Looking at the huge vines hanging down in front of him, Bai Lu thought that there were a lot of vegetables on the sky vines, an astonishing amount of vegetables.

There are also special plants like ozone grass, as well as the vines and a large number of creatures living on it. It is simply an unguarded vegetable garden.

Bai Lu squinted at the huge vine hanging from the sky, "Go up and have a look."

It feels like a pity not to eat somewhere with special ingredients after finally discovering it, and not to visit this big vegetable garden.

After thinking about it, Bai Lu wrapped around the sky vine and started climbing up.

With his special body structure, it is extremely easy to climb up. All he needs to do is wrap around and rotate upwards.

The speed of climbing up is amazing and the progress is rapid.

"Gu, Gu"

With the rapid appearance of Bai Lu, the birds on the vines screamed and flew up quickly, and they were swallowed up by Bai Lu.

"It's really enlightening to see such an ugly bird, but it's good to change the taste after eating so much seafood."

Shaking his head helplessly, Bai Lu did not chase the flying strange birds, but continued to climb up quickly. These birds were not his target.

If there is an ignorant creature blocking its way, it will eat it without hesitation.

Climbing quickly along the way, some of the creatures I encountered were swallowed up before they could react.

It didn't take long to climb to the middle of the vine.

Just as he was about to pass by a group of strange plants, his ferocious head suddenly appeared and bit towards Bai Lu.

【Evil Bean Tree】

[Capture level: 45]

[Species introduction: evil bean trees, plant beasts, special plants parasitic on the sky vines, and will prey on all passing creatures. 】

After taking one look at these strange plants, Bai Lu ate all the bean trees that poked out of their heads.

One bite at a time, I finished eating the exposed beans. When I chewed them, I felt like I was eating peas, which were crunchy.

After eating the evil bean tree, Bai Lu continued to climb up.

Other creatures did not dare to approach him because of fear, so they moved forward smoothly. It didn't take long for Bai Lu to climb to the top of the sky vine.

Looking at the dazzling sun in the sky, Bai Lu narrowed his eyes, while the vines under his feet spread to various clouds to form a huge island in the sky.

"We reached the top so quickly, and it feels like it didn't take long. Was my speed too fast?"

Looking forward in confusion, he stood upright with his huge body. From a height of hundreds of meters, he could clearly see the emerald green continent hidden in the clouds.

Looking at the emerald green land in the distance, Bai Lu took a deep breath and moved along the vines towards the emerald green road.

"It's a pity that I didn't meet that beautiful fire phoenix."

Arriving on this green continent hidden in the sky, Bai Lu shook his head. It seemed that his appetite was not so good.

Others can meet the lightning and fire phoenix as soon as they come here, but when he comes here, there is nothing.

"It's a pity that I can't eat the Lightning Fire Phoenix."

When he came to this continent with green sky, he smelled an alluring fragrance of plants. This alluring fragrance made Bai Lu want to forget about encountering the fire phoenix and forget about it if he didn't meet it.

Now you can see what kind of place this sky vegetable garden is and look for some good ingredients.

While walking on this fluffy land, Bai Lu didn't dare to use too much strength. He felt as if he would fall off the continent if he exerted even a little force.

He moved slowly on this strange land of clouds, but it took him a while to get used to how to move on this cloud.

As Bai Lu got used to the situation here, he moved towards the place where the fragrance came from.

When encountering huge obstacles formed by vines, Bai Lu would directly crush them. As he was crushing them along the way, Bai Lu's huge height could already see the huge vegetable field in front of him.

Extra-large green onions, all kinds of huge fruits and vegetables, and many, many weird vegetables.

The rich fragrance wafted over, and Bai Lu quickly came to the huge vegetable garden smelling the sweet fragrance.

"There is really a lot of food here. Although the capture level is not high, eating all this amount will probably increase your strength a lot."

After Bai Lu took a rough look at the situation in the sky vegetable garden, he immediately started eating without hesitation, skipping vegetables that were too small.

Now its body is getting bigger and bigger, and ordinary food is as small as an ant to it.

Eat the large vegetables first, and then think about how to eat the small vegetables later.

Eat all the giant corn, pumpkin, cauliflower, potatoes, sweet potatoes and other huge vegetables.

“It’s really hot to eat here under such a strong sun.”

With my current body height, in this high altitude, I feel that the distance to the sun has become very close.

Bai Lu shook his head helplessly. His body had grown too big and there was no way to block the sun.

After eating a lot of huge vegetables, Bai Lu looked at the smaller vegetables underneath and directly opened up the space in his body.

"Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm."

A large number of small slimes crawled out.

"Go, my children, go and eat, and eat as much as you can, and bring them all back if he cannot finish them."

He released his children and asked them to clean and collect the remaining micro vegetables.

"Leave this to the children. Next, it's time to find where the ozone grass is."

Thinking like this, Bai Lu turned his head to the other side and came to a higher mountain. Taking advantage of his huge body, he saw a large area of ​​ozone grass blooming in the distance, enjoying the sunshine. .

"This thing seems to be a special cooking ingredient. If you approach it rashly, it will close."

Bai Lu looked at the ozone grass for a moment, and the information about the ozone grass appeared in front of him.

【Ozone Grass】

[Capture level: 65]

[Species introduction: The magical plants growing in the Sky Continent will absorb a lot of sunlight and moisture in the air, making themselves more delicious. At the same time, they also have layers of protective layers wrapping their most delicious core. Once danger is sensed, the outer layer will quickly wrap around the core. Once damaged, it will release a large amount of carbon dioxide and transform into a seed state. 】

"It's really a special food. If you can eat it, you should be able to get a lot of nutrients and nutrients."

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