After becoming popular all the way, the name of "Avatar" began to be valued by various countries.

Yanhuang's major official newspapers took the lead in broadcasting the movie "Avatar", and expressed their great appreciation for the great achievements of the movie and the level of the movie itself.

At the same time, in the face of "Avatar", which contains the world's top film technology, the international community also expressed great recognition and appreciation.

Pakistan and other Middle Eastern countries took the lead in expressing their support and appreciation to Yanhuang and the "Avatar" film crew, and praised "Avatar" as an epoch-making success in film history

Famous directors and authoritative celebrities in the entertainment circles of European countries came forward. They said that "Avatar" was able to achieve such a huge good result as it should be, and it was also expected. They also stated that Yanhuang is in a stage of rapid development, and Yanhuang Entertainment has also inadvertently reached a world-leading position in a certain aspect. This is worthy of celebration and recognition-!

While countless countries around the world have recognized this achievement, Hollywood, which has never spoken in the United States, finally has a voice.

The U.S. Hollywood Management Council announced that it would first of all express its approval to Yanhuang, the top and bottom stars and members who filmed "Avatar" by Yanhuang. At the same time, director Wang Xing's bets with several Hollywood players must be fulfilled, which is worthy of recognition. The United States is a country of credit, and Hollywood is a place where directors with credit must be able to move forward.

Although the bet between American director Adolf and Wang Xing is just a private bet, Adolf and others must fulfill the bet after the bet fails, and show their sincerity to all the people in the world who are paying attention to this matter!

Whether it is Adolf's "Number X" or Yamaguchi Ichiro's "The Ninth Man", the release time is much longer than Wang Xing. But at the end of their film's release time, their box office is still far behind "Avatar", which means that they have absolutely no chance to compete with "Avatar"!

Before, Adolf and the others made a big deal out of their bet with Wang Xing in front of the public, which indirectly led to the content of the bet being known to the public. Along with the horrible results of "Avatar", this bet has been repeatedly mentioned by people. Fans of "Avatar" began to exert pressure on the Internet to demand that Adolf and others fulfill the bet!

And the previous content of the bet was that whoever loses will quit the entertainment industry!

In a high-end villa in Hollywood, Adolf, Ichiro Yamaguchi and others were gathering together, yelling at each other non-stop.

It was not only Ichiro Yamaguchi and Adolf who made a bet with Wang Xing before, but also most of the Oscar winners, including some second-tier international stars who are still very popular in the world entertainment circle.

Even for Adolf, he is not very old, and his international reputation is extremely high. As long as he continues to develop and accumulate fame, it is estimated that he will eventually be promoted to the top of the international ranking.

Ichiro Yamaguchi, a talented director in Japan, several films have achieved great success internationally, and he is known as the person in Japan who is most likely to lead the Japanese entertainment industry to the world.

But such a group of directors and stars who seem to be the stars of tomorrow seem to be about to quit the entertainment circle because of such a bet.

Originally, Adolf and the others planned to pretend not to know about the bet, and secretly lowered their exposure, waiting for when the public would no longer pay attention to the bet, and then they would return to the public eye.

The entertainment industry represents huge benefits and great achievements! For Adolf and others, it is too difficult to accept such withdrawal from the entertainment industry.

But when it became a fact that their film performance was not as good as "Avatar", they also successfully downplayed their own news. They stayed in the idiot's villa all day and didn't even go out. Even Wang Xing seemed to have forgotten such a fact. Such a thing has not been mentioned in public!

However, the one who insisted on uncovering this matter in the end turned out to be their backer, Hollywood, and it seemed that they were going to be directly banned from the entertainment industry!

"No, it's impossible! Quitting the showbiz is impossible!"

Adolf was holding a bottle of expensive red wine, his eyes had turned red, and he shouted loudly at everyone in the villa.

...asking for flowers...0

What did he do wrong? Didn't he just make a bet? Why should he treat himself like this. From a graduate of a film school to the present, how much hardship he has suffered and how much humiliation he has endured, why should he deprive himself of everything overnight!

"Adolf, you are drunk! Hollywood has abandoned us, and after this publicity, we have lost any reputation in the entertainment world, and the world has no place for us."

"We have no choice but to quit the entertainment industry, and this world will have a place for us!"

Yamaguchi Ichiro's short body danced and danced, but a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes.

Who can be willing?

Everyone who has gone through untold hardships to come here, if you want to blame, blame your grades for not being as good as others, if you want to blame, blame your movies for not being as good as others!


From the point of view of psychological endurance, it is obvious that Ichiro Yamaguchi is stronger than Adolf.

"Adolf, we can still live well if we get out of here, but if we keep going, I'm afraid we're really doomed!"

A celebrity persuaded reluctantly.

Winners and losers, if they defeated Wang Xing today, I am afraid Wang Xing will be forced by them a hundred times worse! But if there is no if, they really lost to Wang Xing, lost to Yanhuang who they look down on completely Movie!

"Adolf, if we don't take the film path, with the wealth we have accumulated, we can go to other industries, you have to think about it!"

Another director gritted his teeth and persuaded.

Of course, it wasn't that they insisted on persuading Adolf to quit the entertainment industry. In fact, whether Adolf quit the entertainment industry or not, and how he was punished in the end, was none of their business. But these directors were afraid that Adolf's stubborn refusal to quit would affect them, so they tried their best to persuade them one by one.

"Get out! You bastards, you bastards who fall for Wang Xing, get out! I don't want to be with you!"

Unexpectedly, Adolf didn't seem to be persuaded by these directors at all. Instead, he yelled at the whole person with red eyes.

When everyone saw this, their faces darkened one after another, and then they all turned their heads and walked away with unhappy faces. .

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