"Wang Shao, the video has already been uploaded, but you should not have too much confidence.

Chen Jian hesitated for a while, before speaking to Wang Xing frankly.

The American video market is no better than Yanhuang. Even though Wang Xing is already Yanhuang's top star, his popularity in the United States may not be as good as a third-tier star in the United States, so it is too difficult for Wang Xing to make this video popular in the United States. Big is too big.

"Okay, I have a sense of proportion."

Wang Xing didn't care about Chen Jian's reminder, and continued talking to Chen Jian.

"By the way, since there is a star list in Yanhuang, is there a similar star list in the United States or abroad?"

Suddenly, Wang Xing also became curious.

"Well, in fact, Young Master Wang, Yanhuang's star list is imitating the regulations implemented by the star list in the United States, so guess if there is any foreign star list in the "143" test, I can tell you very clearly, there is! "

"Moreover, the list in the United States is not only many years ahead of Yanhuang, its influence is not comparable to our Yanhuang star list.

Chen Jianxu chattered, stopped halfway, and looked at Wang Xing.

And Wang Xing nodded quickly to signal Chen Jian to continue. For this kind of news that is relatively inside information, of course, the more scandals, the better.

Encouraged, Chen Jian seemed to have returned to the time when he introduced the Yanhuang entertainment industry to Wang Xing, and started talking with great interest.

"In the United States, the entertainment industry flourished far ahead of other countries in the world. Of course, this may be due to the fact that the United States is the largest country in the world, so the United States is also focusing on discovering a large number of their country's entertainment industry."

"A strong country's cultural and entertainment industry goes hand in hand with the country's economic strength. Whether it is the United States or Japan, they have successfully developed the cultural and entertainment industry to its peak, and transformed it into a stroke of national economic development. Huge income. Because of this, the entertainment industry is becoming more and more valued by the ambitious United States and has been fully developed

"After nearly two decades of vigorous development, Hollywood has become the most prosperous standard in the development of American entertainment. However, the only thing that can prove that American entertainment has stood above all countries in the world is a rudimentary star list. !"

"In the list, celebrities from all over the world are included, and this list is full of authority. Every month, an updated list will be displayed on major international websites. But in this list, Only three top stars, nine first-tier stars, 27 second-tier stars, and 100 third-tier stars are selected! Since the total number of places is only 139, top stars in many countries are not even on the list. In our country, the only one who can On the list, there is only one top star named Fang Loon, who ranks third and fourth in this international star list! Later, Fang Loon also slowly fell off the list due to the decline in popularity.

"Since then, no one from Yanhuang has been able to make it onto this list of international stars."

After Chen Jian finished speaking a long series of words, he couldn't help but feel a little parched, stopped where he was, and couldn't help but licked his dry lips.

Just licking and licking, he suddenly reacted, raised his head suddenly, and stared at Wang Xing in front of him.

"Young Master Wang, after you inquired so many people, you don't mean you want to be on the international star list, right? Let me tell you, the influence of this entertainment is not as good as this group of blond foreigners. You have to be mentally prepared!"

Wang Xing shook his head, and Chen Jian heaved a sigh of relief when he saw this.

Fortunately, Wang Xing is not so frenzied and wants to challenge the international star list, we know that this guy is still witty after all!

"No." Wang Xing's voice came slowly.

"You're a little bit wrong, I mean to be at the top of this list of international stars."

At the same time, on the other side of the ocean, in the "Play" playback software, the video library was also updated by the "Play" staff with a batch of videos, and Wang Xing's episode "Survival on a Deserted Island" happened to be in Wang Xing.

Since it was the request of the boss of Weibo, the boss of this software didn't even review it carefully, so he just threw it in the video library. As for whether anyone can see it, God knows.

But this boss doesn't care if he has fulfilled Chairman Weibo's expectations. In his opinion, many Yanhuang people are weird and spend money to put their videos in American software. Then, with a player worth two or three hundred dollars, he became an international director, and it is said that his net worth doubled?

There is a video producer in the United States who dares to do this at night, and I am afraid that no American company will dare to let him go...

The United States pays attention to personal freedom and extreme personal integrity, of course. Maybe Americans have no bottom line behind them, but at least on the surface, Americans are more pragmatic and serious.

Of course, although the boss of "play" is very disdainful of Chairman Weibo's behavior, he still agreed to this request?

Since this video was not made by Americans, there is absolutely no need to explain and rescue. Anyway, Yanhuang people are the kind who don't hit the south wall and don't look back.

Soon, the boss of "play" who didn't watch the content of the video carefully put the first episode of this broken video up, and then hurriedly went to do other things.

What the hell is it just the first episode, you still want to be popular in the United States even though the show you filmed in Yanhuangren?

It is definitely impossible!

At the same time, this video called "Survival on a Deserted Island" was finally successfully released in the United States.

As for whether anyone will read it, God only knows.

It is now close to 12 o'clock in the daytime in Yanhuang, and it is close to 12 o'clock in the evening at 10 o'clock in the evening in the United States.

In today's world where computers and mobile phones are rampant, especially in the United States, where technology is the first, 4.3 of course has some night owls who stay up late.

Yanhuang's night owl probably just woke up at this point, shouting "the night life has just begun". And the night owls in the United States may not be much better.

David is a college student from a famous university in the United States, his grades are not high, and he has talked with several girlfriends, but all of them die in the end. He has a wide range of interests. Of course, his favorite thing is watching various videos, especially extreme sports.

Americans yearn for freedom and respect the strong. This is the memory engraved in the hearts of every American, and David is the same.

David admires those video hosts who dare to climb the 33-story tower among the American videos, and even vaguely regards these bold video hosts as idols.

However, he especially loves extreme challenge programs, but he had a hard time seeing this thing in front of him. .

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