Football Kung Fu Player

【35】Temporary Workers

"It's you?"

Chen Jian said with a little dignity.

As a director of Weibo who is under one person and over ten thousand people, in addition to being respectful and fearful when facing Wang Xing, he still has a sense of majesty when facing other Weibo employees.

"Yes, it's the director, it's me!"

Wang Cheng said timidly, but his body was unsteady, and he fell in, with his hands hanging on the doorknob, looking like an enlarged version of a tree kangaroo.

Are you trying to piss me off and take over my throne?

The corners of Chen Jian's mouth twitched and looked at Wang Cheng, just as he was about to get angry, he forcibly held back. There was Wang Xing next to him, so he didn't dare to make Wang Xing's impression of him worse because of this.

"What are you doing here? We'll talk about it later. Get out!"

If it wasn't for Wang Xing's presence, Chen Jian would have been furious and fired Wang Cheng who dared to break into the director's office!

Moreover, Chen Jian felt that it was absolutely no big deal for Wang Cheng to come to him, and it was probably about the parking fee again!

When I came to see myself last time, I still said that I didn’t receive the parking fee, and what’s even more exasperating, I said that that person is my friend 25! How is it possible, they are already friends of my Director Weibo, people with this status Will it cost you this parking fee? Just give you a little more tip!

Now I dare to barge in while I am talking with Mr. Wang Xing! Fortunately, Mr. Wang Xing is not angry, otherwise you would have killed me!

The more Chen Jian thought about it, the more he felt that he didn't like this Wang Cheng, and the badness in his eyes was accumulating more and more.

Boy, if you don't leave honestly, I will deduct all your salary for this month!

Naturally, Wang Cheng didn't know what was going on in Chen Jian's mind, but he could still clearly see the unkind focus in Chen Jian's eyes and the repelling meaning in his words. In the past, Wang Cheng might not even be able to win the run, he would have already escaped from the director's office, how could he still dare to hang on the doorknob and block the door to prevent Chen Jian from going out.

But today, after Wang Xing left, he sat in the security room and tossed and turned countless times, and finally, his fear of the unknown surpassed his fear of Chen Jian and came to the director's office shrunken.

Originally, he wanted to knock on the door, but he never thought that Chen Jian would just gently put the door there, and did not lock it at all, so the scene of Wang Cheng hanging on the door appeared.

"The doorknob is of good quality."

Before Wang Cheng could speak, Wang Xing suddenly spoke seriously to Chen Jian behind him.

"'s pretty good!"

Chen Jian broke out in cold sweat. He thought Wang Xing was angry because Wang Cheng blocked the door, so he quickly replied, and then winked at the koala hanging on the doorknob.

Let's go, let's go! What do you think, old man!

This month's salary will not be deducted from your old man, okay, your old man will let me go!

I'm only a forty-year-old kid!

But the koala hanging on the doorknob might still not understand the profound meaning hidden in Chen Jian's eyes, so it was still hanging on the doorknob with a look of bewilderment.

The office fell into silence for an instant, so quiet that Chen Jian felt his heart start beating violently.

"The guy on the doorknob is pretty nice, too."

Wang Xing smiled slightly, looked at the huge koala at the door and said slowly.

Finally came, really angry!

It's over, it's over! What to do now!

Brother, please, can you please let me go, I will give you an extra month's salary, please get off the doorknob first!

I'm still young, and my mental capacity is not strong enough!

"Hehe, this, that. Employees in our company prefer to exercise with things that can be found everywhere.

Chen Jian finally thought of an answer that wasn't so outrageous, and tried his best to say the answer, and then carefully observed the changes in Wang Xing's expression.

"Ahem, that, that..." Chen Jian suddenly paused in the middle of speaking, and finally remembered the name of the koala after thinking for a long time, and then tried his best to make his expression look a little more kind. continued.

"That little Wang, you come down first, and if you have something to say, speak up."

Wang Cheng hung on the doorknob, but didn't respond to Chen Jian's words. He stared at Wang Xing in front of him and shook his head violently.

You still haven't come down, don't you want to go to heaven!

God, who will save me, a man who has entered his old age ahead of schedule!


"You come down first."

Wang Xing twitched his lips, he seemed to understand why the little security guard in front of him suddenly rushed to the director's office, and then he tentatively spoke.


Wang Cheng reacted suddenly, as if Wang Xing's words were an imperial decree, he slowly climbed off the doorknob.

Whether I am your director or he is your director, you don't listen to me!

Chen Jian looked at Wang Cheng who obediently got down from the doorknob and almost said mmp. It was useless to say so many sentences with him, Wang Xing had to speak!

Could it be that he is not an employee of Weibo?

Chen Jian looked at the Weibo employee uniform on Wang Cheng, and inexplicably fell into a burst of doubts about his heart and thinking about human nature.

"Mr. Wang Xing, I was wrong!"

Wang Xing looked at Wang Cheng who knelt down proficiently in front of him, and felt speechless for a while.

You are right, I am wrong!

Chen Jian, who was exploring the mysteries of the universe, was interrupted by a heavy kneeling sound, and then Wang Cheng's next words were heard by his ears, and 610 gradually had a bad feeling.

As an intern, Wang Cheng is only in charge of the parking management of the underground parking lot. And now Wang Cheng says he was wrong, he definitely provoked Wang Xing in the parking lot!

God, Wang Xing, who I dare not even provoke, is so bold!

You old man is so bold, don't come to your door in such a hurry, let me know the news later, live a few more years, okay?

Chen Jian's face was full of despair, thinking of the various situations in which Wang Cheng collected parking fees before, he was sure that it was because of the parking lot.

Before Wang Cheng came to him because he was cheated by a person who claimed to be his friend, and he fined him two days' wages! And if Wang Xing called himself to the outside world, he should also say that he is his friend...

The more Chen Jian thought about it, the more frightened he became, and he froze in place.

It can't be such a coincidence!

Wang Xing walked over slowly, stretched out his hand and lifted Wang Cheng up from the ground, looked helplessly at the shy Wang Cheng, stretched out his hand and patted the dust on Wang Cheng's body, then turned his head to look Turning to Chen Jian behind him, he showed a puzzled expression.

Chen Jian was shocked. At this moment, Confucius, Mencius, Zhu Xi and other saints from all walks of life possessed their bodies one after another. Countless flashes of light flashed through their minds, and finally stayed on a foolproof answer. Then he replied loudly and confidently:

"Temporary workers!".

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