Football Kung Fu Player

[227] Amazing Results

After the success of Yanhuang, the Americans were completely horrified by this "Avatar".

Twitter is full of praise from Americans for the movie.

American netizen dhksd: After watching this "Avatar", when I saw the title of the director named Wang Xing, and he was a Yanhuang man, I had deep doubts about this movie, and thought that this movie will be is a disaster. But when I actually watched this movie, I found that my heart was shocked, and it completely overturned my view of Yanhuang movies!

American netizen Jenny: This is the best sci-fi movie I have seen this year, and it is also the most exciting sci-fi movie I have ever seen in my life! I can hardly imagine that this movie came from Yanhuang, which is backward in our eyes. It's like I really can't believe that the technical support of this movie is completely from Yanhuang!

American netizen Jack: My impression of Yanhuang has always been on the nunchaku and Yanhuang Kung Fu, but after watching "Avatar", I found that I might add another movie to my impression column!

It was released in the United States in one morning, and the total box office exceeded 10 million U.S. dollars, and it became the movie that American college audiences most wanted to watch. The box office was once in short supply!

797 And this kind of shock is not only manifested in the United States, on the far north coast of the Pacific Ocean, a group of Japanese directors are gathering in a small conference room.

Due to the difference in location and time difference, at this time, "Avatar" has just been screened in the United States for one morning, but "Avatar" has been successfully screened in Japan for a whole day now!

But just like the popularity of other places, this movie that once conquered the world also conquered the world two years in advance!

"Everyone has seen the results of "Avatar" today, if this continues, I'm afraid our movies will not be able to compete in the one-month release time of this movie!

Amid the puff of smoke, a short Japanese director finally couldn't hold back the anxiety in his heart, and spoke to the crowd.

This director is called Civil Engineering. Recently, a new movie "Yamato" he shot is currently being released, but this popularity did not last long, and soon stagnated because of the super popularity of "Avatar", which is why Civil Engineering One of the reasons why the project came in such a rush.

"But Wang Xing's own strength is strong, and today's performance of his "Avatar" has reached the box office of some of you here for several days or even half a month. We have all watched this movie, and we know it well. It is impossible for our film to compete with him!"

Another Japanese director who was also short and wretched looked embarrassed and distressed, but he still said with a little fear.

This director's new movie was also released recently, Wang Xing's "Avatar" turned out to have a far-reaching impact, and it completely crushed the box office of this director's movie

"Baga, why should he, a Yanhuang man, come to our country of Japan to make money!"

There was also a Japanese director who couldn't bear the anger in his heart, slapped the table and shouted.

"That is, the work of Yanhuang people is all work with a bad conscience!"

"Cross-border money grabbing is the most shameful and abhorrent act!"

A group of Japanese directors responded one after another.

But these Japanese directors have forgotten one thing, that is, when they made a lot of money in the Yanhuang entertainment industry, they didn't mention making money at all. Instead, they all took it as an honor to earn Yanhuang's money!

"No, we have to stop him!"

Seeing the excitement of the crowd, Civil Engineering couldn't hold back his emotions for a moment, and took the lead in shouting.

Naturally, dozens of directors, large and small, could not be so patriotic, because Wang Xing was filled with righteous indignation after earning money from Japan when he released it in Japan. The main reason is that their films have been released recently, and the hot airing of Wang Xing's "Avatar" "inadvertently crowded out their box office.

That's why this group of directors whose interests have been damaged are reluctant, and (cfai) tried every means to get rid of Wang Xing, so as to prevent their interests from being further damaged.

And just when a group of Japanese directors came up with various vicious strategies to deal with Wang Xing, Civil Engineering's phone rang instantly. Civil Engineering took out the phone in doubt, and when he saw the number displayed on the phone, his eyes widened instantly, and his eyes were full of doubts!

What? Director of the Japanese Cultural Bureau, this is the highest official of Japanese entertainment, how could he call himself!

As soon as Civil Engineering answered the phone, listening to the contents of the phone, cold sweat flowed down instantly, and he kept swearing on the other end of the phone to make a promise.

"Hey! Got it, got it! Received...

After Civil Engineering hung up the phone, many curious directors gathered and looked at Civil Engineering suspiciously.

The status of civil engineering in the Japanese circle is not low. How can he be reprimanded like this? Who is he?

Civil Engineering looked desperately at the directors around him, then finally calmed down the shock in his heart, swallowed and said.

"The director of the Cultural Affairs Bureau called me just now, and he told me that Yanhuang directly put pressure on Japan, declaring extremely forcefully that if anyone dares to do something about their Yanhuang movies, it would be to sow discord between the two countries... the director said , in order not to arouse the wrath of Yanhuang, we must not start with "Avatar"!"

Immediately afterwards, the popularity of "Avatar" began to spread to various countries in the world. Italy, France, Russia...

On the first day of "Avatar"'s release, the total box office worldwide reached 100 million US dollars, directly surpassing the film "The Ninth Man" by Ichiro Yamaguchi, which has been in theaters for nearly a week, and became the world's first-day box office Guinness record!

On the second day after "Avatar" was released, the world's total box office reached 200 million US dollars, directly surpassing the recent British movie "Britain" which was released for nearly two weeks!

On the third day after "Avatar" was released, the total box office worldwide reached 300 million US dollars, surpassing "Warship X" filmed by the famous Hollywood director Adolf, completely defeated several directors who had bet with Wang Xing, and created a world movie Box office accumulation speed history record!

On the fourth day of its release, "Avatar" has accumulated a total box office worldwide

On the fifth day of its release, "Avatar" has accumulated a total box office of 500 million US dollars worldwide, successfully entering the world movie box office rankings!

On the 10th day after "Avatar" was released, the total box office worldwide has reached one billion US dollars, surpassing "Lord of War", which is ranked tenth in the world movie rankings, and successfully became the first time that Yanhuang has a film in the top ten of the world movie rankings Movie!

And this result is far from the end!.

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