Football Kung Fu Player

【3】The Anger Of A Female Star

Zhou Ruru felt that her eyes were bursting with flames, and it was okay for others to be mad at her, but this Wang Xing dared to jump out and mock her!

Zhou Ruru was so angry that she clicked on the Weibo, which was called Wang Xing, and suddenly found that there were only a few dozens of fans in this Weibo, and then Zhou Ruru discovered that the blogger did not have Weibo certification.

It turned out to be a pirated version of Wang Xing.

Zhou Ruru finally felt better, looked at Wang Xing's Weibo resentfully, found the latest Weibo, and angrily commented,

"He's not Wang Xing!"

What Zhou Ruru didn't know was that at the same time she clicked on Wang Xing's Weibo, the Weibo staff also found Tian Xing's Weibo account.

The sweaty Weibo staff felt the anger of Chen Jian behind them, and their efficiency reached the extreme. One after another Weibo continued to screen, and finally found Wang Xing's Weibo account before Chen Jian was about to explode. .

"Director, take... what should I do next." A staff member mustered up his courage and asked Chen Jian.

"What should I do!" Chen Jian's voice became inexplicably irritable, and he roared loudly. "Add v, what else can I do!"

Chen Jian felt that he was going to be killed by this group of people. In the director's office, he suddenly remembered whether Wang Xing's Weibo account had not been verified. Inexplicably wanting to curry favor with Wang Xing, he hurried to the Weibo authentication area, wanting to get this group of staff to quickly add an authentication to Wang Xing, but this group of people actually used the backstage to check for a long time and couldn't find Wang Xing- Weibo. Bo number.

If Wang Xing knew that Weibo did not give him certification for a long time, would he not participate in the show in a fit of anger? If Wang Xing did not participate in the show, the president would be angry, then he should not be the director of Weibo !

Thinking of this, Chen Jian inexplicably felt that there was a layer of cold sweat on his back, and nervously watched this group of staff give Wang Xing staff.

A group of staff who are usually treated respectfully by celebrities because of Weibo certification have never seen their director look like this, let alone a sports star. But seeing their superiors so nervous, this group of staff couldn't help but feel a deep fear of this unknown Wang Xing.

In an instant, various labels were inserted on Wang Xing's Weibo account, and the membership level was directly adjusted to 10,000 years by the staff using the background, and a gold V with the highest level was specially used on it, and then certified A line of large characters was prominently printed on the page:

The country's top athlete and the only Grand Slam winner in world sports.

Then after the big characters, there is a dense line of small characters: 100-meter athletes, 110-meter hurdlers, 200-meter athletes...

In the end, all kinds of tags crowded the Weibo authentication page, and left a...jump link to display all the content.

And just after Wang Xing's Weibo account was certified, omnipotent netizens found Wang Xing's Weibo account in an instant, and frantically poured into Wang Xing's Weibo account. And Wang Xing's Weibo, comments, and even likes were found by netizens like crazy.

The first Weibo in Wang Xing’s Weibo, and also Wang Xing’s only Weibo, a Weibo with the same running account got a terrifying number of likes of one million in less than an hour!

Wang Xing's comment on Zhou Ruru's Weibo was also dug out by netizens, and the comment of a person who broke away from the vulgar taste instantly became popular on Weibo, with nearly a million likes being topped by Zhou Ruru's Weibo comments first place.

"You are too ridiculous, a noble person, a pure person, a noble person would brag about himself like this?"

"Hey, this sentence is the most important. The key point is the one who breaks away from vulgar tastes! That is the highest evaluation written by a great man in commemoration of Mr. Bethune!"

"Hey, this guy really dares to talk!"

In the end, Zhou Ruru commented on Wang Xing that he is not Wang Xing! It was also pushed out by netizens. Netizens almost died laughing in front of their mobile phones. Staring at that sentence, the number of likes increased crazily, inexplicably just wanted to laugh non-stop.

I don't know which netizen, Fu Zhi Xin, commented: "This is Wang Xing!" Seeing this, many netizens became even more excited. While grinning, they also copied this sentence, wanting to get Zhou Ruru Aite out.

"This is Wang Xing! Aite Zhou Ruru.

"This is Wang Xing! Aite Zhou Ruru."

"This is Wang Xing..."

When everyone didn't expect, this sentence even ignited everyone's attention. Netizens copied and pasted this sentence one after another, and then inadvertently caused the indirect consequences in less than ten minutes. Weibo, who stubbornly stayed on the hot list that day, was forcibly pushed down and disappeared from the Weibo hot list!


In the end, the entire Weibo hot list became neater than ever before, and it was all about Wang Xing's Weibo. Wang Xing's popularity had reached a terrifying level.

Almighty netizens found out that Zhou Ruru is about to join Wang Xing in "Conversations with Celebrities" and posted this on Weibo. Zhou Ruru

Zhou Ruru, you are the criminal Wang Xing!

Zhou Ruru's face was livid. She was happily scrolling through Weibo, but somehow found that there were a lot of news in the Weibo news, and when she was about to read it, there was another big wave of news. Too much, directly collapsed in the past!

How is it possible, she is using the latest version of the imported Lizi mobile phone, the performance is particularly excellent, how can even a mere Weibo client cannot continue to run!

Could it be that there is too much news, how much news is there!

After finally repairing the Weibo client, Zhou Ruru stared angrily at the 999+ on the message bar, thinking angrily. If it's good news, it's fine, but if it's bad news, she'll find a gang of sailors to hack those who sent the news!

But when Zhou Ruru opened the message board and saw that he was Wang Xing!, he quickly clicked on Wang Xing's Weibo account in disbelief, and the golden big V appeared in her eyes very clearly, the big V There is a lot of introductory text beside it

Zhou Ruru suddenly felt that her cheeks were burning hot, and she forgot about looking for the navy or something. In the end, she was so depressed that she thought of Wang Xing inexplicably. The more she thought about it, the more resentment she felt for this Wang Xing who had never met before!

It’s all because of this bad sports star, it’s all about him! Without him, I wouldn’t be ashamed, without him, I’m the one above the Weibo advertisement, it’s all about him, it’s all about him!

Zhou Ruru, who was resentful, was just about to turn off Weibo, when a Weibo hotspot automatically popped up:

Zhou Ruru, you are the criminal Wang Xing!

"Wang Xing, I'll go to your uncle's zero!".

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