly.

"We want egg fried rice, and we want siu mai too!"

"We want both, we want both!"

The people in the front shouted in unison.

"Then you have to wait a little longer, but it won't take much time!"

Fried rice is easy to make, it only takes a few minutes.

And one pot can produce five portions.

"Don't worry, we're not in a hurry."

"It's my turn soon anyway, it doesn't matter if I wait a little longer!"

"You guys should have some shame, you're not in a hurry, but we in the back are!"

"It doesn't matter if we wait a little longer, we don't mind waiting any longer, what we're afraid of is that we won't get our portion after waiting for a long time."

"It is strongly recommended that one person can only buy one, either steamed buns or fried rice."

"I agree, and one person can only buy one portion of fried rice!"

The students in the back protested.

They had been waiting for a long time, and many people didn't buy steamed buns at noon, and some even didn't get them in the morning or at noon.

If they can't buy them in the evening, it will be really tragic.

Of course, this is for people who have eaten steamed buns before. Some people who haven't tried steamed buns made by Jiang Fan left directly when they saw that there were too many people.

That's it, there are still quite a few people here.

Soon another pot was cooked.

Still five servings.

Balance of 50 yuan in the account.

Balance of 75 yuan in the account.

"I want two servings!"

"I want three servings!"

The two people in the front line bought the whole pot.

Of course, they also bought ten steamed buns each.

"What's going on? I said that one person can only buy one!"

"That's right, if you buy egg fried rice, you can only buy one, otherwise what will we do with those behind us?"

"We have been queuing for a long time, and we are not unwilling to pay, so why can't we buy more?"

"Actually, I didn't buy more, otherwise I would have bought five directly!"

"You are right!"

The people in the back line became more and more angry, and the people in the front line were not to be outdone.

Whoever's turn it is, will buy more.

I came early tonight, who knows if I can grab it tomorrow.

Besides, who wouldn't want to buy more of such delicious food?

The situation gradually got out of control.

Jiang Fan also heard the noise.

If the situation got out of control, it would be no small matter.

The problem must be nipped in the bud.

"Everyone be quiet!"

Jiang Fan shouted.

But the noisy people ignored Jiang Fan.

"Don't line up, I'm closing the door, I'm done!"

Jiang Fan yelled.

Everyone quieted down.

"Boss, don't close the door!"

"We were just chatting casually!"

"Yes, we were chatting normally, but our voices were just a little louder."

When these students saw Jiang Fan threaten to close the door and stop working, they immediately


If he closes the shop, where can they eat such delicious steamed buns in the future?

They can't buy it today, but it doesn't mean they can't buy it tomorrow.

"Classmates, he quits, I'll do it, I still have a lot of steamed buns!"

You Dianxian ran over again.

He came to recruit people again, even if he only recruited one, he would make money.

Go and have fun!

None of those students paid attention to You Dianxian.

Seeing that everyone was quiet, Jiang Fan was relieved.

There are a lot of people here, if something really happens, it will be a big deal.

Maybe his window will be affected. Of course, Jiang Fan's words just now that he quit was also a lie.

How could he quit?

And tonight's task has not been completed yet!

As long as the system is still there, he will keep doing it.

And he will work hard!

He hasn't tasted so many delicacies yet?

How can he quit?

Now it's just a stopgap measure, to trick them and make them quiet down.

"If you continue to do this in the future, I won't sell today, tomorrow, or the next few days!"

Jiang Fan yelled.

The students were trembling with fear.

They were not afraid of Jiang Fan, but they were afraid that Jiang Fan would quit.

"Everyone line up consciously!"

"If anyone makes trouble, I will be the first to disagree!"

"I won't agree either!"

Everyone began to consciously maintain order.

"I didn't expect that Jiang Fan still had some deterrent power. I was scared to death just now!"

Zhang Xue poked her head out of her window.

Just now she thought these people were going to fight, and she was ready to call the school security team.

In the end, Jiang Fan solved it with just one sentence.

"Then I just want one fried rice!"

"I just want one too!"

"What about steamed buns? Do you still want steamed buns?"

Jiang Fan asked.

"Yes, but I only want five!"

"Then I only want five!"

The two people in the front knew that they had gone too far, so they gave up half of their things.


Jiang Fan didn't expect this result.

He wanted to return the money, but he didn't know what would happen to the system task?

After all, they had already paid, and the progress bar on the system was updated. (10/20)

"You don't need to return the money, just leave me a few steamed buns tomorrow, and a portion of cold potato shreds!"

"Me too, I won't return the money, just leave me a few steamed buns!"

The two took the things and ran away.

Now, not only do they have food for tomorrow, but they don't have to queue.

The balance is 500 yuan!

Jiang Fan was stunned.

"Did you enter the wrong amount, classmate?"

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