Football Kung Fu Player

【220】International Second Line

In fact, Zhang Lao and the others were the first group of Yanhuang people to get the news of Wang Xing's promotion to the second-tier international team.

Since quitting the star selection group, they are ready to start to live their lives. Although the salary of their old actors was very low before, the sum of their savings after working hard to act for a lifetime may not be as good as the salary of a small fresh meat one-episode movie today. But good people are always rewarded, and the country has not forgotten their contributions. These people are also one of the few actors who have been included in the special allowances of the state.

So during this period of time, they plan to travel around the world, and at the same time, to see how the entertainment circles around the world work, to see if they can have some good suggestions when they come back to help the Yanhuang entertainment circle keep up with the world entertainment circle. pace of.

No, seven of them are still traveling in Italy today.

Mr. Zhang wears reading glasses and a lace hat handmade in Italy. He always smiles and looks kind and kind. But at this moment, his face was full of surprise.

"Come on, Lao Li, read what's written in this newspaper. I just said that Wang Xing is a good kid. I didn't expect him to be on the earth line of the international star rankings just because he disagreed!"

The old 25 Li called by Zhang Lao is exactly the old Li who was in the star selection team, and also Li Xiaobin, the lead actor of the TV series "Italian Cannon" that was chanted in Yanhuang in the past.

"What, it's fucking impossible! The international second-tier is not the national second-tier. This Yanhuang entertainment industry has developed for so many years and no one can enter it!"

Li Xiaobin couldn't believe it, and quickly turned his head to look at the newspaper in Zhang Lao's hand.

After a while, Li Xiaobin slapped his thigh and yelled.

"This damn Wang Xing is really so powerful, not bad, not bad, he is worthy of being under my Li Yunlong's hands!"

"Come on, Lao Li, don't put gold on your face. You are also a member of your independent group. Come, come, Lao Zhang, show me a few times."

A few elderly people around also came over and stared at the newspaper excitedly, not hiding their joy in the slightest.

"It's really an international second-tier, yes, I can be regarded as a talented person in the Yanhuang entertainment industry!"

"Fuck your mother, it wasn't me, old Li, who tried to overcome all opinions and wanted to be selected for the entertainment industry. Without me, you are still looking for someone who can take over as a top star!"

On the streets of Italy, seven elderly people excitedly huddled together, embracing each other, and from time to time uttered joyful shouts. All the Italians passing by even regarded these people as lunatics, how could they have encountered something, and they were so excited.

But what they didn't realize was that, where they couldn't see, there were already a few lines of tears on the faces of these old men, weeping with joy!

Zhou Xingxing has been doing really well recently, the development of the Yanhuang entertainment industry is getting better day by day, and the results of the strong management methods of the star selection team are also very good. The atmosphere in the entertainment circle has been greatly improved, and high-quality and high-quality films have appeared in the public eye one by one. However, violations such as high remuneration and false publicity have been curbed to a certain extent.

Although it is impossible to completely improve the entertainment industry to the level of the Discipline Inspection Commission at one time, the environment of the entertainment industry has indeed been greatly improved.

And the higher-ups are constantly rewarding the achievements of the star selection team, and Zhou Xingxing's bonuses are also re-opened every liter.

At the same time, there was a trend to upgrade the star selection team again, and the name "Photoelectric Palm" was confirmed, but the upgrade time has not yet been determined.

In other words, as long as Zhou Xingxing does not have too many personal problems, he will be the head of this new department after all.

But what excites Zhou Xingxing the most is this international newspaper that has just been introduced to Yanhuang.

The seven members of the star selection team gathered together quickly, and then stared at a newspaper in front of them and started to be dazed. In the international newspaper in front of them, there were a few large words written in black and white on the front page:

"Yanhuang man Wang Xing breaks through the second-tier international celebrity rankings, becoming the first star in the Yanhuang entertainment circle to enter the second-tier international star!"

The meeting room was filled with smoke, and it was strangely silent about this rare news for Yanhuang entertainment circle. But after a long time, Zhou Xingxing put down the cigarette butt in his hand, coughed and said.

"Wang Xing has won such a rare honor in the Yanhuang entertainment industry, what do you think?"

"Naturally, it has an immeasurable effect on the development of the Yanhuang entertainment industry, but you can just say it directly. Should we take advantage of this opportunity and ask the higher-ups to confirm that our team will be promoted?"

. "class

Since Zhou Xingxing opened his mouth, Andy Lau didn't hesitate, and said directly and neatly.

"It is the first time someone in the Yanhuang Entertainment Circle has been promoted to the international second tier. This is a rare good news, and it is also a rare opportunity for us. Since this is the case, we will take advantage of this opportunity

Talk to your boss when you report. "

Zhang Xunyou followed closely behind Andy Lau and spoke.

In fact, when Wang Xing came back after repeatedly breaking records in the Yanhuang entertainment industry, the few of them really wanted to take the opportunity to catch up with him. However, they had just sat on the star selection team before, and they were not seated at all, and it was not suitable for them to speak.

But it's different now, and I've been on the star selection team for several months. And Wang Xing has also released the news that he will be filming for a few months, and there will be no chance to get new good results in a short time. Therefore, it is extremely difficult for the Yanhuang entertainment circle to obtain these 593 rare achievements, and this opportunity is also a rare opportunity for Zhou Xingxing and the others.

"Okay, I'll contact my boss right now."

Zhou Xingxing is not a person who hesitates, since everyone has made a decision and he has already made up his mind, let's take this opportunity!

"Beep..." The phone rang.

"Crooked, I'm Zhou Xingxing.

And just when the Yanhuang star selection team was tossing and turning about the promotion, the Yanhuang entertainment circle, including all the netizens who followed the entertainment circle, had fallen out.

Whether they supported Wang Xing, had a bad relationship with Wang Xing, or were jealous of Wang Xing's performance, when they saw the news from the media about Wang Xing's promotion to the international second-tier, all of them were willing or not. They all clicked forward one by one, and sent blessings to Zaixing.

And it was also under the circumstances that the entire Yanhuang entertainment circle was launched, and this news also flooded the entire Yanhuang in the blink of an eye. As for the news about Wang Xing, people's comments also frantically brushed up.

"Damn, this Wang Xing is too 6, this is the international star ranking, this guy is as scary as playing in the domestic entertainment industry!"

"Wang Xing is mighty, Yanhuang Entertainment has never been weaker than International Entertainment!"

"Yanhuang Entertainment finally stood up!".

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