Football Kung Fu Player

【135】Warning By Wang Xing (For Subscription)

"Do you think you are great? What do you think you are?!" Jason Dingji roared, he couldn't bear it, he couldn't bear this yellow|skinned guy, for his proud achievement, Is contempt.

This is infinitely close to a length of 98 meters. If he plays steadily this time, then the Olympic champion in the javelin throw is already within easy reach, and there will be absolutely no accidents.

Even if he understood that this was just an accident, he still couldn't allow Wang Xing to be so contemptuous of his achievements.

At this time, even he, the king of track and field, should show his incomparable shock to himself, and then lose to himself under his calm and complacent eyes, so as to achieve his reputation in this Athens Olympic Games. How loud it would be.

"You guy, why do you always do these meaningless things?!" The anger in Jason Dingji's heart made him grit his teeth uncontrollably, and glared at Wang Xing fiercely.

But these are just superficial phenomena, he only dares to fantasize in his heart, no matter how much he loses his mind, he is definitely much smarter than most people

He wants to prove that Wang Xing is definitely not able to dominate the Olympic field with a complete victory in the Athens Olympics.

And when the time comes, the headlines after the Olympics will be Jason Dinge, a strange name, a name that is completely his own!

He will beat Wang Xing and become a well-deserved star player!

Those who are hostile to Wang Xing will make themselves appear in commercials at a high price, and those who have enemies with Wang Xing will invest large sums of money in themselves. All of these are inextricably linked to Wang Xing. He said that without Wang Xing, these fantasies of his would never come true.

"Just wait and see! I will prove to everyone here, no, the whole world, that you are nothing more than a vain name!" Looking at Wang Xing on his side.

"Next, is the competition going to start?" Chen Luo probed Wang Xing's attitude towards this competition with a probing tone.

Sweat gradually flowed down his forehead, because he had already seen the arrival of some star reporters, and as time passed, more and more contestants came to the scene one after another, so the crowd gathered here Among them, it is undoubtedly the best place for them to get close.

One pass, one pass, two pass two, if this continues, sooner or later, some people will understand that Wang Xing is about to start a javelin throw match here with a very slim chance of winning.

With a length of 97 meters, even though Chen Luo knew nothing about the javelin competition before, he swallowed his saliva when he saw the result of the long distance, imagining what kind of level he would throw if he appeared on the stage.

And the more Chen Luo was thinking about it alone, the more he felt a deep sense of powerlessness for his ending.

It is absolutely impossible for me to throw a result of more than 60 meters in length. This is beyond doubt. Even if I am still a good athlete, there will still be no miracles.

"Damn, let this little bastard get mad!" When Chen Luo looked at Wang Xing without saying a word, he couldn't help scolding in his heart. At the same time, he stared sharply and smiled at Wang Xing. I and Wang Xing's Jason Dingji gritted their teeth, and their hatred for him couldn't help but rise to a higher level.

Wang Xing's reputation must not be damaged in the slightest. For a sports superstar newly born in Asia, if it is affected when it rises, then the ending, without exception, will be very miserable, even miserable An unbelievable situation.

But Wang Xing's strength is also unbelievably strong, surpassing these athletes. This is why Chen Luo understands that after summing up the experience of arrogant soldiers who are bound to lose and good horses who stumble, they always have the desire to challenge these Olympic athletes idea.

Because it is too strong, in the past, there was never a single person in the sports world who could imagine a sports fan like Wang Xing, with unparalleled talent, and a mentality of neither arrogance nor impetuosity. In the eyes of others, getting one is inconceivable Things, but all concentrated on Wang Xing.

Therefore, there is a reason for Chen Luo's arrogance. A part, or even most of it, should be blamed on Wang Xing, because on him, failure seems impossible.

Chen Luo may have dismissed this sentence before, or even ignored it, but now Chen Luo has to think about it and think of a way to end today's farce immediately.

"Why don't you just give him a hard time and explain to the sports newspaper that it's a personal reason. Even if I suffer a little bit, I can't let Wang Xing lose anything." The retreating steps also gradually inspired a little courage.

If Chen Luo's thoughts were known to the General Administration of Sports of the Celestial Dynasty, I'm afraid everyone would be smiling. In fact, at Wang Xing's height, he has undoubtedly risen to the face of 040 companies in a country, so it's so embarrassing. The matter was naturally to be carried out by Chen Luo, who had already retired.

At that time, the country can't help but not have any opinions on Chen Luo, but will praise him heavily, because in the eyes of outsiders, Chen Luo's actions may be a little lacking in quality, but as far as their own country is concerned, they have already been affected by these sports. On the weak side, by these foreigners, contemptuous tone and attitude.

These people should be bullied by someone who is stronger than them, instead of living in peace with them, because under the premise of peaceful coexistence, there is often another person who has advantages far superior to others. What kind of bizarre things will be born under the strong jealousy and desire?

There must have been many cases in these countries.

"Okay, let's do it!" Chen Luo couldn't help but clenched his hands.

At this moment, Wang Xing's hand firmly grasped Chen Luo for the first time. When Chen Luo turned his head to look at Wang Xing with doubts, he was startled, and he was no longer playing with himself. The handsome face with a hint of a warm smile, but in those pure black eyes, there is an indifference that makes the hairs stand on end.

Chen Luo understood that it was Wang Xing warning him...

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