Football Kung Fu Player


An uproar, a real uproar!

No one thought that such a thing would happen in Yanhuang Territory!

Yanhuang's own top star was assassinated, but because he resisted, he was going to be jailed! But the assassin was because of his status as a crooked nut. He can't even be punished, he can only be sent back to his country, and then let his country punish him!

If you believe that the assassin will be punished by the Japanese Congress after returning to Japan, it is better to believe that the sow will climb a tree!

Many Yanhuang people are not fools. After watching "Wolf Warrior 2", the patriotic Chicheng heart in their hearts was finally awakened. This is the time when the sense of national collective honor and national pride is the strongest. Tell them what happened to their beloved land, how can it be believed, how- how can it be endured!

The popularity of this matter is getting higher and higher, coupled with the complementary effect of "Wolf Warrior 2", the whole matter has spread throughout Yanhuang in just one day!

Just two days after "Wolf Warrior 2" dominated the domestic theaters, the number of bookings that could have been seen finally began to drop. There was another wave of rising prices, and more people are appealing, leaving messages in the WeChat public accounts of major movie theaters, demanding that the movie "Wolf Warrior 2" be added!

The reason for the sharp increase in the number of bookings is just a small reason after Wang Xing was imprisoned and reported!

More people initiated reprints on various platforms, launched appeals one after another, and Aite has a large number of Yanhuang official public accounts and Yanhuang official Weibo accounts.

Countless elderly audiences, after hearing such a thing, ran to the nearest police station angrily, saying that they would report the case to arrest the Japanese, a Japanese who dared to commit crimes in Yanhuang!

The police stations in Yanhuang are dumbfounded, where are the Japanese people today, old man, are you hallucinating?

But just after these police stations tried to persuade an old man to leave, another elderly man walked into the police station angrily, holding a cane!

Not just a group of old people, but a large number of bloody and patriotic people from all over Yanhuang gathered together, and began to directly find Yanhuang's official website on the Internet and began to complain, countless people began to shout for a fair result!

In the police station of Modu.

The director sat on the stool with a hippie smile, and then handed out a cup of freshly brewed tea to the deputy director.

"Director, I'm not talking about you. It's fine if you have any objections to the results of the superiors, but you can't let this group of reporters come to interview! Even if you come to interview in front of these reporters

You can't show them the evidence of the Japanese murder!"

"If you wait until the news reaches the top, you will be finished!"

The deputy director took the tea worriedly, and then said with a sigh.

"What do you mean I let this group of reporters come to interview? It's simply slander!"

The chief said solemnly.

"It is obvious that there are too many comrades interviewing, and our police station has no way to stop them. Moreover, in order not to hurt comrades reporters, without using weapons, our police station tried to stop them, but they were still broken by these reporters. Unfortunately, they ran into Wang Xing who was still in the interrogation room and had no time to take it away!"

"And who told you that the evidence of the weapon was taken by us, the conscience of heaven and earth. The weapon was taken by Wang Xing himself after he captured the Japanese."

Although the bureau chief said it freely, but he himself knew that if nothing unexpected happened, his future as the bureau chief would be considered to be in jeopardy!


It's just that the deputy director hadn't finished sighing when the phone in the office next to him rang.

"It's the phone number from above, can you see it, Director?"

The deputy director scanned the call reminder and said with a wry smile.

"It's okay, I'll pick it up. Uh...hey, hey, it's me...hey, this matter is guaranteed to complete the task, hey..."

And just as the director's face became worse as he answered the phone, the door of the office was suddenly pushed open, and a small policeman rushed in, and when he looked at the two directors, his face was obviously a little more happy.

"What's the matter, you didn't know to knock on the door when you entered the office?"

The deputy director was already full of anger, but he roared angrily after seeing this scene.

"It's not good, two chiefs, something happened! There are a lot of people outside the police station, demanding Wang Xing's release!"


The director was startled, and now he ignored the phone call, threw it away, and rushed towards the door. Immediately afterwards, the deputy director also gave the little policeman a hard look, and rushed out together. The entire director's office was empty in an instant, except for an old-fashioned telephone that was still ringing.

……ask for flowers…

"Hey, hello, people! Liu Dawei, do you still want to be the police chief, you dare not even answer my phone calls, you, you, you..."

As soon as the chief rushed out of the police station and saw the scene in front of him, he froze instantly.

I saw a large circle of people surrounded by the police station in front of me, and most of these people were mainly elderly people over fifty years old, and there were even some wearing old military uniforms covered with various medals An old man who is bent over and needs help!

They were quiet, didn't say a word, didn't make noise or pull banners, just stood calmly at the gate of the police station, as if they were waiting for the reply from Yanhuang!

The director's head became dizzy in an instant, and he was at a loss. There were three to four hundred people inside, and it was estimated that any one of them was older than himself, but they surrounded the police station entrance together, and did not even look away when he came out.

This is the entrance of the police station. If they are allowed to surround them all the time, how can it be done? But if you want to drive them away, let alone their age, just as the chief sweeps away the few gray-haired old men with medals in the crowd. I already know that there are a few people who have at least once been the commander of the army and have the possibility to win such a medal!

The director also knew what their purpose was. They all came from that era, and their feelings towards the Japanese were beyond the comprehension of all the current Yanhuang people.

But now that this matter has spread, they rushed out. Not because of Wang Xing's status as a top star, but because the Chinese have done bad things in their country and have no way to get punished!

"You guys, please go back, it's useless to guard the gate of the police station like this!"

The director took over the loudspeaker from the deputy director and said loudly.

There was no answer, and none of the old people around left. Instead, more and more people came after hearing the news from afar.

And in the sky, the haze slowly went down.

Soon after, it rained, and the milk came down. .

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