Football Kung Fu Player

【13】I'm Ashamed And Thrown At Home! 【2 More】

"Oh, let's see if the Greek team will have a chance to survive this substitution.

The commentator of the Celestial Dynasty watched the scene of the Greek team's replacement with great interest at the moment, and commented with a smile.

"I think the reason for replacing Valas and letting this rookie play may be more inclined to Varas's stupidity and arrogance, daring to provoke Wang Xing."

Another Tianchao commentator said with a smile.

They all clearly saw the scene where Wallas despised Wang Xing with his middle finger up. The field was replaced, and the reason for it was obvious.

"Hey, if you dare to provoke the captain, this guy can't blame anyone for his own death." Qu Bo looked at Hualas who was sitting on the bench regretfully, and thought secretly in his heart.

The first half restarted.....

The Greek Olympic team learned the lesson of the first two goals this time, but this time they specifically looked for opportunities to avoid Wang Xing. Without Varas, Mitru, who was Varas's substitute, , really started, the first heavyweight match in his life.

But unfortunately, this game was obviously a unilateral massacre


The ball flew into the air, and at the moment it fell, Talaridis of the Greek Olympic team, as the second in command among the four forwards, naturally took the 290 ball without hesitation, and then ran wildly with the ball, fearing After taking the next step, Wang Xing of the Tianchao Olympic Team snatched the ball.

After seeing the direction of the ball, the teammates around Tara Ridis also obeyed Moras' tactics, and the rest of the forwards played together to divert Wang Xing's attention and gain time to attack.

This time, the members of the Greek Olympic team used all their strength. This is their home court. If they lose the first game like this, the face of the original Olympic Games will undoubtedly be slapped heavily.

They can't afford to be ashamed of this kind of thing!

"Give me up! We must not lose this game, you must work hard for me no matter what!!"

A high-level executive from the General Administration of Sports of Greece was watching the first match of their country's Olympic Games from a special seat at the moment. Originally, he sneered disdainfully when he saw Varas intercepting from the foot of the talented boy named Wang Xing.

Thinking that Wang Xing's title of genius is nothing short of superficial!

But all of this changed from the moment Walas raised his middle finger to despise Wang Xing. Originally, he quite appreciated Walas's proud attitude.

Until the end, when Wang Xing snatched the ball from under his feet and scored two consecutive goals (cfad) beyond ordinary people's expectations, he wished to cram Valas himself!

"This idiot, since he has no strength, don't give me such a big deal!" Xi said.

The high-ranking politician in Greece obviously does not want this game to end in the disastrous defeat of the Greek team, because it is really embarrassing.

It can be said that no country will allow such a shameful thing to happen, after all, this is its own home field.

In the Athens Olympics, Greece is the host.

If the first game scored such a big score, it would be a shame to throw it home!

However, playing tricks in secret, doing secret operations in such a game that countless people in the world are watching, is tantamount to a dead end.

"It seems... we can only make a phone call to the representatives behind the people of the Celestial Dynasty. If we really go too far like this, we will really be finished.

The high-ranking official stood up slowly and left his seat. There were government officials from other countries beside him. He invited them this time only to show off the strength of his own country.

But I didn't expect that it would gradually evolve into stealing chickens and losing money.

Mitru, who played as a rookie, played extremely well in this game. Although he didn't make too many important moves, he undoubtedly made great efforts to limit the other players of the Chinese Olympic team except Wang Xing.

When intercepting Qu Bo who was about to intercept Talaridis, he followed closely from left to right, staring at Qu Bo closely, not daring to be careless in the slightest, which made Qu Bo suffer a lot.

"This kid, really haunts me." Qu Bo couldn't help but cried inwardly.

Not a moment later, Wang Xing snatched the ball from Tara Ridis's feet again, and at this moment, all the members of the Greek Olympic team were approaching Wang Xing, they must not allow Wang Xing to score another goal!


Throwing away Mitru, who was following closely behind him, the young man went straight to him halfway after losing Qu Bo, unexpectedly he was really trying hard to meet him, but it was very difficult. Obviously, even if he managed to catch up stealthily, he still couldn't continue to make more effective attacks.

At this moment, Mitru could only watch Wang Xing getting farther and farther away from him with a dejected expression, and even with his best speed, he couldn't close the gap with Wang Xing even the slightest bit.

Finally, when he gave up chasing Wang Xing, he went from fast running to jogging alone, until finally he stopped at the same spot slowly, and he could only see that bright red figure in the distance, fighting against them alone the whole team!

He is completely desperate!

Because, the back figure that he has been chasing has shot again!


Wang Xing passed everyone, and then lifted his foot to hit a heavy cannon, his right leg stretched tightly, and he shot hard, the ball was like a shooting star, unstoppable!

Respond to the Internet....

The door sounded again.......


"Wang Xing... Wang Xing!"


"3 balls, three yuan alone!"

Countless applause and shouts resounded through the Olympic seats, and the pride of being a member of the Celestial Dynasty suddenly emerged like a torrent, and the audience of the Celestial Dynasty were all raising their arms and shouting Wang Xing's name with all their might.

On the contrary, the players of the Greek team fell silent when they saw Wang Xing scoring another goal. The original contempt dissipated at this moment like a whirlwind.

This young man from the Celestial Dynasty is really too powerful...



Another goal, a great shot from long range, Wang Xing hit the woodwork from midfield, and it went past the crossbar again, but this time, the people of Greece - shut up, no one said it was just luck That's all.

Numb, this is mental numbness, as if taking a lot of sleeping pills, the people of Greece were dead silent for a while, and they could only watch Wang Xing alone, at the Olympic Games in his home, the Japanese swept thousands of troops like a roll seat...


Until the end of the first half!

The score of the stadium suddenly reached an embarrassing situation of 4:0. Everyone can see that this time, the Greek Olympic team will undoubtedly lose. Any move they make now is just like a dying fish on the shore , in vain.

But at this time, when Shen Xiangfu was almost smiling all over his face, the mobile phone in his pocket rang at this moment. Seeing the number on the mobile phone, Shen Xiangfu couldn't help showing a proud smile. He knew very well that the General Administration was looking for him at this time. , It should be to celebrate the first battle of the Olympic Games, the official triumph!

But in the next minute after receiving the call, Shen Xiangfu's face couldn't help becoming a little angry, and his life... a little more irresistible!.

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