Football Kung Fu Player

【263】Hummer To Pick Up

Wang Xing still understands this very well, so he connected the network cable in threes, fives and twos, took the tape and pasted it, and then connected it to the computer, and the network was connected immediately.

"Manager Pang, alright, let's see how it goes." Wang Xing stepped aside, and then suddenly saw the game on Manager Pang's computer, and said pleasantly, "Manager Pang also plays chicken. "

Manager Pang nodded, and after hearing what Wang Xing said, he knew that he must also play, so he said to Wang Xing; "Why do you also play?"

‘Yeah, but I’ve been playing with others recently, and I’m not very familiar with the routines in it. ’ Wang Xing said with some embarrassment.

"It's okay, I can take you with me when I'm free. Although I can't eat chicken by myself, it's not uncommon to reach the final circle." Manager Pang smiled at Wang Xing, Wang Xing At first glance, I feel that Manager Pang's smile is actually very simple and honest.

Seeing that Manager Pang's network cable has been repaired, remembering the agreement with Leng Xiaodao and the others, he hastily bid farewell to Manager Pang, saying that there are still people waiting for him.

"If you don't stay, I'll treat you to dinner." Manager Pang said with a smile.

"No, no, in a few days, I invite you to have colleagues." Wang Xing said to the manager next to him with a smile, then waved his hand and left, walked outside the door, Manager Pang told Wang Xing: "Close the glass door outside Just take it with you, there is a camera, and you won’t be afraid of people coming in.”

Wang Xing replied: "Got it!"

Then he walked out of the fortune, closed the glass door according to Manager Pang's instructions, and then took a taxi to the hospital entrance. According to the agreement with Leng Xiaodao, the meeting between them will be outside the hospital.

The car soon arrived at the gate of the hospital. In the car, Wang Xing saw Leng Xiaodao's exaggerated walking posture. Wang Xing got out of the car and found that besides Leng Xiaodao, Zhou Yu's girl was already waiting. Wang Xing got out of the car, Zhou Yu waved - waved at him, and then smiled.

Wang Xing was just about to go up to talk to her, when suddenly a stretched Hummer drove towards the hospital with a loud song, the lights on the front of the car were so dazzling that everyone could only subconsciously block them.

Soon, the extended version of the Hummer heard the entrance of the hospital. When he arrived at the entrance of the hospital, he saw a girl coming down from it. Just Hu Luoluo, you can call me Luoluo, Wu Yu is waiting for you at the hotel, so let me pick you up."

"Oh, you are Hu Luoluo, you are really good-looking, and it's not in vain that Wu Yu desperately wants to be with you." Leng Xiaodao looked at her with a smile and said.

Hu Luoluo also smiled and said to Leng Xiaodao: "I guess you must be Xiaodao. Wu Yu said that you talk the most... the funniest."

"Oh, that's what he said about me." Leng Xiaodao was the first to get into the car with a smile, and then he heard a shout: "It's so big, wow!"

Seeing Leng Xiaodao entering the car, Wang Xing also nodded to Hu Luoluo, and then entered the car, Zhou Yu reached out to shake Hu Luoluo's hand, and then said: "My name is Zhou Yu, and I am a nurse in this hospital. Nice to meet you .”

"Ah, I know, you are the girlfriend of this handsome guy who just got in the car, Wu Yu also said that." Hu Luoluo said directly.

"No, don't listen to what you say, it's nothing." Zhou Yu strongly denied it, but couldn't help but look at Wang Xing.

When the three of them got into the car, Hu Luoluo also came up. After the door was closed, the car moved forward, turned a few turns and got on the busiest avenue.

The car was very stable. In order to ease the atmosphere, Hu Luoluo took out a bottle of red wine from the car and poured a glass for everyone. After pouring it, Hu Luoluo turned on the car video equipment. After a while, he saw The appearance of Wu Yu appeared, Wu Yu saw the jewelry opened, he greeted everyone, and then said where he was, and had prepared a lot of dishes for everyone, and finally did not forget to say who his girlfriend is Pretty.

Leng Xiaodao made a disdainful gesture at Wu Yu, and then Wu Yu pretended not to see, but still made a face at Xiaodao. Just like that, in the video between Wu Yu and everyone, the car has arrived at the place.

This is a place by the sea, the building is not high, but it is extremely tasteful, the extended Hummer parked to the side, Hu Luoluo opened the doors for a few people first, and then led the way in front.

………ask for flowers…

Passing a secluded path planted with tropical plants on both sides, and then came to a huge platform, a huge glass building appeared in front of my eyes. At the beginning, the glass building was dark and hard to see clearly, but after a few people walked forward After walking for a while, the glass building suddenly lit up, immediately showing its splendor.

Lights of various colors complement each other, illuminating the road in front of everyone, and in the middle of the building, Wu Yu is sitting on a sofa, waving at this kind of person, Wang Xing saw that on the other side of the building is the sea, looking at the building At least half of the height is on the bottom of the sea, which not only made him wonder if he could see the world under the sea in this glass building.

"Please come in." Hu Luoluo greeted everyone by the door, Wang Xing walked in, Zhou Yu followed him, and walked to a place near the sea. As expected, there was a huge glass screen, and behind the glass was a colorful underwater world .

Under the illumination of the lights, there are some phototropic underwater creatures and light rain wandering nearby, Zhou Yu couldn't help but said, "It's so beautiful, it would be great if I could swim in the sea.

"Can you swim?" Wang Xing asked Zhou Yu.

"Look underestimated. I grew up by the sea. Swimming is not a trivial matter." Zhou Yu made a face at Wang Xing, and the city questioned the owner in confusion: "You can't do it, can you?"

Wang Xing wanted to laugh when he heard it, and thought that he was a sports champion anyway, and swimming was not easy, but he decided to lie to her and looked into her eyes with a smile and said, "I don't know what to do." ?”

"I'll just teach you." Zhou Yu said directly, but soon, she felt something and said hurriedly: "Oh, I don't care."

"Pfft!" Wang Xing smiled, and then stopped talking.

Seeing that everyone was coming, Wu Yu stood up and called everyone to come to their seats, then opened a large bottle of foreign wine and poured it for everyone in turn, then raised the glass and said: "Come on, for my friends, everyone cheers .”

Everyone happily raised their glasses and said in unison: "Cheers."

Wang Xing took a sip, felt that the taste was a bit strange, and thought that maybe foreign wine tasted like this, so he took a few more sips. .

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