Football Kung Fu Player

【1】Invitation From Program Group


As soon as Wang Xing lay down, the mobile phone beside him began to vibrate cheerfully. He grabbed the phone in a daze, and a respectful voice gradually came from his ear.

"Hi, Mr. Wang, this is Chen Jian, director of Weibo, and I would like to invite you to participate in the "Dialogue with Stars" column held by our company..."

What column? Talking to what? Oh star? That's not me.

Wang Xing turned over and hung up the phone without any hassle. In a daze, he fell down again.

Weibo Building, Director's Office.

Chen Jian looked at the mobile phone with a look of astonishment, and he couldn't believe that there are still celebrities who would refuse the invitation of "Dialogue with Celebrities".

"Conversations with Celebrities" is the latest activity launched by Weibo. Since Weibo has become popular, because of its huge user base, the popularity of every star participating in this column has increased dramatically. In the entertainment circle, there are many small stars who are struggling in the second and third tiers, but they always want to enter this column, but this kind of star who Wang Xing is not a star actually refuses without even thinking about it!

Seeing that Chen Jian's face turned gloomy in an instant, the assistant with sharp eyes stepped on his high heels and yelled at Wang Xing.

"He's just a sports star with well-developed limbs, but he dared to refuse our invitation from Weibo, how dare he do that..."

"Shut up!"

Unexpectedly, Chen Jian yelled at the assistant angrily, picked up the phone again after the scolding, and pressed the call back button with the assistant's horrified expression.

Wang Xing sat up from the bed so suddenly, seeing that it was still the same number, he almost cursed

, Finally, the connection was not connected and the hang up button was pressed.

Is there no end to you liar? Wait, this number?

Wang Xing looked at the number displayed on the phone in a daze, 400-960-960, and somehow felt a little familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen this number before.

Suddenly, Wang Xing slapped his thigh fiercely and came to his senses, isn't this number the official number of Weibo?

Chen Jian's face was so gloomy that water dripped out. It took him a long time to finally calm down his emotions. He wanted to give up at this point, but suddenly remembered that last night, President Wei Bo suddenly called He called himself, and insisted on inviting Wang Xing, a sports star who had nothing to do with the entertainment industry, to participate in this program! Now, Wang Xing's attitude towards him made Chen Jian even more convinced that this Wang Xing was definitely more than It's as simple as being a sports star!

Finally, after hesitating for a long time, Chen Jian ignored the assistant's dumbfounded expression, and then clicked the replay button.


The phone in front of him rang suddenly, Wang Xing glanced at it, hesitated for a long time, and finally pressed the connect button.

"Hello, we are the staff of Weibo," Chen Jian's voice gradually became respectful unconsciously. "Do you have time to participate in the program "Dialogue with the Stars" organized by Weibo?"

Wang Xing lay in bed thinking for a while, and suddenly found that he didn't seem to have any competition schedule recently, so it seemed that there was nothing wrong with joining this program.

"it is good.

"Okay, Mr. Wang Xing, "Dialogue with Stars" is a column for online dialogue with fans. We will distribute your promotional posters in the next few days. I hope you can send us the itinerary later. I The company headquarters address is...

Chen Jian was overjoyed, and quickly continued to speak respectfully.

"Okay. My assistant Chen Luo will contact you later."

"Beep beep ․.."

Just after Chen Jian respectfully reported the company address, Wang Xing on the other side of the phone responded lightly, and the voice of the microphone turned into a familiar beep again.

What Wang Xing didn't know was that the colder he acted, the more unfathomable Wang Xing became in Chen Jian's heart, and even Chen Jian unconsciously put the main line in his heart on the same level as President Weibo. height position.

On this day, the staff outside the Director's Office of the Weibo Building discovered a strange thing: Chen Jian, the director of Weibo Company, who can be regarded as a promise, walked into the Propaganda Department in person, and drove away all the posters in the Propaganda Department. personnel. Finally, for the first time, a promotional poster for the column "Conversations with Celebrities" was made, and the star in the poster turned out to be just a sports star who hardly belonged to the entertainment circle...

Zhou Ruru used to be a first-tier star in the entertainment industry, but she has slowly fallen to the second-tier ranks in recent years, but her influence is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary second-tier stars.

She was constantly enjoying the assistant dressing herself up, and looked at Weibo's "Dialogue with the Stars" poster that had just been printed. Every issue of "Dialogue with the Stars" has been reported very successfully, so Zhou Ruru successfully signed up for the latest issue of "Dialogue with the Stars" with the help of her terrifying influence.

She has even planned out what she should say and what actions she should do in the show, and she has made up her mind to take this opportunity to boost her reputation and return to the ranks of the first-line celebrities.

As for the remaining four stars in the promotional poster, the three are just third-tier stars who have just debuted, and it is said that they are still a small group. As for the remaining one, it turned out to be some kind of sports star named Wang Xing. Funny, when are sports stars considered stars? They can be on shows with well-developed limbs. "Could it be enough to perform a weightlifting run for fans?

Zhou Ruru inexplicably felt a little excitement, it seems that this opportunity is destined to be her turnaround day! As for the remaining starlets, let them be their stepping stones!

Thinking of this, Zhou Ruru didn't have the slightest heart to bear. The entertainment industry is a place where the weak prey on the strong. Without this kind of strength, they are destined to only pave the way for the strong. As for whether the reputation of these little stars will be damaged after being their own stepping stones, that's up to them. It's not within the scope of Zhou Ruru's consideration.

SNG is a beauty group that has just debuted. They were good at singing and dancing when they were selected by scouts at school. Finally, they successfully entered the (Zhao Haozhao) entertainment circle by starring in the three sisters in the latest popular TV series.

They didn't expect that they would be spotted by Weibo and invited to participate in popular programs like "Conversations with Celebrities", who just made their debut. How could this be possible?

Overjoyed, they quickly agreed, but they couldn't help feeling distressed during this time. Because in the latest promotional poster of "Conversations with the Stars", there is even a veteran second-tier star Zhou Ruru! You must know that the best performer in a show is always the one who attracts the most attention, and is also the one who increases the number of fans the most! But there are With such a veteran celebrity here, doesn't that mean that the two of them combined can hardly fight against her alone?

They gritted their teeth and continued to practice dancing. As for the sports star Wang Xing left in the promotional poster, they had long regarded it as a way for Weibo to attract sports fans, and they hadn't taken it seriously for a long time. .

In the end, even Wang Xing's promotional poster wearing a gold medal fell to the ground without anyone noticing.

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