Food Travels Through Time And Becomes Slime

Chapter 28: Invitation From The Sky

Time passed quickly, and only about a fifth of the giant horse was eaten by night.

Bai Lu shook his head. It was not really big enough to eat for a long time.

It's time to take a rest at night and clean up the little things that come to pick up leftovers.

After stretching his muscles, Bai Lu observed the surrounding situation, his eyes narrowing across the endless sea around him.

It seems that he has chosen the right direction. He is gradually moving away from the world and heading in another direction.

Moreover, this sea is connected with the food world. As long as you keep walking, no matter how you walk, you will eventually lead to the food world.

The direction is correct, just go all the way to the end. Soon the night passed, and Bai Lu continued to return to the deep sea to eat.

In one day, the island horse ate another large part of its body. This time, it ate most of the remaining food. It only takes a day or two to basically finish it.

He ate the food in big bites. After finishing the food, Bai Lu lay down on the spot and rested, waiting for the food to be digested.

As the size increases, the speed of eating becomes faster. After eating this huge island horse, it must have become huge again, I don't know how much.

Now we are heading in an unknown direction. After digesting the food, we took a look at the capture level.

The capture level has reached over 80, and this feast requires a much higher level.

If I continue to eat delicious food now, by the time I enter the food world, my capture level may exceed 100.

I hope that when I enter the food industry, at least I won’t start at the bottom.

After reading the new character information, Bai Lu continued to move in an unknown direction. If he didn't acquire any new abilities, he would continue to look for new prey.

Along the way, he didn't feel any big movement. Instead, he encountered a large number of small fish, shrimps and schools of fish, but for him, these were just snacks that he could swallow in one bite.

It was another day without high-end ingredients. Eating a lot of small fish and shrimps could not bring much improvement to him.

Devouring a lot of fish and shrimps did not improve my strength much. It just filled my stomach. My body became larger and I consumed more and more energy every day. It was quite necessary to eat more food. Troublesome things.

But fortunately, he still has a storage tank in his stomach, which digests the food in his body when it is not eaten.

As he moved forward, he observed the movement of the sea water, and his eyes did not stop to observe the surrounding situation.

I don't know how long it took to advance, but Bai Lu's eyes lit up when he felt a huge movement in the water ahead.

The long-lost meal was quickly moving in the direction of the huge noise.

When I came nearby, I found a giant shell that was opening its shell and sucking in a lot of seawater. It seemed that it sensed the sense of danger coming from Bai Lu and immediately closed the shell.

【Easter Oysters】

[Capture level: 83]

[Species introduction: Giant oysters with huge Easter stone statues piled on their bodies. One oyster can provide enough for millions of people. 】

"This is a very large oyster that is always filling and filling."

Looking at the huge oyster in front of him, Bai Lu leaned directly over.

The oysters in front of me suddenly opened. The shell sprayed high-pressure water jets towards Bai Lu.

"Sure enough, the creatures in this world cannot be viewed with common sense."

Seeing the high-pressure water column rushing towards him, Bai Lu opened his mouth wide and drank, then hit the oyster shell with his tentacle.

One blow directly stopped the giant oyster, and Bai Lu took the opportunity to wrap his tentacles around the oyster's shell.

The Easter oyster was restrained by Bai Lu and could not move, with the tentacles slowly tightening.

The entire shell made a rattling sound, and the hard shell slowly cracked under the pressure of Bai Lu's huge force.

Not long after, the shell of the Easter oyster also shattered as cracks appeared.

Bai Lu looked at the huge piece of snow-white meat exposed by the broken shell.

"This oyster looks really plump."

Without the protection of its shell, the oyster can only wait for death.

Looking at the plump oysters in front of him, Bai Lu swam directly over and started eating.

At the same time, on the other side.

After being killed by Bai Lu in an instant, Toriko temporarily only went to work as a hunter and entered a life of leisure.

The moment I truly experienced death, I cherished life even more.

After taking good care of his health, he began to enjoy a peaceful life, although he wanted to seek revenge on the unknown existence of Bai Lu.

But according to the information received, the unknown sea beast has disappeared.

Now I am leisurely fishing in a canyon.

There was a rustling sound behind him, and a short young man in a suit ran to Toriko's side.

"Mr. Toriko, I am affiliated with IGO..."

But before he finished speaking, Toriko pulled up the fishing rod and a lobster fish was caught.


A big bird looked at the caught lobster and swooped down from the air to snatch it.

"This is my food, come down here."

Pulling back the special fishing rod, he smashed the two giant beasts onto the shore.

"I was really lucky, I caught two at once."

Toriko looked at the two crushed creatures with a smile.

"This is the five-tailed kite. It's the first time I've seen it alive." The short young man said excitedly.


Hearing the compliment, Toriko looked at the short young man beside her.

"Okay, tell me what you want to do when you come to me?"

"Mr. Toriko, this time I want you to entrust me with helping capture the Keira Crocodile. I heard that you are on vacation, so I will come here in person."

The short young man looked at Toriko and answered.

"Keira the giant crocodile? Gudong, that's a very delicious ingredient. There's no problem in bringing it to me."

Toriko swallowed and replied.

The encounter between the two means that the gears of the world's destiny begin to turn.

On the other side, Bai Lu didn't know that the gears of the world had quietly begun to turn.

He had just finished using the oysters he had just caught and was now resting.

After eating, I took a look at my character information.

【Host: Bai Lu】

[Species: King Slime/Gourmet Camping Beast]

[Capture level: 88]

[Ability list: gourmet cells, rapid digestion, mimicry, water element affinity, strange strength, steel scale armor, high voltage, steel fangs, poison, splinter offspring, king's command, king's gift, camp beast space. 】

"It's improved a lot."

After checking the information, Bai Lu continued to move in the direction of the location.

Having already had a big meal today, Bai Lu didn't plan to look for any small fish or shrimps. As expected, it was still a higher-end ingredient, and eating it would greatly improve his strength.

After walking leisurely for a few days, I felt a huge movement coming from the front.

Bai Lu quickly swam in the direction of the huge noise. After all, he had not hunted high-level prey in the past few days.

When I came to the sea, I looked around suspiciously.

"It's nothing, um, is it that?"

Looking at the huge waterspout formed by the updraft in the distance.

Based on the special situation observed in front of me, it wasn't long before I saw a strange plant among the scattered waterspouts.

Look at the huge vines hanging down from the sky.

"This thing can't be the Sky Slow Teng."

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