The rain is getting heavier and faster.

"Please trust me, trust our police station, and give everyone an explanation! The rain is getting heavier and heavier, please go back and take shelter from the rain!"

The director held the trumpet, and the rainwater slid down the tip of his hair.

But the director didn't care at all. The rain in front of him was getting heavier and heavier, and most of these old people didn't bring umbrellas. As far as their bodies were concerned, they couldn't bear the rain at all. It's raining, it's estimated that a few people will fall down!

"Boss, what should we do now?"

The deputy chief ran out of the police station in a hurry, and put the umbrella on the chief's head.

"What are you doing covering me? Are all the people in the police station eating shit? Hurry up and cover the door! Hurry up! Go all!"

The policemen who were at a loss suddenly reacted to "Qi Liu Qi", quickly found the umbrellas, ran to the old men in a hurry, and tried their best to cover them.

But even so, there are too few policemen in the police station, and they are not enough to support and cover all the old people who are drenched in the rain!

But the rain is getting bigger and bigger!

The director looked at the old men who were obstinate and silent in front of him, and at the old men whose bodies were drenched and shivering, his nose felt sour for no reason, and he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything.

And the surrounding Yanhuang people who were originally onlookers, and the passing people were also shocked by the scene in front of them. I don't know who took the lead, holding an umbrella by the side of an old man, and then more and more passers-by came over, covering the old men one by one, making a fight with the heavy rain in the sky separate.

When the cold wind picked up, a shivering old man suddenly fell down, and the surrounding Yanhuang Road policemen hurriedly helped him up. But even so, the group of old men who started to tremble in front of them seemed to be unable to hold on anymore.


The director suddenly knelt down, kneeling in the pool of water, looking at a group of old people with red eyes, holding a loudspeaker microphone, and shouting with all his might.

"Please go back quickly, everyone. I swear here that even if the Wushamao is gone, I will definitely give you an answer. Please believe me [please believe me! Don't go on like this!"

But looking at the scene of the director kneeling in front of him, and listening to the voice from the director's loudspeaker, many silent old people suddenly wavered, and began to look at the director suspiciously, shaking a little.

The rain began to sway with the cold wind, swinging randomly, even with umbrellas, the bodies of many old people began to get wet slowly.

But even so, many old people still did not leave. Stubbornly stood outside the door.

Just when the chief was at a loss, the loudspeaker microphone in his hand was suddenly taken away, and a slender figure suddenly appeared at the gate of the police station.

"Elders, I am Wang Xing!"

A man's voice gradually sounded. The director turned his head in surprise and doubt, and looked at Wang Xing in front of him in disbelief. But the voice didn't stop, and continued to echo at the gate of the police station.

"I, Wang Xing, He De, can bear the great kindness of the elders. I have been released. Please believe me. The Japanese will definitely get the punishment they deserve in Yanhuang!"

"Please believe in me, in this country, in our Yanhuang!"

The voice reverberated non-stop, echoing in every corner of the police station, and Wang Xing's waist also bent down deeply!

The old people who had been silent for a long time finally moved, a white-haired old man let out a cough, and then the other old people couldn't help it anymore, "Ten coughed one after another.

Immediately afterwards, the many old men did not speak, turned around one by one, and walked towards the distance in an orderly manner, and finally walked in all directions one by one, and walked towards their home one by one.

They didn't chatter, didn't argue about why we came all the way here just to save you, you see the chief of the bureau is kneeling, you Wang Xing didn't kneel!

They didn't question anything, saying that they would only leave after seeing the Japanese being dealt with and convicted of any crime. Because they believe and believe that this country will give an answer fairly and fairly!

Because this land is the Yanhuang they have always loved and maintained!

It was still raining, but fortunately the umbrellas on their heads had not been put down.

On the other side of the sky, a rainbow was also hung.

Wang Xing slowly regained his senses after watching many old men disappear from this field of vision. He wanted to say something, let out a little exclamation to set off this touching scene, but found that at this moment, even he was left silent...

"They are the backbone of Yanhuang!"

The director took off his hat and said with a wry smile.

"This is the Yanhuang we love so much, and this is also one of the reasons why we love this country and the people of this country so much!"

Wang Xing took the conversation, but the turbulent emotions were hidden in the calm voice.

"Come on, give me a hand. I've been kneeling on the ground for a long time, and my feet are numb."

The director said to Wang Xing.

"You are very good, and you will be a good officer.

Wang Xing said while pulling the director up.

"You are also very good, and you will be a good star."

In fact, this country is not as supportive of crooked nuts as imagined. In fact, after hearing the voices on the Internet, the authorities have already made a decision, but the director hung up the phone too quickly and did not receive the news .

Fortunately, the higher-ups did everything possible to find the record numbers of every policeman in the Shanghai Police Department, and finally dialed the mobile phone of the old policeman in charge of Wang Xing.

Finally Wang Xing was released and acquitted.

Immediately afterwards, in order to thank the people, Wang Xing announced that "Wolf Warrior 2" will be released for free on all Yanhuang platforms 15 days after its release. And Wang Xing decided to donate all the benefits obtained from "Wolf Warrior 2" 3.3......

Then the chief of the Shanghai Metropolitan Police Department was rewarded by his superiors and promoted to a higher level. After a month, he will go to the provincial department...

However, the movie "Wolf Warrior 2" has not been watched by Wang Xing because Wang Xing said that he can watch the free version after 15 days. The box office keeps rising, and it has broken Yanhuang's box office record for this year in just six days!

At the same time, the Yanhuang authorities strongly responded to Japan's request to release people, and put pressure on Japan with an extremely tough attitude, demanding that Japan apologize to Yanhuang and accept Yanhuang's punishment of Miyamoto Musashi!

Five days later, Miyamoto Musashi was sentenced to five years and six months in prison in the Yanhuang Magic Capital Court for the crime of attempted murder, serving his sentence in Yanhuang Prison. "The sentence shall not be commuted in any way.

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