Football Kung Fu Player

【2】Wang Xing Is Everywhere

In the past few days, the Weibo client has been almost occupied by an advertisement of "Conversation with the Stars"! Countless users are almost vomiting blood by the ubiquitous advertisement, you slide up, it is there; you Sliding down, it actually appeared at the bottom!

The most exaggerated thing is that this advertisement is actually the same person for several days in a row, and he is also a sports star, some name is Wang Xing. Almost all users who use Weibo are curious, who is this Wang Xing who can make Weibo so loved!

Zhou Ruru is also checking Weibo. She was very excited when she heard that Weibo was advertising for "Dialogue with the Stars". She thought that although Weibo was so kind this time, she had the biggest wrist in this show. No matter what, I have to be the protagonist of this advertisement!

Zhou Ruru thought happily of her rising popularity, and opened Weibo expectantly. In an instant, an advertisement on Weibo's homepage caught Zhou Ruru's eyes.

Wang Xing? How is that possible!

Zhou Ruru's heart skipped a beat, her smile disappeared instantly, and she opened another page in disbelief.

Wang Xing!

Zhou Ruru was about to go crazy, her face darkened instantly 643, unwilling to reconcile, she frantically opened other pages.

Wang Xing, Wang Xing, still Wang Xing!

Zhou Ruru's delicate face slowly twisted, and she couldn't help feeling a little bit of hatred towards Wang Xing. But after a while, her curiosity continued to rise again. Who is this Wang Xing? Isn't he a sports star? Even if he has won a few gold medals, his influence can be compared to that of a second-tier star like himself ?

The angry Zhou Ruru cursed Wang Xing, and at the same time went to Weibo to send a Weibo:

Who is Wang Xing?

There are not many fans of second-tier celebrities, and in addition, everyone has been curious about Weibo's ubiquitous advertisements these days. In an instant, this Weibo was crazily liked and forwarded by countless netizens, and it rushed to the top of the Weibo Hot List in less than an hour!

And the almighty netizen also answered Zhou Ruru's Weibo with great interest.

I know, he is the Olympic 100m gold medalist and the world record holder!

Zhou Ruru's finger stopped on this answer, 100m champion? It turned out that he was just running better, so I was worried that he would steal my enthusiasm. While thinking "Zhou Ruru is still in a good mood (cfej) and gave this comment a thumbs up.

Weibo, oh Weibo, I told you not to advertise me, to advertise this sports star, and when I become popular, you will regret it! Wait, what is this?

Zhou Ruru was thinking complacently, when suddenly another Weibo on her phone attracted her attention.

Now he is the 200-meter world record holder, but I think, I am afraid that the future 200-meter world record will still be his!

Since he can win the world championship in 100 meters, it shouldn't matter if he wins another championship in 200 meters.

Zhou Ruru completely relaxed, Wang Xing had no competitiveness against her in an instant. Fans of sports stars are not as good as entertainment stars, but they are loyal to the 100-meter and 200-meter events.

Just inadvertently, another Weibo was posted.

He is also the world champion in the 110m hurdles and the world champion in the 400m!

Zhou Ruru's relaxed heart raised again, how is it possible, there is no athlete who can run like this, if you are good at one event, there must be another event you are not good at, why does it feel like winning the gold medal is like playing!

Zhou Ruru, who didn't believe in evil, frantically scrolled down the Weibo, and Weibo answered by netizens appeared in front of Zhou Ruru, and Zhou Ruru was dumbfounded.

Athletics Gold Slam Winner!

Discus Throwing Record Winner!

shot put throwing record holder


Long Jump Record Holder!

Zhou Ruru brushed out Weibo one after another, and Zhou Ruru felt her heart beat violently every time one was brushed out!

What kind of person is this, why does he have all kinds of sports records!

It was not only Zhou Ruru who was shocked, but also most of the melon eaters who didn't know who Wang Xing was!

"Old Wang, you picked a melon for me, it's too scary!"

"Picking up your uncle, I don't have hands! God, is this still human?"

"You have also seen, how can there be such a person in the world!"

In an instant, this Weibo was crazily forwarded again. People who had just seen this Weibo, as if they had opened up a new world, eagerly asked about the existence of Wang Xing. In the blink of an eye, one after another Weibo about Wang Xing was pushed to the top.

Wang Xing's life full version...

Half an hour later, this Weibo was pushed to the second place on the hot list.

Shocked, there is such a god-man in the Celestial Dynasty...

In less than twenty minutes, this Weibo was promoted to the top ten.

The man is silent when he sees it, and the woman sheds tears when he sees it. Is this person considered a normal person...

In less than an hour, the Weibo about Wang Xing almost completely occupied the Weibo hot list. From the first to the ninth, "it's all about Weibo about the master's past: only the last Weibo, who usually occupies the hot list for a whole week, is still alive. But it seems that the tenth place is about the master's past." The good Weibo will soon squeeze the unmarried Weibo off the hot list.

Wang Xing happened to be browsing Weibo at this time. In order to know about the program he was going to participate in, he specially downloaded a Weibo client and started browsing it with great interest.

But just when he was swiping vigorously, a Weibo about himself suddenly popped up, and it was placed on top of all the Weibos before long.

Surprised, he just wanted to see what this Weibo said. Unexpectedly, in less than an hour, countless Weibos about him filled the Weibo client, and Wang Xing was dumbfounded instantly.

The perplexed Wang Xing finally found Zhou Ruru's Weibo among all the Weibo, and clicked in curiously.

Who is Wang Xing?

There are a lot of comments below, almost one-sidedly commenting on Wang Xing's various medals and what world records he has achieved. In the end, Wang Xing felt a little embarrassed

Calm down, that's how good I am. What are you talking about, keep a low profile.

Finally, Wang Xing thought about it, and quickly commented a line under Weibo.

Zhou Ruru was brushing Weibo sourly, Wang Xing's heat almost made her feel jealous, and then another Weibo appeared in front of her eyes.

a noble man,

a pure man,

a moral person,

A man out of vulgar taste.

Zhou Ruru almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. What is this? He dares to boast on his face! Then Zhou Ruru glanced at the name of the commenter,

After a while, she carefully read the name several times.

Wang Xing!


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