Football Kung Fu Player

[158] Over 100 Million Box Office

Beijing time on January 17, 2008 at 23:40.

But it was already late at night, but a large group of people gathered in the Weibo building strangely, and they formed a group, staring at the screen with great excitement and muttering to themselves strangely.

"Up, up, up!"

"come on! Come on!"

"It's only a million, it's a million! Hurry~!"

Wang Xing shook his head helplessly, he did not expect to release "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" in advance, and the effect was completely beyond his expectations. From the first day of its release to now, it has already had a box office of 4.9 million to 0.00.

There is such a law in the film industry, the first day decides the law! If the first day of release reaches 1 million, then the box office of this movie will reach the 10 million threshold. And after 1 million, 10 million is the threshold of 100 million at the box office! And if it reaches 50 million, then the total box office may reach -500 million at the box office!

Of course, there is no need to say more about the latter, I think that there is no Yanhuang movie that can reach the box office of 100 million on the first day!

And now the big screen they are surrounded by is the total box office of "Journey to the West Conquering the Demons" that Chen Jian checked through the technical background.

There are still 20 minutes until 24:00. 5 "Journey to the West Conquering the Demons" is still worse than the threshold in the south!

Whether a movie can be called a classic has a lot to do with its box office. And the total box office of a movie has a great relationship with the box office on the first day! If the box office is high on the first day, the follow-up schedule will be high, and the broadcast time may even be extended.

And 50 million is a threshold!

As long as "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" can reach 50 million, there really is no one who can question and stop the flying of this movie!

"Up, up!"

Chen Jian didn't have the slightest sense of majesty as the director of Weibo, and stomped his feet as excitedly as a lottery player waiting for the lottery draw.

"Hurry up, hurry up! There are still ten minutes left, and the difference is 300,000 yuan!"

Wen Zhang was also not much better, the whole person was already extremely nervous, staring at the screen and shouting with trembling mouth.

Nearly 50 million box office on the first day, how unbelievable this is for a star like him who has been struggling with small movies!

"Okay, full!"

Xu Zhen yelled out!

At the same time, as a bell rang, the pointer on the wall also slowly turned to the center.

The screen gradually froze, and the box office on the first day was slowly revealed on the screen.


Breaking 50 million!


A large circle of people cheered one after another, and several leading actors danced and danced, unable to hide their excitement.

For this result, Wang Xing was both expected and unexpected.

The first-day box office of "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" in the previous life was 76 million. It's just that Wang Xing doesn't have the appeal of Star Master, nor has he carried out a huge publicity notice, let alone the strong support of various theater channels. Therefore, it is normal that "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" did not achieve this result.

According to Wang Xing's prediction, the box office explosion period of "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" should be in the mid-term. And he has already achieved about 10 million box office on the first day, but now that it has reached 50 million beyond Wang Xing's expectations, it is also a surprise.

As for why reaching 50 million can sprint to 500 million at the box office, what a joke! "Journey to the West Conquering the Demons" is a billion-level movie, what is 500 million worth?

"Why, Young Master Wang doesn't seem very satisfied with this result."

Looking at Wang Xing who was standing calmly at the side, Xu Zhen said jokingly.

He was also used to Wang Xing's calm face all the time. But he still can't believe that Wang Xing is not happy after seeing this result. Well, it must be secretly laughing in my heart!

Not satisfied, how is it possible!

This is a movie about 500 million reserve troops!

Tsk tsk tsk, from now on I, Xu Zhen, will be a film director with a billion-level rating! Hahahaha...

"Yeah, not satisfied!"

Wang Xing said solemnly, and nodded to Xu Zhen after speaking, as if agreeing with his statement, and said to Xu Zhen very accurately after speaking.

"I thought it would reach 70 million on the first day."


No pretend we are still good friends! You are still not satisfied with the 50 million box office on the first day, are you going to heaven?

Another 70 million, last year Yan Huang's first day box office was only 53 million, you want 70 million for an unknown newcomer movie!

With a gloomy face on Xu Zhen's face, he walked to the side silently and thought about life.

"Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" first-day results, soaring red!


And for the Yanhuang film market in 2008, the box office of 50 million on the first day was only comparable to the movies made by several top stars such as Zhou Xingxing when he was an adult at that time!

……ask for flowers……

And what this brings is the madness of all movie theaters in Yanhuang!

On the second day of its release, "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" was screened in 70% of Yanhuang's cinemas, and the screen time was up to 21 hours!

At the same time, the evaluation of broke through 9.0, and the number of evaluations exceeded one million!

"Journey to the West Conquering the Demons" box office on the second day of its release: **!

There are a total of 60 million films, and the film "The Spy" by a famous director that was released at the same time did not even have a box office of 10 million!

Movie box office has always been the peak on the first day. After attracting most of the audience on the first day, the follow-up ratings slowly declined, and then decreased in about 15 days until the box office was less than one-tenth of the first day's box office. .

And now "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" not only surpassed the first day's box office, but also sold a whole lot more, which broke the common sense of Yanhuang movies!

The entire Yanhuang film circle was shocked, the famous veteran director Xu Ke was shocked, and praised it as a film that broke through Yanhuang's shooting skills in recent years!

The famous retired veteran actor Liu Lao praised this as a cross-age comedy movie!

The famous director Chen Lao shared this movie and claimed that the plot of this movie surpassed all the movies in 2007!

The voices of famous characters brought the momentum of "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" to its peak, and attracted more and more people to pay attention to this movie.

Before, Wang Xing's black fans wanted to pick the film's thorns, but no one dared to question it in the end.

In the face of better results, the film scheduling rate across the country has risen again, and will soon reach 40%!

All of a sudden, "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" was in the limelight!

On the third day of its release, the box office rose again, reaching 70 million!

Yanhuang was shocked again, but before he was questioning "Journey to the West"

Netizens with insufficient stamina were slapped in the face again, and no one dared to question "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons"!

On the fourth day of release, the box office reached 80 million!

The rate of film screenings across the country has risen again, and the whole people are hotly discussing "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons"!

On the fifth day of its release, the box office reached 100 million!

At this moment, "Journey to the West" is at its peak!


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