Thinking of Wang Xing's wonderful performance just now, and the few teeth he lost just now, this strong man immediately became a little wilted. He sometimes looked at Brother Zhao behind him, and sometimes looked at Wang Xing in front of him, and tremblingly said: "What are you doing? This is a civilized place."

Wang Xing smiled at him, then stretched out his fist to light up in front of his eyes, and said: "I'll give you another chance, tell me who sent you here, and let you go immediately if you tell me, if you don't tell me, I will let you go." This punch the size of a sandbag will kill you at least half of your life."

Just when the brawny man who was erected looked at Wang Xing's fist and was about to close his eyes and prepare to resist, a brawny man on the ground suddenly said, "I, after what I said, you must let go!" I'm going."

Hearing this, the brawny man who was erected immediately said anxiously; ""Four Eight Three" Hu San, you dare to talk too much, be careful that the boss will go back and kill you." When he heard his boss, the guy named Hu San Immediately dare not make a sound.

Wang Xing saw that the feeling guy was the head of these guys, so he said to Brother Zhao: "Brother Zhao, please take him to a secluded place, it seems that he won't say anything if he doesn't take a big punishment. "

Brother Zhao nodded, looked around, and found that there was an underground parking lot under construction, so he said to Wang Xing; "I think it's a good place. Today, the workers are off work, and the cameras are not turned on. How can you go in there?" No one saw it either."

"Wonderful! Let's go." Before Wang Xing could speak, Leng Xiaodao spoke beside him, and then walked to the underground parking lot first.

Wu Yu was also very interested in looking at it. He waved to Brother Zhao, and everyone walked down together. Who knew that they were about to reach the parking lot when they were crying. :'Okay, okay, gentlemen, I say, I say. You let me go, I say it all. '

Hearing this, Wang Xing nodded, and Brother Zhao loosened him. The strong man felt a little more comfortable, panted and said: "We were hired by Boss Zhou temporarily, and each of us will give you a hand. A few hundred dollars is just to let the little brother named Wu Yu know that he can't touch the little girl Mr. Boss Zhou likes. The rest is nothing."

"Is that all?" Wang Xing felt that this guy didn't tell the truth, at least he didn't tell the whole thing.

The strong man thought for a while, nodded and replied: "That's it, it's gone."

"Looks like it still needs to be repaired." Wang Xing stood up, meaning to continue to the underground parking lot. Seeing that they were not easy to deceive, the strong man repeatedly begged for mercy: "Okay, I'm telling the truth, I'll tell you everything."

So the brawny man told Wang Xing and the others the true meaning of his boss. Hearing that if Wu Yu pestered Hu Luoluo any more, he would disappear. Wu Yu was very angry and went up to beat the brawny man. He slapped his face and said: "That bastard dares, does he think I'm scared of you? Go back and tell him that this matter is endless. If he makes a move, I will accept it. If you don't want me to be with Luoluo, then let me He came to tell me in person." The strong man was beaten by Wu Yu, but he didn't dare to say anything, he just looked at Wang Xing, thinking how they would punish him later.

Wang Xing and the big guys made a calculation, and then decided to release these strong men, and then went back to Wu Yu's home to make a calculation.

Wu Yu went back to the car and told everyone how he met Hu Luoluo. He was another guy who was like a follower. At first, Wu Yu didn't care, but later he found out that this guy used various methods to prevent him from getting along with Hu Luoluo. Hu Luoluo, and even used his father's people to directly beat Wu Yu into what he is now.

"It's amazing. You actually want to get rid of you because of a girl. This only happens in movies. Wu Yu, you have to pay attention to "Your father only has you as a son." Leng Xiaodao said carelessly.

Wu Yu was Wu Yu for a while, but he still said to everyone: "Don't worry, I have Brother Zhao, but if I tell my father about this, I don't know how he will react."

Wang Xing thought for a while and said: "You must tell your father about this matter, firstly to let him make up his mind, and also to remind your father to be more careful. How is this kind of thing possible?" It will happen too."

Hearing Wang Xing's analysis, everyone felt that it was very reasonable, and they went to Wu Yu's home after chatting.

At this time, Wu Yu's father went to the company for a meeting, and Wu Yu's mother entertained several people at home. Wu Yu first told her about the matter and told her to be careful, which made her very worried about Wu Yu's safety... . . .

"Otherwise, Xiaoyu, don't go out, how about letting your dad deal with this matter?" Wu Yu's mother said worriedly with a worried face.

"No, this kind of thing should be faced bravely, for my happiness." Wu Yu comforted his mother with a smile, and then said: 'Mom, I'm hungry. "

So Wu Yu's mother ordered someone to cook a table full of dishes, and the three of Wang Xing were full. Just after eating, Wu Yu's father came, and while the old man was drinking tea, Wu Yu told the story. , Originally thought that the old man would reprimand Wu Yu, but unexpectedly, the old man smiled and said to Wu Yu: "You kid, it's right to do this, like a man, I know about this, I will call two Personally follow yours, don't worry, although there are only three of you, the three of them can defeat a team in a very short time. As for Boss Zhou's business, I will handle it. Remember, the girl you like is Don't be afraid to start chasing, or you will definitely regret it." Wu Yu nodded vigorously after listening to his father's words.

Then Wu Yu remembered the matter of Wang Xing again, and wanted to ask his father to arrange a job for him. Wu Yu 1.7 Dad thought about it, and said to Wang Xing that there is a hotel that needs a manager, and Wang Xing can give it a try.

Wang Xing thought for a while and told Mr. Wu that he had no experience and should start from the bottom. Mr. Wu smiled and looked at Wu Yu and said: "You have found a good friend, very reasonable." Then he continued: "After you get there, you only need to assist the management staff. It is not difficult to find experience slowly. made."

Seeing Mr. Wu's trusting eyes, Wang Xing nodded, and then agreed. Then, Mr. Wu told Wang Xing the address of the hotel, saying that he only needs to go there tomorrow, and he will tell the people there about everything.

Wang Xing expressed his gratitude, and said that he finally had a place to eat and sleep. Wu Yu and Leng Xiaodao were also very happy for him, and agreed to play games together after work. .

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