Football Kung Fu Player

[75] Competing For Advertising Space

The owner of Qingfeng Tissue Paper is actually a nouveau riche. Although he has been in business for more than ten years without much culture, his appreciation level has not improved.

Of course, this is definitely not to say that the song "Good Day" is not good, but in the hearts of this group of bosses who consider themselves to be upper-class people in society, they all take the pursuit of elegant art as their glory, although they don't know what art is.

It’s like the boss of Black Cow Milk doesn’t know how beautiful the song “To Alice” is on his mobile phone, he just listened to others saying it was a master’s work and set it as a ringtone

So the boss of Qingfeng brand tissue was very embarrassed. He looked at the disdainful eyes of a group of bosses, and was extremely angry in his heart. He immediately put the blame on the assistant who called.

Deducting wages and firing squid will make you unable to turn over for the rest of your life!

"Hey, tell me if there's anything serious!"

The boss Qingfeng who lost face just now roared arrogantly, as if in this way he could get back the face that he had lost!

"Boss, "The Voice of Yanhuang" has been rebroadcasted by Yanhuang 1! The teaser advertisement has been released!"

Little 25's assistant seemed to know his fate. Said timidly.


Boss Qingfeng's mobile phone suddenly dropped on the table. He was dumbfounded just now when he was still thinking about how to deal with the little assistant when he went back, and his arrogance just now was gone. haze.

Yanhuang TV's three-minute advertisement every day is one million a day, not counting the prime time, and the time when "The Voice of Yanhuang" appears on Yanhuang TV is at eight o'clock in prime time!

The two hours of "The Voice of Yanhuang" means that the manufacturer can run an advertisement for two hours, and it is a prime-time advertisement that is said to be 100 million a year! If there is a brand that can compete with "The Voice of Yanhuang" Entering into an advertising contract is simply a huge profit!

Immediately afterwards, the other bosses also slowly put down their phones, and looked at each other with regret.

A music program with the highest ratings in the history of Yanhuang! A program loved by countless viewers!

If "The Voice of Yanhuang" can only be regarded as a classic program that has been hard to see for a few years, with the perfect assist of Cool Puppy and the high praise of Yanhuang TV Station, this program has successfully entered the It's time for the god-level show!

It is often said that Weixin, the horse penguin, made gods. And what Yanhuang One and Cool Puppy are doing now is also creating a god, creating a myth in the show!

Is it worth 100 million? It's worth it! It's a big profit!

The boss of Ipoh Mineral Water almost slapped himself on the face. What he did wrong, he insisted on giving up the opportunity of the main advertising space!

Immediately afterwards, the bosses who had finished their thinking instantly saw the terrifying value contained in "The Voice of Yanhuang", and a compelling light appeared in their eyes.

"Well, my assistant just told me that something happened to the company, I have to go back quickly!"

The boss of Ipoh sighed slightly, and then said that the whole person walked outside faster and faster.

There are only so many advertising slots for a program. Facing the terrifying value of "The Voice of Yanhuang", this group of bosses will definitely snatch it wildly! As for the bosses in Ipoh, the bosses who just had a meal together and bragging have become their competitors. He must be the first to get the advertising space!

"Ahem, my little secretary is about to give birth!"

Boss Hei Niu squeezed out a few words with a constipated expression on his face, and rushed out regardless of the other bosses' persuasion. As soon as I went out, I happened to see the Ipoh boss who just said he was going back to the company, anxiously calling his cell phone.

Immediately afterwards, the two people who looked at each other looked at each other and smiled. Then he continued to quickly press the phone tacitly.

"My little secretary is about to give birth! Excuse me."

A fat boss also reacted suddenly, and walked away with his bag.

Wang Shaoji's boss was dumbfounded and asked without reacting.

"Isn't your little secret a man?"

"Oh, he just changed his sex a few days ago."

The voice just fell. The fat boss has rushed to the door. It's hard to imagine the potential of Fatty.

"Ahem, our company has something to do, excuse me."

"Brother Wang, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"Hey, I'm going to have a baby, I'm coming right now!"

Wang Shaoji's boss looked dumbfounded at the group bosses who had disappeared without a trace, and finally came to his senses. Ready to call the program team of "The Voice of Yanhuang".


At this moment, his mobile phone rang, and Wang Shaoji's boss pressed the connect button with a blank expression.

Isn't Jia Shaobao's boss a person who has never been in touch with him, why did he suddenly come to him?

"Hey, Mr. Wang is doing well recently, I have some good news for you."

Boss Wang Shaoji hasn't said anything yet. On the other end of the phone, Boss Jia Shaobao's joyful voice came over.

good news, what good news?

Boss Wang Shaoji looked puzzled, why does it sound like our two companies have a good relationship. Shouldn't they be inseparable? Why are you here to share the good news?

"We, Jiashaobao, have just signed a strategic partnership with The Voice of Yanhuang. I'm here to share this good news with our brother companies."


Jia Shaobao took the lead! Boss Wang Shaoji recalled that he had laughed at Boss Jia Shaobao for walking into the Weibo building, and he couldn't help feeling a little depressed.

However, as the boss of a large group, he still has the ability to bear this. Soon he calmed down his nervous mood and returned to normal.

At this time, the voice of boss Jia Shaobao slowly came over again.

"However, as a brother company, I have to warn you, my good brother. In this world, you can only gain if you give up!"


President Wang Shaoji, died.

Weber Building.

Chen Jian happily ran towards Wang Xing, he felt that his heart had never been so happy.

The serf turned himself into the master, what a great progress of feudalism!

Before 473, the group of bosses with arrogant faces all politely begged him. And when I said that there were only 20 million sub-advertisements, they insisted on giving 40 million, saying that this advert is worth this price!

How embarrassing you say this!

Wang Xing tilted his head, looking at Chen Jian who was about to become a fairy, but his face was calm.

Chen Jian's joy just now was extinguished in an instant, and he said tentatively, feeling that he had understood the old man's routine.

"Wang Shao, is this the last time the company that refused to sign an advertisement with us did not cooperate?"

There are countless companies that want to advertise, and Chen Jian can go back and forth several times to screen the few groups last time.

Wang Xing shook his head, and slowly spit out a few words.

"No cooperation at all this time, only one main advertiser is needed for this episode!"

Pfft...why are you so unconventional?

"Do you want to stay with the family?"

Chen Jian said with a grievance on his face.

One advertisement is worth 40 million yuan! Keeping two companies is 80 million yuan! You can buy Chen Jian, the director, for 40 years!

O criminal bourgeoisie!

Wang Xing shook his head slowly, and said a word firmly.


Immediately afterwards, Wang Xing grinned, showing a nice smile, and said inexplicably.

"Do you think that these three fires of mine were directed at the bosses of their group?".

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