"Survival on a Deserted Island"

David chanted the name, his eyes began to light up, and then he moved his eyes to the video introduction.

"This is the only refuge on Earth. Here, you will learn all kinds of survival knowledge, so that you can live strong!"

The introduction of this English version is extremely domineering, which makes David, who likes extreme challenge sports, can't help but feel excited, but only the annotations in the back of the video make him hesitate.

Wang Xing? A Yanhuang person? Yanhuang people seldom play extreme sports and few people play well, and this video introduces how a person should survive after wandering on a deserted island. Yanhuang people like to pose for photos or Pretending that the scene exists, is this video also a fake?

On the screen, a face full of oriental characteristics is standing on a small island, with glowing eyes, looking excitedly at the distant ships.

Hmph, it must be a staged shot, the effect of the show, otherwise how could it be possible to take pictures while wandering on a deserted island, I don't believe it, I don't believe it!

That’s right, that’s for sure, this guy named 25 Wang Xing must be posing for a photo!

Americans who like extreme sports, danger and excitement love to watch how the people in the video deal with various dangers, but if they guess or know that the video is just a posing, the Americans will be bored. The video that was originally of great interest was greatly disappointed.

David hesitated for a while, then exited the page of this video, and opened another video that challenged jumping between tall buildings.

Not long after, when David looked at the small cushion between the two buildings accidentally exposed in the video, David lost interest in the video for an instant, turned off his phone, and lay down on the bed.

Well, it's already late at night, since there are no good videos, let's sleep.

God bless me.....

It's just that when David fell asleep, the word "survival on a deserted island" kept swaying in his mind, and the photo of Wang Xing slowly emerged from his memory.

David, the nightlife has just begun, ask your conscience if you want to sleep or not!

God, David! Your conscience tells you that you don't want to go to sleep, and it's only 12pm, and you shouldn't be lying to God, "You should be up!

That's right, David, you are not playing with your mobile phone, you are trying to expose the hateful disguise of extreme challengers! You are fighting for Americans who like extreme sports, you are glorious and great!

After a period of intense ideological struggle in his heart, David finally decided to obey his inner will, took out his phone again, clicked on the "play" app, and began to search for the name just now.

"Survival on a deserted island!"

Fortunately, this name is special and easy to remember, so David easily found this name from his memory, found this video from a search engine, and clicked in.

Yo, it's still the first episode, aren't you posing for a photo, let me trust you!

Since it is a staged shot, there must be loopholes, and David believes that he will be able to find the loopholes in the video.

David excitedly clicked on the video, hoping to find the loopholes in Wang Xing's movie from this video, and expose this video on the "play" video platform!

The screen slowly lit up, and after a violent shaking, Wang Xing's voice gradually came out.

"Can you see it, hehe...very good, I can see it as expected."

"My name is Wang Xing, and I come from Yanhuang. This is a solar-powered camera that I carry with me. I hope that if I unfortunately die on this small island, this camera will become the only evidence that I am alive here. On December 16th, the plane Yanhang m249 I was flying in unfortunately encountered turbulence in the air, I parachuted from the plane, and luckily landed on this small island."

Fortunately, although Xu Zhen's English is poor, David can still clearly understand what the host in the video is saying.

To be honest, when Wang Xing just woke up in the video and took away the tattered parachute covering him to keep warm, David did believe that all this in the video was true, but later Wang Xing blew up his house and wrecked himself. When the plane number was moved out, David couldn't believe it for a moment.

In David's view, the producer of this video is simply absurd, and he did nothing to explain his flight, even though he shot it so realistically and worked hard. Don't you say that everyone has no evidence to say that you are a fake, and now that you have said it, just wait for your ruin!

David was so excited that he quickly opened the Google search engine and began typing a line.

"Yanhang m249..."

It's just that before David typed his own question, the search engine has automatically pushed multiple questions for him.

"Yanhang M249 crashed."

"Yanhang suffered a major blow, and the death toll was nearly 90%!"

"How about Yanhang m249?"


I didn't expect that this plane actually existed, and it actually happened in an accident. This program group is really abominable, it consumes the dead!

When the world is developing into this era, the speed and quantity of information transmission is terrifying, so the major incidents in Yanhang also have a lot of searches on the Google search engine, so David can easily search on Google to the answer.

However, David 443 did not intend to give up after confirming the existence of the plane and indeed the accident. He planned to defeat this Asian man named Wang Xing in another way!

David intends to search the death list of the plane to see if there is such a person as Wang Xing!

And David also has some hacking skills. Although the protection of the Internet is not well-developed, David easily hacked into a Yanhuang computer and searched for the list of plane accidents.

Soon, David found a lot of information. Wang Xing was listed at the end of the accident list as the last name, and at the same time, three words were clearly written on it - "already found"

And by the way, David also found some other information from the search.

For example, his university professor Smith seems to have had some conflicts with this man named Wang Xing, and he also united with a large number of American scholars to openly question that Wang Xing did not board the plane at all.

David hurriedly continued to open the video, watching it more seriously than ever before.

Did Wang Xing board the plane? Is this island really the island where he landed because of a plane accident? And how many days did Wang Xing live on this island? [How did he end up on this island? Survive the...

One after another, entangled in David's heart. Today's David has long since lost the contempt he had at that time, and what has appeared instead is unprecedented seriousness!.

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