Football Kung Fu Player

【258】Street Murder

The three got off the phone, and then walked outside the Internet cafe. Seeing that the sun was just right outside, they thought about walking together to find a place to eat. Wu Yu's bodyguard wanted to follow, but Wu Yu refused, thinking that this kind of person would come. Wherever you go, what can happen.

However, something unexpected happened to the three of them very quickly. Because of Wu Yu's order, the bodyguard followed Wu Yu inconveniently, but his boss' order could not be disobeyed, so he drove the car and watched them from afar. three.

The appearance of the three of them at this time is particularly eye-catching, and the rate of turning heads is particularly high. Because of the bandages, some people thought they were performing on purpose, and took out their mobile phones to take photos with them.

At first, the three of them thought it was interesting, so they didn't refuse, and took photos with them one after another, but they couldn't hold back their hunger, so they refused, and then the three of them continued to walk forward, but within a few steps, they saw people coming towards them suddenly Five or six strong guys~.

As soon as Wu Yu saw this situation, he knew that those people who beat him up before were looking for trouble again, and suddenly regretted that he had rejected the bodyguard, so he said to Wang Xing and Leng Xiaodao: "Hurry up, they are The ones who hit me-."

Upon hearing this, Wang Xing and Leng Xiaodao didn't dare to hesitate, turned around together with Wu Yu, and ran on the way back and forth, but within a few steps, they felt that their clothes were being grabbed, and soon, they were caught behind The people kicked each other.

Leng Xiaodao was the weakest, he was kicked to the ground, before he got up, another person lay on top of him, Leng Xiaodao looked behind him, it turned out that Wu Yu was also knocked to the ground, but Wu Yu was luckier Well, instead of being in close contact with the hard ground, he fell onto Leng Xiaodao.

But Wang Xing is a little different. After the person who stretched Wang Xing's clothes grabbed him, he wanted to continue to fight, but found that the waving hand couldn't move. He turned his head, only to realize that , his hand was grabbed by the guy in front of him, he wanted to move it vigorously, but found that the grasped hand was completely motionless.

"Huh? Who are you, that you are so powerful?" The strong man asked when he saw Wang Xing holding his hand.

Wang Xing said in his heart that I am me, isn't it normal to hold your hand? Then he replied, "You don't care who I am, you just can't bully my brother." His hand hit the person in front of him.

"Bang!" Wang Xing didn't expect his fist to be so powerful. After that punch hit the man's cheek, he was blindfolded. After standing there for a while, he lost consciousness and fell to the ground unconsciously. Moved.

Wang Xing looked at the man on the ground, thinking that he must have been beaten to death by himself, so he wanted to go forward to check the man's breath. Who would have thought that the other big men would punch their own man when they saw Wang Xing? He was knocked down and said: "Looking for death!" They started to greet Wang Xing together.

People came and went on the street, seeing this scene, they all exclaimed, took out their mobile phones, took pictures and recorded videos, and some even started calling the police.

One of the Chinese characters saw someone standing on the sidelines on the phone, so he threatened and said: "Don't make trouble for nothing, leave quickly."

The terrified onlookers yelled in fright and ran away quickly. Seeing that the man had already left, the strong man who threatened passers-by wanted to turn his head and continue to attack Wang Xing, but as soon as he turned around, he saw The rest of my brothers had already lay down on the ground, with their mouths wide open for a while, staring blankly at the scene in front of them.

"Why are you in a daze? Give me a punch." Wang Xing had just finished off a strong man, when he saw the stupefied man, he said, "That punch came down.

"Bang! Click!" Even Leng Xiaodao and Wu Yu, who were some distance away from Wang Xing, heard the punch, and two voices rang out. One thing is the sound of a fist hitting the face, which is easy to understand, so what is the click sound?

"Ouch!" The burly man who had just received Wang Xing's punch covered his mouth, yelled and rolled while spitting out a few bloody teeth from his mouth. It turned out that Wang Xing knocked out the man's teeth.

"Well done, little big brother. I give you a thumbs up." Although Leng Xiaodao was under Wu Yu's pressure, he watched the scene of Wang Xing1V4 all over the place. Seeing Wang Xing's handsome appearance, he couldn't help cheering stand up.

……ask for flowers……

But Wu Yu didn't even move to cheer, but just looked at Wang Xing with wide eyes, while watching, while comparing Wang Xing and his bodyguard, who would be the best.

While comparing here, he saw the car suddenly stopped by the side of the road. Wu Yu was speechless immediately when he saw it. His bodyguard came at this time. Seeing his young master being knocked down to the ground, he immediately ran over. He hurriedly asked Wu Yu, "Is the young master alright?"

Wu Yu didn't speak, he got up and pulled up Leng Xiaodao, and asked, "How are you, Xiaodao?" It's too slow, all three of us are being bullied. You know that."


Seeing his young master's friends scolding him, the bodyguard felt very helpless. This is really a dumb person who can't tell the pain of eating coptis. After all, it was his young master who asked him not to follow. Now that something like this happened, it's fortunate that the young master is fine, otherwise I am afraid that I will be beaten to death by my boss.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." The bodyguard can only say this word, because it is wrong to say anything, and it is impossible not to say it.

Wu Yu knew that he was careless this time, so he said to the bodyguard: "Brother Zhao, don't do this, I did this wrong, and I won't let you leave casually in the future.

Leng Xiaodao knew that he shouldn't say that about others, so he stuck out his tongue and said to Brother Zhao: "Sorry, I was too anxious, I apologize to you."

Brother Zhao saw the young master and his friends saying sorry at the same time, he was a little excited for a while, he waved his hands again and again, not knowing what to say, his eyes saw the strong men on the ground, he was amazed at Wang Xing's star-studded fight, and then he was amazed The beast grabbed a strong man and asked, "Who sent you? Honestly, if you lie to me, I'll let you go back with your arms."

"Hmph, I don't know how to say it. If you have the ability, you kill me." The strong man looked fearless.

"Huh?" Brother Zhao frowned, thinking that the crime of murder in this year is unbearable, so he was about to let him go and ask another question.

"Brother Zhao, let me come." Wang Xing motioned to Brother Zhao, and Brother Zhao nodded, and stood up the strong man to six. .

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