All the people who were paying attention to International Entertainment were in an uproar instantly, looking at the list in front of them in disbelief.

Wang Xing is a strange person in the eyes of many international netizens. Since the last time he managed to use "Survival on a Deserted Island" to win the love of the international people, he also used this time to break through the obstacles from a national star to an international star.

But the good times don't last long, this guy has just made "Wolf Warrior 2", which used the super high box office to sprint to the international movie box office list, and now he is talking nonsense at the Oscars

He directly attacked all the Hollywood directors and stars on the Oscars, which almost meant that his remarks directly offended the entire international entertainment circle.

How to describe this? Even when a rebellious person faces all his peers and many people who are beyond his rank on the international star list, he will be honest on "July 17", even if his attitude is not very respectful , and will definitely not directly bombard it.

But this Wang Xing is too ruthless. He opened up a map and bombarded the entire Hollywood, and directly threatened that you directors and stars are all hot chickens.

Almost after the report came out, Wang Xing's international reputation began to plummet, especially these directors and stars who were scolded by Wang Xing were all internationally famous, with a fan base that almost covered the entire International entertainment circle.

So even foreign people who liked Wang Xing and "Survival on a Deserted Island" before this report appeared, turned to support their own star director, and began to slander Wang Xing overwhelmingly.

This is the international entertainment industry, not Yanhuang, where Wang Xing has a large fan base, and Wang Xing's group of Yanhuang fans can't fight against the people of the whole world, let alone infiltrate their opinions into Hollywood as far away as the United States. So all of a sudden, the international opinion against Wang Xing flew up, and Wang Xing fell into a helpless situation.

But under such a situation, Wang Xing unexpectedly swept the predicament and reached the international second-tier in this star selection. How can this not surprise the people of the world who are paying close attention to the list.

Countless fans of director Adolf acted even more fiercely, because on the international star rankings, Adolf just happened to be the first in the third tier in the selection last time. It's just a solid thing. But suddenly a Wang Xing popped out and forcibly squeezed into the second line, while Adolf was still at the top of the third line!

In fact, due to the poor box office of the movie, and the fact that Wang Xing took away the Academy Award for director this time, Adolf, who only won some small awards, was indeed weaker than Wang Xing in terms of ratings, so in the end Wang Xing was awarded It is also a reasonable thing to be selected as the second-tier and Adolf loses the election.

But Adolf's fans don't think so. The Oscar director award was taken away by Wang Xing, who turned out to be out of nowhere, which already made these fans furious. Now Wang Xing has even squeezed out the second-tier international star , how the hell can you play this!

So countless Adolf fans repeatedly commented on the list, questioning Wang Xing. It's just that when there was no response, this group of international fans took the initiative to appeal and filed complaints to the International Star Selection Committee one by one.

Followed by fans of other international stars, although many stars are envious of Wang Xing's crazy occupation of the international second-tier position, but they must maintain a good image, so it is impossible for them to take the initiative to attack Wang Xing.

However, under their intentional or unintentional guidance, their fans are easily blown away.

Well, why is my idol not as good as this Yanhuang man!

Isn't Wang Xing just a star who just appeared on the international star rankings? How could he have directly entered the second line in the second selection? Shady, definitely a shady!

Protest, we want to protest for our idols who have been treated unfairly.

Brainless fans are not only found in the world of Yanhuang. In fact, in various countries in the world, there are still extremely many products caused by the difficulties of economic development without survival problems.

On twitter, countless idiotic fans have posted, and many people even started the official account of the star selection committee in a crazy way. In just one day, the star selection committee has received more than 100,000 complaints

However, the star selection committee has been established for nearly thirty years, so it is naturally impossible to change the star list at will just because of complaints...

If it is changed easily this time, it will be a disaster for the star selection committee, which has always had an authoritative position in the entertainment circle. There are not many cases of fans making trouble because their stars did not get a satisfactory position, but it is just because there are too many fans who participated in the complaints and reports this time. As long as they let them complain, I believe that it will not be long before this group of people will have to admit this because the reaction has been fruitless.

After all, the celebrity selection is held once a month. If it really doesn't work, and Wang Xing really doesn't have much exposure, they can use this topic to drop Wang Xing from the rankings.

But this month, it is absolutely impossible for the star selection committee to change the selection results. This point, even Thain, who is most opposed to Wang Xing becoming an international second-tier, is extremely clear

So not long after, the official account of the Star Selection Committee on Twitter released a response to the public's complaints.

"The star selection is selected by several members of the star selection committee after reasonable calculations. The authority and fairness of it are unquestionable. I also hope that many people can trust our selection results and give us a lot of support."

Facing the extremely tough response from the star selection committee, the international fans who were following this matter were blown up, one by one clamoring and wanting to complain to the 3.1 star selection committee. But no matter how angry they are and if they don't accept this, they have to admit that there is no room for change in this matter.

If it is necessary to let Wang Xing fall from the star rankings, then he can only take advantage of Wang Xing's failure of the box office bet and the drop in reputation before filing a complaint.

Before Wang Xing bombarded a group of star directors, everyone said he was crazy and arrogant. But there is no real way to make Wang Xing fall off the list. But if Wang Xing loses this bet, it will not only be a failure, but also a best opportunity for many international fans who have resentment in their hearts to attack!

As the voice of protest gradually weakened, the news of Wang Xing's promotion to the international second line finally spread back to the country. .

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