Football Kung Fu Player

【250】Let Wang Xing Be The Target

Wang Xing continued to search, and he found that there were too many people jumping down in this city. It seemed that there were many good things in this city. Wang Xing thought about the situation and decided that it would be safer not to go outside and stay indoors Yes, but the most urgent thing is to find a gun, even if it is a pistol, a scythe in hand for a long time is also very panic. Luck soon came to Wang Xing. Wang Xing entered the second floor of a small building and happened to see a backpack there, but he was curious as to why he didn't come to pick it up. But in a land where anything can happen, you'd be a fool if you saw it and didn't pick it up.

Wang Xing looked around and found that no one was paying attention here for a while, so he walked to the package. He didn't plan to find anything at first. After all, it was the early stage, and the good things he could find were really limited.

However, to Wang Xing's surprise, there was actually a UMP45, and when Wang Xing put the gun in his backpack, he found that the bullets were still full, but other than that, there was nothing else but 25.

"It's not bad. I have a submachine gun at the very beginning, and the pressure has been relieved." Wang Xing laughed happily for a long time, and then showed off to Leng Xiaodao: "I have it, I have it.

"Eh? You have it?" Leng Xiaodao was stunned for a while, thinking what's wrong with you as a big man. After seeing the guy in Wang Xing's hand, he understood what he meant, and then encouraged: "If you have it, then Well, as long as we have it, we will continue to work hard and strive for the greatest victory.

Wang Xing took the UMP45 and continued to shoot around the corners of the upstairs, and soon he found another thing, a sprayer, although the role of the sprayer in the game is not very dazzling, but as this The firearms of the period are still very useful, at least better than none.

Wang Xing was thinking of opening the door to take a look at the Ouding platform, when he heard footsteps from downstairs, Wang Xing looked at the distance from Leng Xiaodao, and found that the one downstairs was not Leng Xiaodao

Then I knew someone was coming.

He quietly looked down at the corner of the stairwell, as long as someone appeared, he would immediately appear in front of him. Sure enough, just as Wang Xing was getting ready, a black man with a melon cap on his head ran over swaggeringly.

Maybe it was because he was taken aback after seeing Wang Xing, the melon black man forgot to run away, and was stunned for a full two seconds, Wang Xing thought, what does this mean?

Leng Xiaodao at the side couldn't stand it anymore, and yelled, "Shoot!"

"Bang!" Wang Xing originally thought that the current main weapon was UMP45, but he didn't expect it to be a sprayer. This hit happened to hit the melon-piped black man on the head. Because the distance was very close, he directly blasted the melon-piped black man in the head, so In this round, Wang Xing got the second kill.

"Okay, little big brother, he's stronger than me, I just killed one." Although Leng Xiaodao said so, his equipment should not be underestimated at the moment, two submachine guns, a second-level helmet, and a frying pan. There is no problem with such equipment in the early stage of timid gangsters.

"I'll go find you in a while, you must save your life, and you should be sneaky." Leng Xiaodao preached to Wang Xing.

Wang Xing nodded, and looked in the black man's backpack. There were a few bandages and cans of energy drinks, but there was nothing useful other than that.

Wang Xing shook his head, intending to continue to search the roof platform, but when he came to the window, he suddenly heard a crisp sound, and then the separation around him was shattered. Experience told him that there was a sniper aiming at him. At this moment, he dared not stick his head out of the window to look out, because that was pure courting death.

He lay on the ground first, slowly moved towards the window, and looked at the situation downstairs from the angle of view. The reason why he didn't look at the tall buildings next to him was because those tall buildings didn't have the conditions to shoot, or they were very leaky. The roof of the building, or there is no window at all, so Wang Xing concluded that the sniper was hiding not far from the small building.

"Xiaodao, I have been targeted by someone, come and save me." Wang Xing found himself in a very awkward position, no matter whether he was going forward or backward, he would expose himself to this window, although he could pass Run quickly to avoid this window, but who knows how fast his marksmanship is. It takes time to go from crawling posture to standing to running. The time for this series of actions is enough for a sniper to aim and shoot up.

"Got it! Where is it?" Leng Xiaodao shouted, and then he seemed to feel that what he said would cause confusion, so he said it in detail.

‘Where is that sniper? Tell me the approximate location. ’ Leng Xiaodao had just dealt with one, when his heroic spirit was very strong, so he hurriedly asked Wang Xing.

"It's on the right side of my small building, near the window, can you see it?" Wang Xing didn't dare to move.

"Don't panic, don't panic, just know the approximate location, wait until you touch it quietly." Leng Xiaodao smiled, and slowly approached Wang Xing's small building from sections of broken walls.

People in the vicinity have all gone to other places, and there are not many people left, which gives people a lot of possibilities for black guns.

"Little big brother, you try to stand up and get down on the ground to let him shoot, so that I know the exact location of 887." Wang Xing said with a smirk.

"Ah? You want me to be a target." Wang Xing understood as soon as he heard it, and immediately objected.

"It's okay, don't worry, as long as he shoots, I can kill him." Leng Xiaodao said to Wang Xing with a guarantee.

Wang Xing thought for a while, and if I tell you, I will believe you this time. If the person is not killed, I will never end with you. Then Wang Xing took a deep breath, then stood up, and soon heard the sound of a clear sniper rifle, Wang Xing was so frightened that he quickly jumped to the ground again, and at this time, Leng Xiaodao's gun The sound also rang, and after a burst of continuous and short-stop shooting, the message of Leng Xiaodao's kill appeared on the upper right corner of the screen, which indicated that the sniper who shot Wang Xing's black gun had been eliminated by Leng Xiaodao.

Wang Xing breathed a sigh of relief, then walked to the roof platform, saw that there was a handful of M4 on it, picked it up, and then replaced it with a double lens.

"How about it, little big brother, can I be trusted?" Leng Xiaodao grinned and smiled, as if to say that my marksmanship is good and my strategy is good.

Wang Xing was speechless for a while, but to be honest, in this situation, Leng Xiaodao's method is really good, anyway, he learned another trick, Wang Xing thought to himself. .

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