Football Kung Fu Player

[152] New Year's Eve

"I help you not because you were bullied by him, but also because he insulted our great Yanhuang.

Wang Xing turned his head, glanced at the little girl in front of him calmly, and said flatly.

The little girl in front of me, even in the dark night, could be vaguely seen by the faint light nearby. She had an extremely charming appearance and a pair of extraordinary long legs. No wonder the red-haired foreign devil couldn't hold back just now.

After meeting Wang Xing's calm eyes, the little girl's heart trembled for some reason, feeling that her status had become humbled in an instant.

Not only because he couldn't beat the man in front of him, but more importantly, because he was willing to let Smith in front of him do whatever he wanted for an exchange student spot.

This Smith himself clearly knows that he will attack the students, why is he so frivolous for fame and fortune!

Just when the little girl was filled with remorse, Smith on the grass finally woke up slowly, and then staggered up, looking at Wang Xing with eyes full of anger.

"You, you are finished! If you have the ability to report your name, I will go to the consulate to complain about you!"

Smith gritted his teeth and shouted at Wang Xing who was walking slowly.

Originally Wang Xing didn't want to talk to this Smith, he hit him purely because he was insulting the Yanhuang people, as for what would happen to the little girl by that foreign devil later, Wang Xing didn't want to interfere too much.

But the foreign devil actually woke up and shouted at himself. Wang Xing thought for a while, then suddenly stopped in his tracks.

Seeing Wang Xing stop suddenly, Smith was startled, and panicked again for no reason. It was just this not tall man who didn't know what to use to blow himself away. Even if he complained, it would be a matter of the future. If this man suddenly gets angry now, I can't stop him!

While thinking about it, Smith was extremely anxious, and finally fell to the ground directly because of his unsteady feet.

"Don't worry, I won't beat you. My name is Wang Xing, go and complain to me."

Wang Xing calmly stared at Smith in front of him with black eyes, and then said in a flat tone.

"What. You are Wang Xing!"

The little girl was startled, Wang Xing's face in the night was suddenly recalled by him, and then slowly overlapped with this too handsome face on the Internet.

Smith is also witty. Seeing the little girl's behavior is not right, he directly took out the phone and Googled Wang Xing.

But when he saw Wang Xing's astonishing results on Google, his heart suddenly beat (cfdc) and retreated.

His identity as a foreigner is still useful to ordinary people in Yanhuang, but he is not p when he really meets people with high status in Yanhuang. Not to mention someone with the status of Wang Xing!

And as an American, he knows Wang Xing's amazing achievements in the sports circle. It is also because of this that Americans respect this Yanhuang man who broke the curse of the number one in the American sports circle even more. Smith knew that even if he complained, the consulate would probably not do anything after hearing about Wang Xing!

Looking at the panic-stricken Smith with a rich expression, Wang Xing couldn't help feeling funny, and finally walked away without looking back.

Smith sat on the ground in fear, not daring to let Wang Xing stop at all, watching Wang Xing go further and further away. It wasn't until Wang Xing's figure disappeared into the distance that he dared to reveal his resentful eyes.

The little girl is full of regrets, if she knew this is Wang Xing, she should have thrown herself into her arms long ago!

The producer of "The Voice of Yanhuang", how rich is that! If I charmed him, wouldn't it be that I got a super thigh, and what kind of exchange student do I need to do!

Finally, Smith limped up from the ground, looked at the little girl on the ground, hesitated for a while, and finally did not dare to continue limping towards the distance.

Wang Xing stood at the door of the villa, slowly preparing to twist the key to open the door.

The matter of beating that foreigner before has been forgotten by him. If any foreigner wants to make him pay attention, then he is not Wang Xing.


Unexpectedly, before Wang Xing turned the key, the door was slowly opened, and Chen Luo slowly emerged from behind the door.

Well, it looks like New Years Eve won't be lonely this year.

"I've seen the lights on here a long time ago, and guessed that you should be back."

Chen Luo said to Wang Xing while opening the door. Then Wang Xing smiled and took off the coat on his body, and hung it on the hanger at the door.

With the heating fully turned on in the villa, Wang Xing doesn't need to wrap himself up at all times like outside the room.

"Wang Xing big brother, we're here to celebrate the New Year with you!"

Unexpectedly, Wang Xing hadn't put away his coat yet, and the sweet voices of three little girls suddenly came from behind him.

Turning her head, the three flowery and jade-like sisters were neatly wearing a set of long red dresses, and their eyes were filled with red hearts when they looked at Wang Xing.

"Why, don't you need to go home for the New Year?"

Wang Xing put away his coat calmly, and asked the three little girls who jumped in front of him suspiciously.

"My hometown is not here, the three of us usually spend Chinese New Year together, now we come to Wang Xing big brother's house, Tian Xing big brother won't drive us away!

Wang Xing twitched, feeling the three little girls hanging on him like koalas, hesitated for a long time and still didn't speak.

There are still many rooms in the villa, so it is no problem for them to spend New Year's Eve here.


Xue Qianqian was wearing an apron and holding a plate of fish while shouting and placed it on the pear wood table in the living room, then smiled and nodded at Wang Xing, and hurriedly walked towards the kitchen.

"I want to eat, I want to eat "It's so fragrant, so sweet, you can read it!"

The three little girls quickly jumped off Wang Xing and ran to the kitchen.

What, he's here too?

Together, New Year's Eve?

"Anyway, I celebrate the New Year alone, so I let them all come. Speaking of which, if they didn't come to your kitchen, you might not be able to use it in a few years."

Chen Luo said while walking with his arms around Wang Xing.

Both? What do you mean? Anything else?

When passing the kitchen, Wang Xing turned his head sideways, and familiar figures appeared in his eyes.

Xue Qianqian, Zhang Jie, Chen Chusheng, Wu Mochou, and even Naying were all busy in the kitchen. And the three sisters of SNG are shuttling among the crowd, just like a child, from time to time, they secretly take a bite of some food...

Let's celebrate the New Year together!

The quartz clock hanging on the villa is slowly pointing to 12 o'clock, and a person is sitting on the big table, looking at each other and smiling.

A series of carefully prepared dishes were arranged on the table by five girls, and a few flowers and a few fruits were also ingeniously placed on the table, and the matching was like a rare beauty.


The pointer began to return to zero, the fireworks outside the window were exploding rapidly, and the night was dispelled by the ubiquitous light.

"Welcome everyone, let's... cheers."

Wang Xing picked up the wine glass and said to everyone, and then everyone drank the wine glass in their hands.


"Happy New Year."

"Cheers, cheers!"

"New Year's Eve..."

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