Football Kung Fu Player

[249] The Sickle Is Opened

The three of them were embarrassed in the car, but they soon came to a villa area, which is close or far from the hospital, in an extremely quiet place, with patches of red and green plants in it embellished.

"Yo! Villa. Wu Yu, so your family is very rich." Leng Xiaodao looked at the building outside the car and asked Wu Yu.

Wu Yu replied embarrassingly: "No, besides, it's not mine, I want to develop on my own. Don't treat me as a rich second generation who doesn't do anything.

"Yeah, of course I've done anything to fight like this with others." Leng Xiaodao gave him a blank look and said.

The car stopped in front of the villa very quickly, maybe it was because Wu Yu said hello in advance, as soon as the car stopped, two people came out of it immediately "three two seven".

Both of them are around forty years old, the man is full of energy and has very bright eyes, and the woman next to him is the fat woman I saw in the hospital yesterday, but at this moment, her face is no longer the same as yesterday's. In the late night that only knows how to cry, but a soft smile blooms.

"Mom and Dad!" Wu Yu was the first to get out of the car. Seeing the bandages on Wu Yu's head, Wu Yu's mother felt distressed and hurried forward to hug him, asking about his health, while his father on the other side didn't even look at him, but waited for Wang Xing and Leng Xiaodao to get out of the car.

"Hello, Uncle." Wang Xing called Leng Xiaodao politely.

"Hello, please come in." Wu Yu's father greeted Wang Xing and Wang Xing to the house. As soon as he entered, the furnishings inside made Leng Xiaodao dazzled.

Wu Yu's father didn't speak, and smiled as he watched Leng Xiaodao walk around the room freely. When he saw Wang Xing standing, he said to him: Please sit down.

Wang Xing sat down, and soon someone served tea. Wu Yu's father first expressed his gratitude to Wang Xing and the others for saving his son. Wang Xing said that there is nothing to say about such trivial matters. Then Leng Xiaodao also sat down, and with Leng Xiaodao, the topic became much easier, and then everyone had a meal together, and finally Guofeng's father told the driver Tu Wang Xing and the two of them to leave.

Wu Yu said that he didn't want to stay in the house, so he followed the driver to see Wang Xing and them off. Wu Yu's father was afraid that Wu Yu would be in danger again, so he asked someone to protect them secretly.

The car went around and brought them to the intersection outside the hospital. Wu Yu wanted to go to the Internet cafe with Wang Xing and the others, but was stopped by the person protecting him. Because it was time to change the dressing, Wu Yu went to the hospital , Wang Xing and Leng Xiaodao went to the Internet cafe.

After re-entering the game, Leng Xiaodao regained his previous look, posing in various ways to interact with fans.

Regarding this point, Wang Xing didn't want to say anything, and silently followed Leng Xiaodao into the game.

Fans also began to post barrage of anticipation for this time:

"Look, Lord Dao is here with his boyfriend haha..."

"My little sister, return my little sister."

"That's right, by the way, where did that nurse lady go? When will Mr. Dao come to bring her over again?"

Regarding this, Leng Xiaodao replied: "I understand everyone's needs, don't worry, as long as the nurse is free, we will definitely play games together, everyone look forward to it together

Then he gave them a wink, but they didn't seem to buy it and immediately replied: "Today's Master Dao is not charming, I don't like it, even despair.

"I don't even put on makeup. It seems that Lord Dao has started to take the masculine route, and is getting farther and farther away from his true nature. Disappointed.

Regarding this, Wang Xing asked Leng Xiaodao in surprise: "You also wear makeup?"

"Uh, don't listen to their nonsense, it's impossible, and it's impossible to put on makeup in this life." Leng Xiaodao smiled awkwardly, and then entered the wait with Wang Xing.

Dozens of people were running around in a small playground, and Wang Xing was also bored, waving his fists and boxing randomly with those guys whose names he didn't know.

Leng Xiaodao and the fans laughed and said something, and then saw that the screen changed, and everyone came to the big plane.

"Master Dao, where are we going to dance this time?" Wang Xing asked Leng Xiaodao with a smile.

"P City!" Leng Xiaodao showed a domineering look, and then explained: "P City has always been a battleground for military strategists. After we go down, we have to want all kinds of guys. After all, people who jumped here We all know..... There are many guys here, and when there are many people, fighting is inevitable. At this time, even if there is only one pistol in hand, it is more powerful than bare hands.

"Oh, that is to say, if you go down, you will be awakened to a duel again, right?" Wang Xing knew in his heart, and it seemed that an unusually fierce fight was inevitable. Although this scene was very tense, Wang Xing was also looking forward to it.

After opening the parachute, Wang Xing took a look around. Sure enough, many people chose to parachute near here. Wang Xing followed Leng Xiaodao's instructions and quickly descended, and the two kept a very close distance so that they could pray The role of mutual support, although in Leng Xiaodao's heart, he felt that he was protecting Wang Xing.

"Boom!" As soon as Wang Xing landed on the ground, he ran to a low room on the side, opened the door, and found a sickle. He thought it was better to have something than nothing, so he just wanted to go to another small room to see While watching, he suddenly saw someone running in from the door behind him, and his premonition told him that someone was staring at him and wanted to sneak attack.

Wang Xing turned around and was immediately taken aback. Sure enough, a curly-haired man in flowered underpants was waving his fist and trying to kill Wang Xing directly, and although Wang Xing was a little flustered,

But looking at the sickle in his hand, he added a little courage, picked up the sickle and slashed at the man.

After some gestures between the two, the unarmed guy was always slightly inferior, and was finally hit by Wang Xing's 2.2 sickle and died. Although a backpack appeared on the ground, Wang Xing didn't look at it, because he knew there was no bag inside. What a good thing, the most important thing now is to search the house and avoid people who may appear suddenly.

Leng Xiaodao's side is more wretched. He didn't open the door casually to search. Instead, after finding a pistol, he found a place that had been guarded and waited. Whenever two people exchanged fire, Leng Xiaodao suddenly Appeared, beat the two of them to death together, and really achieved the praying mantis catching the cicada and the oriole behind.

"Master Dao is Master Dao. With such an opening operation, you can definitely make yourself invincible, but it seems that the cute little big brother has also opened."

"Yes, I've been watching, and he cut one with a scythe."

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