Football Kung Fu Player

【140】Dream (Seeking Subscription)

"In this situation, I absolutely can't offend them easily. It's better to find some way to stabilize them first. Otherwise, if I really let them blame me, I really can't protect myself..." Jason Dingji thought in his heart Feeling a little uneasy.

Looking at Chen Luo's eyes, he gradually became more afraid.

He didn't dare to bet, that's right, he didn't dare to make bets with these people at all, God knows how Chen Luo will target himself in the future, if it's just some private humiliation, it's nothing, the hard life of these few years , He has already smoothed his edges and corners, but he is still very afraid of the humiliation in front of him.

Even if the reporters here are very happy to see Wang Xing make a fool of themselves, if he makes a fool of himself, even if he thinks about it with his toes, he can understand that they will never miss this good opportunity.

As long as there is information to report, who cares who is ugly?

The current Jason Dingji, while looking at Chen Luo with a wry smile, inadvertently glanced at Wang Xing, but found that after the game just now, Wang Xing never looked at him 25, as if My own value has completely disappeared in the competition just now.

"This guy!" Jason Dingji clenched his hands tightly.

But even though he is very angry in his heart now, what is more important is his sense of powerlessness in the face of Wang Xing. In the latter's heart, there is still some pain and unwillingness. The best time in form, but even so, it was still a defeat.

The defeat was too thorough, it made him feel ashamed. When the latter thought about it for a while, he looked elsewhere, and then took a deep breath, thinking that he definitely had a greater possibility .

"This guy may just be putting on a show. His athletic talent is better than mine. Now he can reach 98 meters. In the end, why didn't I consider that he also performed supernormally? I just kept it With a little effort, I can still use it completely..." After Jason Dingji lowered his head and thought about it, a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes

I was too nervous, why did I forget about Wang Xing's extraordinary performance? If the other party also performed extraordinary, then I "may not have a


Thinking of this, Jason Dingji's breathing slowly became tighter, and he had already firmly grasped the last straw in his hands.

He wants to gamble once, instead of being caught by Wang Xing and the others and letting them do whatever they want, it is better to make the last chance of life, and that is to compete with him again.

"Wang, I think our relationship should go further." Jason Dingji smiled slightly.

"You bastard, what are you thinking?" Chen Luo looked at Jason Dingji who laughed again in disbelief, his mind was full of incomprehension.

"This guy, isn't he out of his mind?" Chen Luo couldn't help muttering.

Immediately, Chen Luo shuddered all over his body, and when he looked at Jason Dingji again, he hesitated again. If this guy was driven crazy by him, he would definitely not gain any face.

In fact, in Chen Luo's mind, he was also hesitant about what he should use to humiliate Jason Dingji, but he still didn't imagine that according to his understanding, it would be too boring to humiliate him in private.

"I don't mean much either." Jason Dingi smiled slightly.

"The ghost knows what you are thinking in your heart." Facing Jason Dingji, Chen Lu no longer had any good impressions, and she couldn't help but wonder what method should be used

Take care of the latter.

"How about this, during the preliminaries, I believe you are not very familiar with the rules here." Jason Dingji looked at Wang Xing at this time, and said with a smile in his eyes: I am not suspicious of your strength, either. Just purely for your own good.

"What do you mean?" Chen Luo said with some dissatisfaction.

"My performance just now was no match for Wang, so naturally I won't have any other hostile thoughts. However, Wang's dew just now was a bit too resolute. We have so many players. During the competition, you are 98 Mi, aren't we all being compared?" Jason Dingey shrugged with a smile.

"It's not that your skills are inferior to others?" Chen Luo sneered.

"So, since you are so confident, do you dare to play with me again? This time, let's be a little more vulgar and gamble. In order to avoid bad debts, I also invite these reporters who came here to make a guarantee for us." Jason Dingji's eyes were slightly fiery.

"Damn, this guy is probably crazy." Chen Luo felt a little cold in his heart.

I didn't expect Jason Dingji to say such a thing. Could it be that he couldn't see the gap between himself and Wang Xing? Let alone the scene where he was lucky just now, even Wang Xing's average strength, this guy, They can't surpass it at all. Competing with Wang Xing now is nothing but a dream.

053 "Don't dare?" Jason Dingji laughed.

Seeing Chen Luo's hesitation, Jason Dingji was even more sure of what he had just imagined in his heart. This Wang Xing has also performed exceptionally. Otherwise, there would be no reason for such a novice to be like this from the beginning Strength beyond ordinary people's expectations.

"Jason Dingji, are you crazy?" Some foreign players who can speak heaven and earth couldn't help frowning slightly after hearing this.

They thought that Jason Dingji was just here to plead with Wang Xing and Chen Luo to let them let him go, but they didn't expect that they still underestimated his thoughts and chose to directly compete with Wang Xing and the others. It looked like he was at the end of his rope.

"This matter must have broken the law." Chen Luo turned his eyes and thought about it secretly.

Whether this matter is reported or selectively abandoned, it is definitely not a favorable thing for Wang Xing, especially for players to gamble, regardless of the whole story, this is an extremely violation of the rules.

"What are you kidding, for a guy like you, you have to do something against the rules, what are you daydreaming about?" Chen Luo secretly thought dismissively. .

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