Football Kung Fu Player

【133】It's Time To End This Joke (For Subscription)

"It's up to you, Wang, don't let me down." Jason Dingji turned his head with a smile, looked at Wang Xing, smiled lightly, and glanced at Chen Luo, who was standing next to Wang Xing, with a look of complacency , revealed between the eyebrows.

Although Chen Luo couldn't accurately measure how far Jason Dingji threw the javelin, but just looking at the latter's current complacent look, he knew in his heart that Jason Dingji might have performed a little beyond normal.

"At least it's above 97.40 meters." Among the crowd of these professional players, a voice came out from time to time.

"This is almost close to the current world record." Some people sighed incomparably, and at the same time looked at Wang Xing with strange eyes, and each of them felt a little unclear in their hearts.

Then he turned his head and looked directly at Jason Dingji, with a hint of envy in his eyes. After all, this is an opportunity to defeat Wang Xing. If they can grasp it, they will definitely become famous, and looking at Jason Ding Ji's performance, any fool knows that this guy has definitely performed beyond the ordinary.

"What a lucky guy!" one of them whispered disdainfully.

"Don't say that, at least he still has the courage to challenge Wang Xing, if it is you, do you have it?" Another friend who seemed to be the previous person couldn't help but patted him on the shoulder and said comfortingly: "Let's see Let's see what Wang Xing does next, maybe there will be a miracle."

"Fortunately, this is just an extraordinary performance. If it is really his true strength, we may have another opponent this time." , looked at Jason Dingji who was smiling lightly, and said in a low voice: "However, it is enough for such a thing to happen once. In the official competition, it seems that you can't be so lucky."

"Of course it's true. Who does he think he is, and can he really perform beyond the ordinary countless times?" The other person smiled slightly, not paying too much attention to Jason Dingji's extraordinary record this time.

In fact, before the original, they had never heard anything about Jason Dingji. Instead, there were countless things about Wang Xing. Now whenever they turn on the TV, it is all about Wang Xing The results and related matters, even in - Greece, are still the same.

In particular, I don't know what kind of madness the Greek TV station has gone so far to promote Wang Xing with such fanfare, and it is also a sports TV channel with quite good ratings. However, because it is personal, the Greeks are a little angry about it. , there is no way too much.

It can only be suppressed anger, and the dissatisfaction and anger towards Wang Xing has become much more intense, accumulated in the heart, which also caused some Han Chinese and Greeks to have many confidant allies in the competition field .

"What's the rush, why don't you allow Wang Xing to wait for a while?" Chen Luo frowned, glanced dissatisfied at Jason Dingji who was looking at him with a smile, and said flatly: "And you have the ability to throw it again, say Maybe the performance will be better, maybe it will be."

"How could that be? Wouldn't it be a violation of the rules?" After hearing Chen Luo's words, Jason Dingji, who was still urging Wang Xing, changed his expression slightly, and then explained with a smile.

He himself didn't cover up too much, but he definitely didn't reveal the fact that he performed exceptionally well, so he didn't expect Chen Luo to discover this about himself. Some other players might understand that his current state is pure Lucky, but in the eyes of Jason Dingji, Chen Luo is just a layman in the sports world. Unless someone tells him, he will never guess that he just got lucky.

"I've underestimated this guy." Jason Dingi frowned secretly, but he didn't say much, his aura couldn't be lost, and he didn't argue with Chen Hao after a slight smile.

"Wang Xing, isn't it because you're afraid?" Seeing Chen Luo defending Wang Xing, even people who don't understand Chinese can tell that Wang Xing doesn't seem to be thinking too much about it. above.

It is not difficult to deduce what kind of strength the Wang Xing who appeared now has.

"No wonder, in yesterday's game, Wang Xing was going to be the defender of the Tianchao football team. He thought it was some new tactic? It turned out that he was exhausted!" Some people's brains turned quickly, and before a little analysis, In this situation, I couldn't help being ecstatic.

…… Ask for flowers………

You must know that as professional players, what they are most afraid of is not the same enemy as themselves, but an opponent that completely surpasses them, giving people a professional player that no matter how hard they try, they cannot catch up. There is such a Being a player is simply a nightmare for all professional players who choose this path.

Especially for Wang Xing, a comprehensive sports player. It can be said that as his opponent, he is currently the common enemy of all track and field athletes, because the gap between him and them is so big that he doesn't even have the courage to catch up. a trace.

"It's not really a problem." Frowning, some people secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and some people didn't hide their joy at all. From the standpoint of the Greeks, the javelin sport has an unspeakable significance to them. The above symbol is more to commemorate some warriors.

So if they can win the championship, they will never give up this opportunity.

However, in the eyes of these people, what makes them most ecstatic now is Wang Xing's body. If it is not because of the fact that they will compete with Wang Xing later, they will definitely not give up the ridicule of what they are talking about now.

Obviously, I am nothing more than that, so why choose so many competitive sports out of face, really thinking that I am the god of sports?

Regarding Wang Xing's malice, he has never been short of people around him. Most of them are out of strong jealousy, which has caused some people's attitude and tone towards Wang Xing to be not very good, but such people, Wang Xing often treat Wang Xing They don't pay much attention either.

"Why, is the king of track and field also afraid?" When there were more and more players onlookers, a naked|naked and undisguised sarcasm finally broke out.

"The break is over, it's time to end this joke. Smiling, Wang Xing also turned his head when the words fell, and looked at Jason Dingjier with a smile on his face.

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