Football Kung Fu Player

[218] The Actors Are Here

"Bruce, my good friend. You are welcome.

Wang Xing opened his arms wide, and enthusiastically hugged Bruce Willis who was coming from afar.

Relatively speaking, the level of loyalty of Bruce Willis, an American, actually exceeds that of many Yanhuang people.

Wang Xing originally planned to let a group of Yanhuang people shoot this movie. This is a movie that has dominated the box office chart for nearly a decade. Moreover, there are relatively few human scenes in this "Avatar", as long as they can show one, it is a rare opportunity for them.

If Yanhuang's first-line stars are willing to join this movie, it is very likely that they can take advantage of this opportunity to make an international appearance and at the same time break the embarrassing situation of Yanhuang people in the international entertainment circle. It is impossible to become a first- and second-tier international star, but it is still possible to become a third-tier international star in one fell swoop.

But under Wang Xing's kind invitation, this group of first-line Yan Huang stars all rejected Wang Xing. Except for a few stars who are close friends with Wang Xing, they are all singers like Na Ying and Niu Huan, who are not suitable for acting on the screen at all.

As for Xu Zhen in Wang Xing's studio, Wenwen and their film and TV series just happened to be filming at a critical moment, and Wang Xing couldn't just take them away forcibly.

So Wang Xing was also a little helpless, and finally had to give up on this point. He knew very well that the reason why this group of Yanhuang movie stars rejected him was because in their view, he had offended the entire international entertainment circle, and if they followed him to make movies, they were afraid of affecting their future entry into the international entertainment circle.

But what they never thought of was that this rejection gave up their best chance to enter the international entertainment circle.

Everyone has his own destiny, and wealth depends on the sky.

Since Wang Xing gave good luck to Yanhuang Star but was not accepted, then Wang Xing can only give this opportunity to someone who is destined.

Because of the popularity of "Wolf Warrior 2", Bruce's personal reputation has also been greatly improved, and because of his outstanding performance in "Wolf Warrior 2", he has recently won several awards.

After learning about Wang Xing's invitation, Bruce didn't hesitate at all, and directly turned down the invitation of a major international director and came to Wang Xing's side.

"Oh, Wang Xing, my good friend. Your hands are much stronger."

Bruce was also smiling, and said sincerely to Wang Xing. Through the role of the villain in "Wolf Warrior 2" this time, he has completely returned to the public's vision.

Even though not many Americans watch "Wolf Warrior 2", the 5 billion box office of "Wolf Warrior 2" this year's champion is unavoidable for countless American media. It is naturally impossible for the American media to promote the villain Wang Xing, so Bruce Willis, another character in the play, frequently appears in the eyes of people in the United States and even the world for this reason.

"You're going to play the villain again this time, my friend."

Wang Xing shrugged his shoulders and said with a slight smile.

"Avatar" broke the box office record in global movie history (excluding inflation) with a global box office of 2.754 billion US dollars. In addition, the film also won the 67th Golden Globe Awards for Best Director and Best Picture, and the 82nd Academy Awards for Best Art Direction, Best Cinematography and Best Visual Effects.

In fact, Bruce played the role of the villain without wronging him at all. Instead, it was Wang Xing's special reward in order to repay Bruce's loyalty.

"Okay. Wang, the roles you gave are the best, but I wish you could be gentler when you want to beat me up."

Hearing Bruce's words, several people around also laughed.

When filming "Wolf Warrior 2", the battle between Bruce and Wang Xing was a real fight. And even if Bruce is a famous action star, his actual combat power can be ranked among the top among international action stars. But what he faced was the monster Wang Xing, every time he was filming a scene. It is often Bruce who punches Wang Xing. Wang Xing has nothing to do with it, and he often touches up his makeup to create the illusion that Wang Xing was beaten. But when Wang Xing punched Bruce, Bruce was miserable, often bruised one by one.

Of course, it is precisely because of this kind of hard work that is rare in this movie that it has also contributed to the great success of this movie. It is reported that when the English version of this movie was released in the United States not long ago, it also received a lot of praise.

In addition to Bruce, Wang Xing also invited some original cast members from "Avatar". Many of the original cast members were still unknown at this time. After learning of Wang Xing's invitation, many people agreed without the slightest hesitation. Even some of the well-known celebrities are not big names, and they were easily invited under Wang Xing's money offensive.

……ask for flowers……

But only when Wang Xing was invited to invite Zoe Saldana, the female lead in "Avatar", Wang Xing suffered a failure.

Zoe Saldana is not a big star, and her not very outstanding black face makes her always appear on the screen as a supporting role. Only when it comes to "Avatar", can he be regarded as a real master.

But in the face of Zoe Saldana's rejection, Wang Xing had a difficult time. With his current situation in Hollywood, it is definitely impossible to mobilize people to invite a star. In this case, not to mention that Wang Xing can save this face, even the group of Hollywood directors that Wang Xing offended will definitely intervene.

But if Zoe Saldana is not invited, Wang Xing will really find another female star to act in this movie. Zoe's acting skills can be said to be brought into full play in "Avatar", and it is really difficult to find another suitable actor.

But just when Wang Xing was frowning, Bruce, who was silent at the side, suddenly came over, took out his mobile phone and said to Wang Xing.

"King, my friend. I think you'll like this news. Zoe Saldana is a good friend of mine, and I heard you had a hard time inviting her, so I'm going to invite her for you." Here she is. I'm doing a video with her, check it out."

Wang Xing looked at Bruce overjoyed, the joy in his heart could hardly be concealed.

Turning his head, Zoe Saldana, whom Wang Xing was familiar with on the phone, was smiling and waving to Wang Xing.

"Mr. Wang Xing, there was a little traffic jam on the road, but I'll be right there."

And when Wang Xing finally found an actor and was about to start filming, another big event happened in the international entertainment industry.

When the new list of international stars was updated, many people who followed the list were surprised to find that Wang Xing, who was supposed to be a third-tier international star, appeared in the second-tier international position!

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