Football Kung Fu Player

[14] Let A Ball Go? 【1 More】

The call was quickly connected.

"Old Shen, you played really well this time. It's really hard work for you. People in the country all come to praise your players for earning us a lot of face."

On the other side of the phone, a celebratory voice sounded with a smile.

Shen Xiangfu, on the other hand, listened to the other party's praise with a smile, and said humbly while smiling: "Where is it, working hard for the country is what we should do, not to mention hard work."

"But although we don't think it's too hard, you should also know that we have been training for so long just for now, so after returning to China, take a look..."

When Shen Xiangfu said this, he couldn't help but paused with a smile.

"Okay, don't worry about this, isn't it just a set of better sports facilities for you? These are all small things. If you can achieve good results this time and make it to the top 8, it will not be a word matter."

The owner of the voice responded to Shen Xiangfu with a faint smile.

"Haha, that's good. This time we will definitely help the country earn face back. What is it that people from the Celestial Dynasty are not suitable for football? Let these short-sighted people understand that our country's football skills are much better than theirs." Shen Xiangfu~ Said confidently.

"That's what it should be, but you must always consider other people's feelings. After all, this is the home court of the Greeks, so you should show some face." The voice was a little teasing.

"I don't want to do this either! Before the game, I said it, at least to give them a little face, after all, this is the home court of the Greeks." Shen Xiangfu said with a look of hopelessness.

"Old Shen, did the ball come to a 4:0 in the first half? Not to mention the second half, three goals, when the two games are added up, it will be a 7:0 score. You have to think about Greece. feeling!"

"This...I have already let Wang Xing release the water. The Greek team is too bad. This, I can't help it. Playing like this, Wang Xing has retained a lot of strength!"

Shen Xiangfu said very embarrassedly.

"Greece has been making phone calls all the way to the Celestial Dynasty. In the second half, Lao Shen, you told Wang Xing that you should show some face, at least let him get closer!"

The other end of the phone held back a smile and imitated the tone of the Greek: "This incident is a serious football diplomatic incident. This move has deeply hurt the hearts of the Greek people and will cause serious diplomatic incidents between the two countries!"

Shen Xiangfu couldn't laugh or cry: "Isn't this too exaggerated?"

The voice on the other end of the phone restrained for a while and said, "You have to consider other people's feelings. It's not easy to hold an Olympic Games. Football is being bullied like this, and it's hard to face. How much face do you have to give people?"

"Okay, okay, okay, I'll talk to Wang Xing later!"

Shen Xiangfu heard the suppressed laughter on the other end of the phone, and couldn't help but smile. This Greek team is really interesting. They couldn't play on the field, and they begged for mercy outside the field.

The locker room of the Chinese Olympic team!

At this time, Xu Liang was shooting a video with his mobile phone. The place where the camera of the mobile phone was pointed at was Qu Bo. Looking in the direction of the Greek team, he laughed without any scruples and hit the ground running. He completely defeated his opponent in the first official game. This kind of good sign undoubtedly made the rest of the Olympic team feel extremely relaxed and good.

"Let me tell you, look at that Valas who called out to be the captain. When he was substituted, he looked like he had eaten a dead child. His face was ugly, but he deserved it. Who told him to provoke us first.

Qu Bo was imitating Walas's movements sternly, the movements were extremely exaggerated, and it also made the players around him laugh a little and almost gasp.

The atmosphere was especially lively for a while...

Holding the mobile phone, Xu Liang couldn't help laughing when he saw Qu Bo's performance.

When he saw Shen Xiangfu coming in, Qu Bo silently closed his mouth when he saw the coach's dumbfounded expression, and stepped aside, waiting for Shen Xiangfu to come over.

"Coach, what's wrong with you?" the players of the Olympic team asked in confusion.

Logically speaking, in this game against the Greek team, they undoubtedly had the upper hand, but looking at Shen Xiangfu's dumbfounded face, it seemed that there were some things that needed to be said.

"I want to tell you some good news. The Greek team called the General Administration of Sports of China just now. We played too hard in the first half. The Greek side hopes to save them some face!"

Shen Xiangfu spread his hands, held back a smile and said, "So, in the second half, Tian Xing...

"Cut, it's clear that I'm useless, but I'm blaming us instead." Qu Bo said disdainfully.

……ask for flowers…

"This is also something that can't be helped. People want to save face, let alone a country. They actually called the General Administration of Sports in China. This is the first time I know of such a thing......

Yan Song was beside Qu Bo, but he felt absurd in his heart.

"Hey, what did the captain say?"

Qu Bo looked at Wang Xing at this time, and tentatively opened his mouth, wanting to hear their backbone's evaluation.

Wang Xing's status in the Olympic team is also rising day by day, and even surpassed Shen Xiangfu a little bit now. If Wang Xing and Shen Xiangfu's orders are different, then they will undoubtedly follow Wang Xing.

This is the appeal of the strong!

"It seems to be quite bullying, or else, let them do it."


Wang Xing smiled and didn't take this matter to heart.

In my heart, I also thought of a countermeasure to let a ball go.

Big deal, when I finish at the end, I can pour one into my own goal.

But obviously many people, don't know what he thinks.

"Yes, let the ball go, don't let people lose too badly!" Shen Xiangfu couldn't help but want to laugh.


Wang Xing looked calm: "Isn't it just to give up the ball, I will not let the Greek team down!"

Looking at Wang Xing's smiling expression, Shen Xiangfu suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart: "I said, Wang Xing, let's make an agreement. In the second half, the Greek team must score at least one goal. You can Don't be too messy!"

"Of course, of course, let them score a goal. We have known each other for so long. When have you ever seen me lie to you?" Wang Xing was still smiling, but this smile made Shen Xiangfu feel uneasy .

"Really, a ball"

"Let, let, let, definitely let!"

Shen Xiangfu looked suspicious, but he really didn't know what kind of medicine was buried in Wang Xing's gourd.

Now that Wang Xing has agreed, then what do I have to be afraid of? Anyway, with Wang Xing's experience, it will definitely be leak-proof.

"Oops, the battery is almost dead!"

Xu Liang suddenly found that his mobile phone was still recording a video, he casually sent the video to his girlfriend in China and was ready to wait for the second half of the game. .

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