Football Kung Fu Player

[157] Amazing Results

"Cough cough cough......"

What are you talking about? You just posted an article praising "Journey to the West Conquering the Demons" just a second ago, and now you tell me that the director of the movie is Wang Xing! If I had known it was Wang Xing, I would never have posted this article Send it out!

This is a boss who has been beaten up by the entire entertainment circle. If you let us praise his movies, isn't this going to offend the entire entertainment circle?

But now that the news has been sent out, it is too shameless to say that the news is still withdrawn.

It was all caused by Wang. You said you either didn't say it or said you were the director of this movie earlier. If you don’t say it, whoever has nothing to do will pay attention to who the director is. When everyone pays attention, the matter is a foregone conclusion and we have nothing to do! Or you old man can speak up earlier, so that everyone knows it sooner!

And just now the results of "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons", coupled with the unprecedented box office results of the movie: "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" current box office: **.

It's so hard not to report it!

Wang Xing, Wang Xing, your conscience is greatly damaged!

One by one, the editors were frowning, and began to rack their brains on how to deal with this matter.

After a while, articles praising "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" were silently deleted. One after another media outlets were like dumb people who never mentioned "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons", let alone Wang Xing. The new article is nothing more than a small media, with a slight mention or something.

"The Yanhuang film industry is thriving, and the box office of some films has exceeded 10 million during the daytime!"

"The daytime box office hits a new high, a new era of comedy movies."

"The new pattern of horror movies, the box office of director Liu Neng's new movie is praised!"

Articles about movie reports popped up one after another, but the strange thing is that once the part about "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" was reached, the title of a certain movie was used throughout the article. As for its praise, it is also extremely vague, and the length is pitifully small.

Moreover, there are a large number of movies whose achievements are not even touched by "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons", but are boasted on a large scale. If someone with a heart sees it, they will definitely complain non-stop.

Not to mention anything else, let's just say that Liu Neng's horror movie has a box office of over one million yuan, not even a fraction of "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons". But the reports about it have reached more than one hundred media, but "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" has less than ten articles.

The various bragging reports at the end made Liu Neng even think that his box office was going to break the record, so he was praised by the media so much, and then Liu Neng dragged his friends in the film industry to check the data with great interest.

one million!

Fuck you, uncle, what are you doing so hard to brag about a million dollars!

And no matter how vague the media is, the Internet has already fallen out.

The audience doesn't care how unpopular Wang Xing is in the entertainment industry, but "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons", which has been praised by friends, has attracted their interest even more, and they all want to watch it Is this movie good or not.

At the same time, Wang Xing's Weibo did not dissuade netizens. Groups of netizens ordered movie tickets for "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" one by one.

Why, because if you want a rating, you must buy a movie ticket. After the movie is released, this group of netizens are eager to watch this movie, and then give this nasty Wang Xing a bad review!

And under the influence of each factor, the popularity of "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" became more and more irresistible, and more and more people booked tickets.

"What, just opened a new theater, why are you telling me that there are not enough votes?"

Zhang Wei smashed the table angrily, and said to the assistant with an unkind expression.

He doesn't care about the grievances between Wang Xing and the entertainment industry, only profit is his only need!

But now that the box office is so scary, there are more and more calls for tickets online. Zhang Wei's previous complaints about "Journey to the West Conquering the Demons" occupying the daytime theaters have long been lost.

Although it is said that the 37% split is not as profitable as the usual 50% split, but if the box office increases, that is money!

With a 100% attendance rate, wouldn't it be a fool to open a few more theaters?

Zhang Wei is not an idiot, he is a criminal capitalist, the boss of a (cfdb) chain of dozens of movie theaters. So when faced with the money at his fingertips, he gave up his integrity without hesitation.

As for the seemingly promised to someone or someone not to let the movie called Wang Xing be released, what? Are there any movies directed by Wang Xing here?

No, we only have one "Journey to the West Conquering the Demons" here, and the director is Xu Zhen, who was it?

"Boss, it's gone, the theater that was just vacated was booked out as soon as it came out, and a group of people complained on our official Weixin, saying that our theater is poor and doesn't even have tickets, and a large group of people are complaining about us! "

The assistant said helplessly.

"What, it's fully booked. This is dozens of movie theaters opening together. At least 10,000 tickets will be released. Are you telling me that there are no tickets?"

"If you don't have a ticket, you can get me a ticket!"

Zhang Wei roared angrily.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Usually, the attendance rate of movie theaters is only 40 to 50%. Judging from this trend, as many tickets as there are visitors will be sold!

Zhang Wei knows the difference between how much it costs to show a movie and how much he can earn by selling a movie ticket.

But the problem now is that there are no movie halls, and even several old movie halls in the movie theater have been activated, but in the end there are still not enough tickets. Could it be that he watched such a large piece of fat go away?

"Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" Zhang Wei has just watched it, so there is no need to say much about its quality. And now this great opportunity is in Zhang Wei's hands, of course he can't let this good opportunity slip away!

How about borrowing a movie theater from several movie theaters next door?

Suddenly, Zhang Wei slapped himself with a backhand. With such a terrifying form, the other movie theaters must know that they would be stupid to believe that this group of superficial brothers would be so stupid.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Wei looked at the time, and then said anxiously.

"Hurry up and push away the night's movie partner. If you can't push it away, just arrange a movie theater! All the others will be shown in "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons"!"

"Boss, isn't this good?"

The little assistant couldn't believe it. This is the scheduled schedule. Does the boss look a little out of sorts?

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up!"

At the same time, the bosses of several well-known theater chains in China were extremely anxious, asking their staff to contact the film crew of "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" over and over again.

They've heard about the release this time, and with such a big slice of the pie, they're not willing to just miss it.

As for the festival between the entertainment industry and the film crew. What a joke, who can have trouble with money!

"Contact me with Xu Zhen, no matter how low the price is, get me the film source!"

"Hurry up, if you don't get the right to broadcast today, don't come back!"

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