[Tip: The hosts have different levels of listening to suggestions, and the reward levels they receive are also different]

[D-level rewards are the lowest level! 】

Bai Ran suddenly realized that this was what happened!

He finally understood that all serious rewards had levels!

No one told me before!

It turns out that the tasks he did before after listening to the advice of water friends on the Internet were not even serious tasks!

It’s just the kind of small tasks that are so low-level that they don’t even reach the reward level!

It seems that water lovers are water friends! Their suggestions can hardly be called professional!

He also clearly understood that it was because of this that the previous missions gave very few points, and the skill cards were only level 1, and there was no way to increase the level.

So...serious tasks usually show the reward level, right?

This is much more reasonable!

In the future, when my strength becomes very strong, I can only take on high-level tasks. I won't even look at D-level tasks like this.

But for now, even if it is a D-level mission, it is his first time, and the reward for such a mission is still very generous to him.

"Bai Ran!"

Suddenly, Bai Ran was woken up by Zidane's voice.


"Okay!" Bai Ran was brought back to reality from his thoughts, and there was a semicircular wave speed ball in front of him!

Raul said from the side: "One of the best ways to strengthen your core strength is to do single-leg Romanian deadlifts on a wave ball with weight on it."

Why does he know this? Because in 1994, his coach Valdano asked him to do this.

Core strength is an ability that every player in the front and backcourt needs to focus on practicing. On the court, core strength is crucial.

Messi relies on his extremely low center of gravity and stable base to create an incredible sense of balance and speed, which allows him to pass people around on the court, and many of his moves are incredible.

However, in football, such talent cannot be copied, and not everyone can focus so low.

In this case, the role of a rock-solid core strength is reflected.

"With your left leg slightly off the ground, pick up this kettlebell and place it on the front of your left thigh!"

Standing on the wave speed ball, Bai Ran tried his best to maintain balance.

Raoul put his arms around Bai Ran and continued talking.

"Bend your right knee slightly, keep your left leg upright, and keep your upper body and left leg in a straight line!"

"Yes! This is the action, very good!"

Raul felt that Bai Ran's movements were very standard, but he didn't expect that the next second, with a shout, Bai Ran fell off the wave ball!


This time, the fall was serious.

Bai Ran was in great pain and rubbed her thigh.

This speed ball has a lot of elasticity. It is not easy to maintain balance while standing on it. It is impossible for humans to perform such an action while carrying weight on one leg!

It is also a great test for the core strength and balance of the entire person.

Bai Ran, who has always been physically weak, couldn't do it at all at first.

Zidane said calmly: "It's normal not to get used to it at first, come on."

"Take your time and do one set of ten times. If you keep practicing like this, you will get results."

"When Raul was your age, he could do twenty sets every day."

Bai Ran swallowed his saliva. Can he do 20 sets of this kind of training?

It is indeed difficult!

But this is Raul, and this is why he is a world superstar.

If you want to be different, you have to put in more effort, this is a must.

"I can too."

Bai Ran looked at Zidane with his stubborn eyes, even he himself was startled.

Raul was also stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly said: "It's your first time to practice, just get familiar with it, it doesn't need to be so high-intensity."

How could a 16-year-old child, who was exposed to this kind of special training for the first time, possibly do 20 sets! ?

It’s good if you can do the movements to a standard!

Although Bai Ran's actions were already very standard.

Unexpectedly, Bai Ran's eyes seemed to reveal a burning fire at this moment...

In my previous life, I was already a complete loser!

In this life, he will never be worse than others!

Raul can do 20 sets, why can't he?

It's like when others are starting the game, I can only sit on the bench, silently waiting for the slim chance to play.


Bai Ranteng stood up suddenly, walked to the side of the training ground, turned on the video recording on his mobile phone and put it aside.

"What are you going to do?" Zidane was a little confused.

Why did you suddenly pick up your phone and start recording?

He didn't know that this had become Bai Ran's habit.

"I like to watch my training videos, so I record them every time."

"Coach, is that okay?"

Zidane looked at Bai Ran's firm eyes and finally showed a smile.

It seems that Raul can't persuade him at all.

Over the past few days, Zidane has also gained some understanding of Bai Ran's character.

He immediately guessed that it would be strange if Raul could convince him.

This kid still refuses to admit defeat!


After receiving Zidane's permission, he nodded in vain, picked up the heavy kettlebell tightly in his hand, and stepped onto the wave ball!


He was still stumbling ahead, and sometimes he would even fall down, but that didn't stop him from getting back up every time!

Zidane and Raul couldn't help but be moved when they saw the scene in front of them.

This kid is very hardworking!

Watching him fall down again and again, get up again and again, and complete the training group by group, Raul couldn't help but sigh, no wonder Zidane chose this player!

If this were applied to ordinary players, they would give up after a few failures!

After all, this special training is not something ordinary people can do.

Why bother yourself?

But Bai Ran was different. The word "give up" was not in his dictionary!

Between each set of training, Bai Ran only gave himself ten seconds of rest.

"7, 8, 9..."


20 groups! Finish!

Bai Ran was so excited that he endured the pain in his body and jumped off the wave ball.

It took a whole morning and only twenty groups were completed.

This shows that his core strength is really poor!

After mastering the technique, Bai Ran learned to use his waist and abdomen, and also consolidated the stability of the lower body. Now he only needs to train the core muscles.

This is not an easy task... Bai Ran fell to the ground at least a dozen times during training!

During this period, the members of the second team training nearby also cast envious glances.

"Look, isn't that Raul?"

"He and the coach seem to be giving Bai Ran special training together!"

"Wow...is it so good? I also want to be taught by these two big guys."

"Not everyone has such an opportunity!"

"Bai Ran is so happy!"

This...can be considered a small start!

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