Football Kung Fu Player

[36] Little Incident Of Rampage


Wang Cheng hadn't realized what temporary workers meant, and stood there with a dull expression on his face. Temporary worker, he just recruited this month, it is indeed a temporary worker!

However, Wang Xing's reaction was violent, and he couldn't help but burst out laughing on the spot, and it wasn't too funny, otherwise he would have lost his calm image.

Yes, temps. Unexpectedly, Chen Jian is also a talent. At this time, the title of temporary worker is obviously not popular yet. Unexpectedly, Chen Jian thought of such a clever way to shirk responsibility.

But Chen Jian's move was really too wasteful, Wang Xing never planned to blame this Wang Cheng from the beginning. On the contrary, he has a good impression of this kind-hearted Wang Cheng who is obsessed with charging parking fees and has a little personality, especially his kind of heart that has not been completely polluted by this world should be regarded as rare at his age. Very rare.

"Mr. Wang Xing, I shouldn't pester you to collect parking fees, I shouldn't question you as a friend of our director, and I shouldn't waste so much of your time..."

Wang Cheng spoke respectfully, with a look of fear while speaking, and it seemed that he was going to continue to kneel down while speaking.

In the parking lot, after Wang Cheng listened to Liu Dawei's eloquent description of Wang Xing's great deeds and vividly explained how high Wang Xing's status is in Weibo, Wang Cheng finally panicked again.

He knew that Wang Xing was a big shot, and he didn't expect to be able to reach this level! Besides, his salary this month was running out, if he was fired because of this incident, he might really be the headline of tomorrow's news.

The former proud son of heaven repeatedly hit the wall and starved to death on the street!

What happened to contemporary college students? Count down the death path of college student Wang Cheng!

Professor XX calls on contemporary college students to start their own businesses at school and strive not to become the second Wang Cheng!

Wang Cheng shook his head and quickly put this horrible incident behind him. The more he thought about it, the more frightened he ran to the director's office in panic, and then such a strange scene happened.

"Mr. Wang Xing, I really know I was wrong, please forgive me"!"

As he said that, Wang Cheng really wanted to kneel down.

"Stop, stop, I forgive you."

Wang Xing quickly grabbed Wang Cheng's kneeling figure and said. He likes to slap others in the face and make the enemy kneel on the ground, but he really has no interest in making Wang Xing, who is not an enemy, kneel down to him.

Chen Jian finally understood what was going on, and Wang Cheng's words once again confirmed the prediction in his heart. Seeing that Wang Xing didn't care about this matter now, Chen Jian hurriedly ran over and pulled Wang Cheng's body and said to Wang Xing.

"Thank you, Mr. Wang Xing, for having a lot!"

Even if Wang Xing didn't really forgive Wang Cheng this time, Chen Jian must make it true. Otherwise, if Wang Cheng continued to kneel down, if Xing Xing suddenly refused to forgive Wang Cheng in a fit of anger, wouldn't it be too unfair!

Wang Xing rubbed his nose, he really wanted to say that he was so scary, that he could make the people in front of him act so exaggeratedly.

Could it be that I look like a bad guy?

A better-looking villain?

"Hey, can you introduce yourself?"

In order to ease the topic, he was also interested in Wang Cheng in front of him, Xing said to him indifferently.

"My name is Wang Cheng, and I am currently working as a security intern in the security department of Weibo Company. I..."

It's just that Wang Cheng didn't know what to say after halfway through speaking, he was stuck in the same place, and looked at Chen Jian beside him with a blank expression.

Pfft... What a temporary worker!

Wang Xing really didn't expect that the Wang Cheng in front of him was really an intern, but he went to work as a security guard at such a young age, and he looked like a scholar with a weak temperament, so he couldn't think of doing this job.

Chen Jian also looked at Wang Cheng blankly, not knowing what to say at all, so he could only continue to convey information with his eyes.

Mr. Wang Xing asked you to introduce yourself, what do you think I am doing!

Introduce quickly!

Wang Cheng continued to be dazed, and stayed where he was.

What is the director doing with the winking eyes? Could it be an indirect neuropathy attack?

What to do, what to do, should I call 120!?

If I want to fight, should I fight now, or wait until he gets sick? Is it too late after he gets sick? Or should I ask the director?

Wang Cheng thought for a while, then winked in a serious manner.

What are you doing with that expression?

I don't know, your eyebrows are crowded so fast that I can't see clearly!


"Why are you so young to be a security guard?"

In the end, it was Wang Xing who broke the normal communication between the two of them and asked casually.

Of course, it's not that Wang Xing looks down on security or something, it's that Wang Cheng looks less than 25 years old, and he would never choose the security industry. And normally, Weibo should also recruit some middle-aged, strong and experienced security guards. Could it be possible to recruit such thin and weak people to protect themselves?


Wang Cheng continued to be speechless with a cute face. Then Chen Jian felt that if he continued to rely on Wang Cheng, he might be pissed off, so he took the initiative to explain.

"He is actually a college student, but he lost his job and had no source of money, and he didn't dare to tell his family. Then, after seeing Weibo's posters for security guards on the road, he came to apply for the job somehow. Then the security captain saw Hit him, and kept him alive."

While talking, Chen Jian carefully scrutinized the expression on Wang Xing's handsome face.

Well, Wang Shao should not care about this matter after hearing such a miserable story about Wang Cheng!

I am such a genius!

Unexpectedly, Wang Xing suddenly became interested when he heard it, his eyes lit up and he continued to ask.

"College student, what type of college student?"

College students! Why do you still ask that type? Are you still interfering with the employment of college students?

Chen Jian had doubts on his face, but he really didn't know how to answer this question. He knew that Wang Cheng was a college student, but he was really not interested in a security guard who was a college student in that kind of university (Qian Nuo's).

It should be from the Pheasant University!

"Professional host, Yanhuang Chuanmou Tianxue."

Wang Cheng continued to say timidly, but at this moment Chen Jian felt a little surprised.

Yanhuang Media University, that is a key university! And it is also known as the school where hosts make machines! How could it be possible to teach this little security guard!

"I need a host for a show, are you interested?"

Wang Xing continued to speak flatly and said Xian.

Brother, your style of painting has changed too quickly!

Chen Jian and Wang Cheng were stunned, looking at Wang Xing in disbelief.

"Yes... what program?"

At this moment, Wang Cheng mustered up the courage to ask.

Wang Xing looked at Wang Cheng, who was a little timid, and the huge headgear in his memory slowly emerged, and put it on Wang Cheng's head.

"The little incident of running away.".

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