Football Kung Fu Player

[76] Ready To Broadcast

Cool Puppy's overwhelming advertisements swept the charts!

Yanhuang 1 broadcasted the advertisement a few days in advance, and broadcasted it in prime time on the 25th!

With the strong ratings of the first episode of "The Voice of Yanhuang" and the huge audience fans, Wang Xing helped to establish the star stickiness effect of "The Voice of Yanhuang" contestants!

Huge advantages one after another have been accumulated on "The Voice of Yanhuang", which corresponds to a strong word-of-mouth and a large number of fans established in the first episode.

In less than a day, under the strong impetus of these hard conditions, "The Voice of Yanhuang" became the focus of everyone's discussion. Up to the local tyrants and gentry, down to the drivers and migrant workers. Whether it is rich or poor, powerful or homeless. Everyone talked about "The Voice of Yanhuang".

The Weibo popularity list has also been completely contracted by the news about "The Voice of Yanhuang". Off the list!

A group of celebrities who were still delighted that their topic was fired into the trending list were dumbfounded. Finally, they looked helplessly at the trending list, and shook their heads helplessly at the hot news of "The Voice of Yanhuang" above.

If other video programs were on Weibo's popularity list, netizens would definitely scold Weibo for being black-hearted and taking money again. No netizen dared to come out and make complaints about it.

Of course, this may have something to do with the fact that the people who brought up this topic are the most terrifying army in Yanhuang, the army of netizens.

"7:40 on October 25th is the broadcast time of the second episode of "The Voice of Yanhuang"."

The sweet voice of the female announcer on the TV gradually came out, resounding through the channel of Yanhuang 1, and echoing in the minds of all viewers!

"The second episode of "The Voice of Yanhuang", the four mentors gathered together, the powerful singer Xue Qianqian, the popular rising star Zhang Jie..."

The fat middle school student on the side grabbed a handful of skewers and read out vaguely.

"Ah, what do you mean by "The Voice of Yanhuang", it's been talked about everywhere.

The little girl in school uniform walked without looking back, talking angrily as she walked.

"Fatty, you don't even know "The Voice of Yanhuang", I don't want to play with you anymore! That's a show with my idol Xue Qianqian!"

"Erya, why don't you leave! Eat the kebabs before leaving! Last week you said that I invited you to eat kebabs and you would stay with me. Why don't you even want me now because of a bad show?"

The little girl became even more angry when she heard it, and her two little feet stepped faster.

"You still said that this is a broken show, fat man, I don't want to talk to you anymore!"


The little fat man was dumbfounded, how could this show have such a great magic power that Erya, who likes to eat skewers the most, didn't even eat skewers and wanted to break up with him.

Didn't Zhou Ya say last week that she is still the man he admires the most, why is there another idol popping up!

"What the hell is this program! Who is Xue Qianqian?"

"Do you want to know what this show is?"

The little fat man turned his big face curiously, met a handsome face, and then pinched his fat face.

Well, as expected, I am still the most handsome, unexpectedly there is a man who is only a little worse than me!

Fatty, you are the best, don't be shy!

"Who said fat brother, I don't know what "The Voice of Yanhuang" is!"

The little fat man shouted arrogantly, and then his voice gradually lowered, pretending to be very powerful and continuing to say

"Let me tell you, Brother Fat, I am an internal audience member of the second episode of "The Voice of Yanhuang". I don't want to tell ordinary people!"

In order not to lose confidence in front of this overly handsome man, the little fat man patted his fat chest arrogantly.

Although the little fat man has never watched "The Voice of Yanhuang", but if he has never eaten pork, he should have seen pigs running. In order not to lose face as the world's most handsome guy, the little fat man hurriedly started talking nonsense.

Wang Xing laughed out loud, then handed out three tickets and placed them in front of the little fat man.

"That's really amazing! But I have three on-site tickets for the third episode of "The Voice of Yanhuang". I wonder if you would like to accept it, handsome boy?"

"No, my family is the ultimate ultimate VIP of "The Voice of Yanhuang". There are only as many tickets as there are on-site tickets."

The little fat man froze slightly. Although he didn't know how precious this live ticket was, since Erya liked "The Voice of Yanhuang" so much, she would be very happy if he used it to curry favor with Erya.

But when the little fat man met Wang Xing's smiling eyes, he immediately realized that he represented the identity of the most handsome man in the world.

Humph. Be afraid!

Wang Xing smiled slightly, put the ticket on the ground, and then slowly walked out into the crowd with the Weibo staff carrying the box behind him.

The filming of "The Voice of Yanhuang" has been completed, and it will be broadcast in a few days, and the third episode of "The Voice of Yanhuang" is currently being prepared for filming. However, for this filming, Wang Xing decided not to use the method of screening registered audiences to determine 1,000 audiences.

The third episode of "The Voice of Yanhuang" is 8 to 4 to select the members of the semi-finals, and Wang Xing believes that under the heat offensive of the second episode, the popularity of the third episode cannot be lowered. So he adopted the method of randomly drawing 50% of the live audience offline, and then setting up activities to draw 50% from the second episode of the audience.

Of course, the effectiveness of this activity depends on how exciting the second episode of "The Voice of Yanhuang" is.

Wang Xing let out a little breath, then pushed away the big man who stood in front of him whistling and dangling, and slowly walked forward, followed by the Weibo staff carrying the big box, who looked cautious and vigilant.

No one knows how much the tickets in this crappy box are worth...

After Wang Xing completely disappeared into the crowd, the little fat man glanced at the crowd cleverly again, completely removing his psychological pressure, and then grabbed the ticket on the ground like lightning, and put it in his arms.

Anyway, no one wants to put it on the ground, Fat Lord can't see it being wasted!

When the little fat man was in a good mood and returned home after eating the skewers, it was his dark-faced parents who greeted him.

"How dare you steal money! Tell me what you are using it for!"


The feather duster made a loud sound, but the little fat man in front of him had no intention of giving in at all. (Dede Zhao) "I bought study materials!"

The frequency of the feather duster's twitching became faster, and three tickets suddenly fell out of the little fat man's arms.

"This kid won't be buying a lottery ticket...Wait, the audience ticket for the third episode of "The Voice of Yanhuang"?"

The men and women were dumbfounded. They understood the value of these three coupons, but it was precisely because of this that they became more and more confused.

"Tell me, where did it come from! Papa..."

The little fat man grimaced and shouted indignantly.

"I can pick it up!"

Well, I can't cure you today! Men and women are even more angry, and their tired hands are waving again.

"Papa papa..."

"Leave one for me, I'll give it to Erya!"

The little fat man paused suddenly, and gave the man a final instruction with a calm expression.

"What the hell...Call me!"

And in this festive scene, the 25th is finally approaching...Qi....

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