"To describe it in one sentence, it is a rare costume comedy in recent years. I will give it four and a half stars.

Li Ling posted this sentence after clicking on the four and a half star rating on Doubao.com.

And just after he succeeded in the operation, he was suddenly pleasantly surprised to find that there were a lot more movie reviews on Doubao.com in an instant!

Li Lingming clearly remembered that he took a special look at the ratings before rating them. At that time, there were only a few ratings. How could there be so many more ratings now!

A total of 14,800 comments!

"Five-star rating! In recent years, directors have regarded comedy films as a forbidden area, and occasionally a director's comedy film will be sprayed with blood. But now this "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" is simply beyond my expectations Unexpectedly, a comedy that can rival Star Yeh's past films!"

"Four and a half stars! Before watching this movie, I thought it was just a costume movie remake of Journey to the West, or a vulgar spoof movie. But after I watched this movie, I realized I was wrong! "

"Everyone, comedies, don't you just laugh if you laugh? As for being so profound. Maybe you have a good laugh, whether you laugh or not. Anyway, I laughed like a fool."

Comments popped up on Doubao.com, and the owners of this comment were many famous film critics who Li Ling was familiar with.

And Li Ling quickly turned to the rating page of "Journey to the West Conquering the Demons" on Doubao.com, and seeing the big 8.9, he couldn't hide the shock in his heart.

One star on Doubao.com is 2 points, and usually if the average rating of a movie can reach 6 or 7, it can already be regarded as a conscience movie. And the score of 8 is at least the score of the best domestic movies this year! But this movie has a full 8.9, which can only be compared with the ultimate movie like Spiderman abroad!

And the number of people who rated it is now nearly 15,000, the data must be said to be authoritative!

The directors of this movie turned out to be two people, one named Wang Xing and the other named Xu Zhen, it sounds like they are just two new directors. It's too scary to have such a result on the first day!

Word of mouth will continue to spread, and the ratings on Doubao.com will be publicized instantly.

And those who watched this movie were also extremely hearty, and enthusiastically forwarded the highlights of this movie, or posted them in various places such as the space circle of friends.

""Journey to the West Conquering the Demons", sounds very good. Hey, look at this screenshot, this Tang Monk is a bit skinny.||!"

"Let me tell you, I watched a movie today called "Journey to the West Conquering the Demons". It's so fucking funny!"

"Don't listen to the nonsense upstairs, it's not the point to be funny! The latter is called a violent stimulus, who played this Monkey King, this simply refreshed my view of Monkey King

"I didn't expect a group of newcomers in this show to have such superb acting skills!"

And this scene is also constantly circulated on Weibo in various forums.

Countless netizens who watched "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" proudly showed off, and more people who hadn't watched the movie became more and more curious.

Who made this movie, it's really so good?

Look at Doubao.com's rating, damn it! It's almost 9.0, what a drama!

Let's go, I want to see a movie with such a good reputation!

The major media all over the country became excited in an instant like a wolf who smelled the aunt's scarf.

One by one, they have begun to write out press releases, and various news information has emerged. Then all kinds of praises for this movie with unprecedented domestic reputation, wanting to catch up with this wave of enthusiasm.

"Yanhuang comedy new movie, who said Yanhuang comedy can't do it?"

"A new costume comedy movie, "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" is hailed as the successor of Star Master's comedy!"

"Doubao.com's score is close to 9.0, is this hype or the strength of the movie?"

On the other side, Wei Bo's office.

Chen Jianzheng, who was sitting in the office on the first day of the new year, was paying close attention to the comments on the Internet, and even registered a Doubao.com account with his two mobile phone cards to praise "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons".

It's almost afternoon now, and many people who visited relatives and friends for New Year's greetings have returned, and the attendance rate of "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" is frighteningly high!

I just grabbed three copies of "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" in the afternoon show

Chen Jian, who was about to get off work later, just brought his whole family to support Wang Xing. By the way, he also went to see what is so good about this movie, so many people praised it!

"Ding Dong, your Weibo pays special attention to Renfa's new Weibo."

Chen Jian picked up the phone slowly, his face full of curiosity. There is only one person who pays special attention to him on Weibo, and that is the president of Weibo. Could it be that the president sent New Year greetings?

Hey, no!

The president's New Year greetings have already been sent out in the early hours of the morning, and the greetings were written by himself! So it is impossible for the president to post Weibo again!

But my Weibo pays special attention to the fact that there has always been only the president alone!

Just when Chen Jian was puzzled, he looked at Weibo's initial page and suddenly a flash of light flashed, and a bad premonition gradually emerged.

Wait, there seems to be another person in my special attention!

it won't be him who put...

"The new movie that I shot with Xu Zhen has been screened in Heda theaters across the country, I hope everyone can support it.


It's really you!

In the mobile phone, Wang Xing's new Weibo popped up instantly, and Chen Jian was instantly dumbfounded.

You know, Wang Xing's current fishing boats on the Internet are extremely unfavorable to him. The reason why "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" did not specifically advertise that it was filmed by Wang Xing before it aired is because of this reason.

And now Wang Xing actually killed himself, insisting on posting himself and telling everyone that he filmed "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons". Isn't this intentional to let everyone know about it?

Well, I made this movie, and those who don’t like me don’t have to watch it!

Uncle, you thought you were still a good voice producer with a good reputation, if you can improve the box office, I will tell you my last name!

Chen Jian covered his face fiercely, and began to doubt his life. (got it)

Before Wang Xing deliberately sent out the photos of the air tickets taken before registration, he thought about life very much, and now this is coming again, "He just can't understand this young man more and more.

Could it be that... Ren...

Fell stupid during a plane crash?

Well, very likely!

When Wang Xing's Weibo was sent out, Yanhuang was instantly dumbfounded.

Although Yulun has always had a bad opinion of Wang Xing, his number of fans and the level of attention on the Internet are still not low. So when his Weibo was sent out, it immediately received a lot of attention from Weibo.

One is "Journey to the West Conquering the Demons", which has recently been in the limelight and is hailed as the successor of comedy, and the other is Wang Xing, a big liar who is still being sprayed non-stop. How can the two be related?

The dumbfounded people quickly clicked on "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" and began to check the appendix information of the movie, and then there were two large characters Wang Xing clearly written in the director's column!

I rely on it, it really is him!

God damn, why did he go to make a movie again!.

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