Football Kung Fu Player

[134] Are You Sure? (Seeking Subscription)

"Huh, what do you think you are?" Jason Dingji seemed a little indifferent to Wang Xing's words in his heart, but he didn't say it directly. Instead, he smiled slightly and said seriously: "Although I think Wang Xing, you are indeed You have this strength, but I still hope that you can try to be more serious."

"Because I'm also doing my best to compete with you. Although I don't think I'm your opponent, I think you should be more humble with your attitude."

Jason Dingji's words were spoken in English, and then he said to Wang Xing seriously in Chinese. This action immediately made some people around Jason Dingji look at him strangely. In his heart, he seemed to approve of this kind of behavior.

After all, not every "August 17" person will be as good-tempered as Jason Dingji, and Jason Dingji's grades are indeed very good. Wang Xing directly said that the other party was a joke. It's all a little too much.

The people here, although many people can't understand what Wang Xing said, but there are still some people who can analyze from Jason Dingji's words, what kind of contemptuous words Wang Xing just said, and some The contestants who knew the Chinese dialect all frowned and told the other contestants who asked about themselves.

When these words were thoroughly publicized, some people looked at Wang Xing with a different look. Some people were quite optimistic about Wang Xing at first, at least in Wang Xing's previous performance, They all have countless charms, a unique charm that is completely suppressed by strength.

But looking at it now, this charm seems to have become arrogance.

"Even if you are very strong, if you say such irresponsible words, it is already dereliction of duty for the entire Olympic spirit. It really disappoints me. No wonder so many people have opinions on this Tianchao kid." A foreign player , said something in a low voice behind his back.

As soon as the words were spoken, many people subconsciously nodded with approving eyes, because Jason Dingji's performance this time is indeed quite outstanding, if his performance is mediocre, then they will not have a little Opinion, after all, ridiculing the weak will definitely not make them feel ashamed.

But such a result is enough to crush them. Facing Jason Dingji, who has not yet counted, it is already a stable and impressive result of 97 meters. In these people's hearts, it is false to say that they are not envious, but Wang Xing It's a simple sentence that devalues ​​what they envy to nothing.

In the final analysis, the reason why they were angry was not because of Jason Dingji, but because Wang Xing stepped on their most important thing, so it is not an exaggeration to have such a big reaction.

Chen Luo looked at this scene with a frown. Although he was laughing and joking before, he didn't pay attention to these people and instead supported Wang Xing with all his strength. However, if these people gather together, they will be a great force. Writing an article in this regard will undoubtedly damage Wang Xing's reputation.

As a result, Chen Luo couldn't help becoming more contemptuous and hated towards Jason Dingji. Not to mention that this guy didn't accidentally find fault, just the gentleman he was showing now made him feel evil for no reason.

I am absolutely clear about who this guy is. Most of the calculations I am making now are not for sportsmanship, but are related to those things that smell like money.

Faced with this, Chen Luo has nothing to do. After all, he and Wang Xing can be said to not care about such a small amount of money. With Wang Xing's status, there is no need to compete with such an unknown player, but it is him Find the topic first, so that this matter is that Wang Xing is helping himself to get ahead.

Thinking of this, Chen Luo couldn't help but glanced at Wang Xing worriedly. When Wang Xing smiled slightly, a touch of emotion suddenly emerged in his heart. If it wasn't for him, Wang Xing would really not talk to this contestant, although the matter is indeed I made a mistake first, but when I encounter such a person who is plotting against the law, it may be the best to expose it at the beginning.

"Boss, are you sure..." Chen Luo couldn't help but said in a low voice when he was moved: "If you're not sure, I'll find something to talk about and let's leave first. Anyway, what happened just now Playing, this guy is also super performing, and when the time comes to see the real chapter on the field, he can't always be so lucky.

"What, are you scared?" Wang Xing looked at Chen Luo's cautious look and asked with a faint smile.

"Ahem, I'm not simply worried about you, Boss. We don't have to think about this kind of small fish and shrimp. What is a momentary success? I remember there is a saying on the football field that a rookie can kick out even Baker. Ham is surprised by the world wave, his strength is not good, and he can't do anything."

Chen Luo looked at Wang Xing with concern, especially when he saw that Wang Xing seemed to have the self-confidence of a strong man, he couldn't help sighing. Based on his understanding of Wang Xing, I am afraid that this match will not It's that easy.

"Before stepping on me, let these people think carefully about the consequences. If some cats and dogs want to become famous in one fell swoop in the future, the world will know "wouldn't it be too much fun?"

Wang Xing patted Chen Luo's shoulder lightly, the corners of his mouth were lightly raised, his eyes flashed with a confident smile, his soothing tone, and the sharp-edged contours looked extremely distinguishable under the light of the early sun, making 2.9 people Take a look, and you will never forget this confident look.

"This guy... doesn't take me seriously at all..." Jason Dingji couldn't help being stunned, watching Wang Xing treat him with such super strength, he was still so indifferent Calm, anger could not help but rise in his heart.

He discriminates against himself. Although he is willing to accept some players who have long been famous and has such an arrogant attitude towards him, Wang Xing! It is rumored that he is the king of track and field, but in fact he is just a rookie plus a novice. Of course , His record is indeed so gorgeous and dazzling that people can't look directly at it.

But even so, some sports stars still feel somewhat contemptuous of Wang Xing's sudden birth. .

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