In the villa, there were a lot of people lying in disorder.

Although Wang Xing didn't say much, it was rare for so many people to celebrate the New Year together, and he was surprisingly happy, drinking the white wine stored in the villa glass after glass.

And as the protagonist in the crowd, one person kept toasting to Wang Xing. After Wang Xing poured down the men one by one and threw them into the room one by one, the women on the side treacherously joined forces and started a wheel fight.

I drink orange juice and you drink white wine, you have to drink three more glasses!

After this toast, here it is again, it is Wang Xing, and after drinking a lot of bottles of wine, he had to wander around and find his own room according to his memory, and then he fell down on the big round bed in the room go down.

Fortunately, there are enough rooms in the villa, even for this group of girls, two rooms are enough for one person, so Wang Xing didn't have any worries and fell asleep drowsily without thinking about anything.

After a group of women cleared the tables, they divided the rooms one by one, and then walked in after saying hello.

after an hour.

Lin Gao sneaked out of the room, not even turning on the light, not knowing what to do, with Lin Shishi and Lin Ni following behind him.


"Lin Ni, make your footsteps louder!"

Lin Gao was startled, turned his head in a panic, and glared at Lin Ni behind him.

Lin Ni stuck out her tongue guiltily, then walked up very cautiously, and finally looked around to make sure that no one else was there, then breathed a sigh of relief and continued to walk forward.

Finally the three little girls stopped outside a room and started whispering together.

"Is it here?"

"Yes, I just saw it."

"Okay, let's go in!"

In the end, as if they had made some decision, the three little girls finally mustered up the courage to gently push the door open, one by one stooped to walk in, and after walking in, they closed the door secretly.

When the three of them disappeared into the room, Naying slowly walked out of the shadows in the corridor on the other side of the villa, looking at the closed room, her eyes were complicated, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Why don't you go in, now is the best opportunity. Just follow the three of them in."

Suddenly a voice came in abruptly, Wu Mochou walked over slowly from a distance, her eyes also remained on that door.

"I'm no better than you. I'm already old, and I can't pursue it as vigorously as I was young. I'm already thirty, and he's only in his twenties. It's doomed to be impossible. Instead of burdening him, it's better to keep a good impression."

Naying seemed not at all surprised by Wu Mochou's appearance, and replied with a wry smile. After finishing speaking, Naying turned her head to the side, and asked Wu Mochou in the same doubt.

"By the way, why don't you go, it's not easy to get drunk like Wang Xing.

"I'm not the three of them, and sometimes I can only envy their boldness."

Wu Mochou forced a smile out of her big mouth, then stared at the door with far-reaching eyes, and began to speak as if she was muttering to herself.

The line of sight slowly passed through the door and entered the big round bed, on which Wang Xing was lying.

"You first or me first?"

This is Lin Shishi's voice.

"Lin Ni, you are the youngest, you go first!"

Lingo's voice came out slowly.

"I don't, Lin Gao, you are the most courageous, you go!"

Lin Ni sounded flustered and angry.

"Stop arguing, I'll go." Lin Shishi finally made up her mind, gritted her teeth and said.


The other two said in unison.

"Forget it, let's go together!"

Finally, the three of them finally discussed it, and as if they had made an important decision, they got into the soft quilt of the big round bed.

Chunmeng has no trace...

Smith sat in the apartment with a gloomy face, looking at the detailed information about Wang Xing in the computer and stared blankly.

Of course, Wai Guoren is not very interested in Chinese New Year, but Smith is more interested in how to get revenge on this man who dared to touch himself.

There is an old saying in Yanhuang that a strong dragon can't overwhelm a local snake. Smith knew this truth very well, Wang Xing's strength was really not something Smith could provoke, but the residual pain in his head and the feeling of being humiliated by Smith really made Smith feel like he was going crazy.

Smith kept sliding the mouse, the more desperate he looked.

The plane crashed a month ago, and appeared on the program "Rampage Little Incident" two days ago.

……ask for flowers……

My God, even if the plane is destroyed, you can't die, are you still human!

Smith was a little broken, and he felt a little weird. This level of enemies seems to be beyond his ability to provoke. But after thinking for a long time, Smith still couldn't hold back his breath.

Yellow monkey, damn yellow monkey!

Smith even smashed the keyboard in front of him, screaming angrily.

Suddenly, a news advertisement appeared on the computer, Smith's eyes lit up, and he clicked on it without thinking.

"The well-known knowledge blogger suspects that Wang Xing did not board the plane at all, and that being rescued is just a hoax!"

Just now Smith only saw a bunch of Wang Xing's achievements in the computer, but now he can see Wang Xing's dark history, how could this not make Smith excited.


Immediately afterwards, Smith carefully read this article and the "Old and Immortal" article that he jumped to. In the end, Smith even downloaded Weibo to watch the scolding battle under Wang Xing Weibo. Finally Smith nodded in satisfaction.

Oh~ That’s right! I never thought that you, Yellow Dead Monkey, are such a person!

Let me just say, how could anyone survive the plane accident, even our great American people can't help it! Not to mention the already weak Yanhuang people!

In this case, let me add another fire to you!

Smith grabbed the red hair, grinned and thought for a while, and finally grabbed the keyboard and started typing.

After a while, an article was edited by Smith.

Although he is a lecturer at the University of California, he has been fooling that he is a professor of the United States at Mordo University. But his master's degree in geography and humanities in the United States is real.

So he deliberately confirmed the statement of "old and immortal" based on various factors, and then cited various difficulties in the history of the United States that no one could survive such a level of turbulence and survive on a deserted island to confirm the statement for a moment. In the end, Smith also specially photographed his forged professor certificate and posted it on Weibo.

Immediately afterwards, Smith mobilized his own contacts and resources to publicize his article.

In an instant, all kinds of storms were set off!

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